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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I recently got a ticket in the mail from Lamphun for doing 128 km/hr in a 80 km/hr zone (Hwy 11) with a photo of my license plate. Instructions to either pay at Lamphun Police station or at any Post Office which incl. giving self address envelope for receipt. Got the receipt back in just days. So efficient and modern I was impressed.

    As for the topic at hand I have an old motorbike with sidecar that my kids ride around our farm and occasionally we will use in our village for fun but every year I take sidecar off to get tax stamp at local station. They said I can take it to the dept of motor vehicles and change book but since it would take 1 1/2 hr each way I find it easier just to take off sidecar. It's one of the nice things about living here, one can make his own choices in the little things in life, and yes if the police ticketed me I'd pay without any fuss.

    You might be old son, but I'm not. You should be fined many tens of thousands of baht, have your license taken away and possibly be locked up. 48k/hr over the limit is bordering on reckless behaviour.

    I might be old but then again I might not be or in other words I have no idea what your saying.

    Doing 79 mph on a super hiway is speeding but not reckless driving on a nice dry weekend afternoon with little traffic and not around any densely inhabited area in my opinion. I broke the law and payed the price. As I said that's why I like living here and if I was back home where it could have cost a lot due to adding points to my driving record etc and I might have not taken the risk. Tens of thousands of baht and loose my license and maybe go to jail??? Where are you from that you are in such a nanny state of mind. Only responding to what I consider a rather ridiculous post is to see if you are just taking a mickey and if not give you a chance to explain as to not make yourself look so over the top.

    Where was this crazy 80kph limit? 48kph over an 80kph limit does sound really bad, but sometimes the law is a complete a$$. There are signs for 90kph on hwy11 south of Makro, CM, and there's often a speed camera under the flyover by the traffic police hq (lazy buggers). I often wonder why they rarely post speed limit signs on Thai roads, especially as no one knows the rules facepalm.gif

    a$ and another $ gets "deleted" &lt;deleted&gt; and so does wt*

    • Like 1
  2. The original thread focused on running a bar rather than on the bar itself. It is common knowledge that nearly all these bars operate in a similar manner with free lance consultants and no employees. The other day there was some great cage fighting in the boxing ring there. The bar seems to be doing well.

    Are you the owner of pussycat bar? I'm sure you made a post in the "deleted" thread that sounded like you'd meant to use the sponsor's logon id. Apologies if you're not.

    TBH IDGAF about bars on LK, not been down that area in 14 years. I gotta life wife wink.png

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  3. I think anyone who has seen the state of ome of the supposed ambulances here would realise a dedicated air ambulance won't happen, though the police/army helicopters we see flying around at times may be able to do a job getting people to hospitals.

    Anyone falling and breaking bones up in the mountains would be very grateful they can avoid the comfort of a pick up truck swinging around mountain roads on the way to hospital.

    The only way out from where I hike is to be carried out on a stretcher. But as there's no phone signal & I usually hike alone, I'll be long gone before they find me...

  4. Its pointless surely. My guess is they have seen western designed hospitals with H on the roof and think its a decorative feature.

    Can you really see a copter landing on a superhighway, winching a man down Doi Suthep or airlifting the next high rise jump candidate.


    There is a helipad on Doi Suthep with room for three helicopters to land, it is just a little past the temple on the left.

    I don't think that helipad is for us "mere mortals" in case we twist an ankle or two, hiking on the mountain. They're for the the occupants of the big house just a bit further up the hill, right hand sidel...

    • Like 1
  5. Can't find all the data, so a summary:

    Year to date, we're 334mm, against 375 average YTD by the end of June. I remember the stats being quite similar last year.

    Northern north Thai provinces:

    ...........................This YTD...........Ave YTD

    Chiang Mai.............334...................375


    Mae Hongson.........309...................430

    Chiang Rai.............335...................545




    We are currently behind, as we were last year. However, the rainy season has a long way to go with over a metre of rain in an average year.

    Well, on our plot of land, we seem to be above average. South of SK, normally a rain shadow compared to the rest of the valley. Not this year. Also, I see a lot of heavy low cloud on the mountains east & north east of CM, which I interpret as rain.

  6. Bless me father for I have sinned........ I have been part of a lazy bunch that let this most sacred of threads go so long without a post.

    and because of this we have had very little rain , well into the supposed rainy season.

    Com'on guys and girls...... we have to placate the gods and do some type of rain dance or something..... The reservoirs are never going to be filled at this rate.

    I went looking for this post in memory or Gotlost....... hoo dunn got lossssed

    Com'on RAIN

    It took a search to find this on thread all the way back to page 92 ! ! !

    SE of city, only 2 days (including today) since heavy rain. Most days, garden getting a thorough soaking. I class this as an above average wet season so far biggrin.png

  7. I was in the same predicament a couple of months back and having tried all sorts of vehicles opted for the Mazda CX5 Diesel. O.k. expensive at 1.67mthb (including first year tax and insurance, window film,rubber mats, weather cover and a 500thb fuel voucher)but a great vehicle; fast, economic and comfortable as it is car rather than pick-up based. The only real downside is the lack of choice of colour for the interior. As Henry Ford said all those years ago you can have any colour you want as long as it is black. Fuel consumption is excellent, I am averaging 6.3l per 100km and this is a consideration if, as rumoured diesel prices are to increase to around 40thb per litre.

    can you imagine what would happen overnight to the economy if diesel went to 40 baht?

    Can you say 5-10% inflation. It won't happen.

    Actually, if you look at countries with high fuerel tax and prices they often have large increases in fuel costs which the economy absorbs. If they tried it overnight then you might get civil unrest, but it would only bring it to the level of gasoline which people already pay without complaining.

    Everything we buy is delivered by road and the costs include the price of diesel...however fuel costs are only a percentage of the total cost of transportation so a 30% rise in th cost of diesel would be dissipated to a far lower increase by the time it had gone into the system.

    Except that TiT, and a big fuel increase would be used as an excuse to significantly raise prices of all goods delivered by road, regardless that shipping costs are only a small % of total costs...

  8. What model is your BT-50.

    Top model 2.2l manual. I've asked for the airbags, to no avail. Other than that all included, ABS, also all leather. Doesn't make sense to me, that there are no airbags available. The reverse sensors I added myself, really helpful.

    So no airbags at all, not even front bags for the driver and passenger ?

    Thats weird as we have a few 2.2 Manual BT-50's here at work and they all have airbags.

    Are they the Hi-racer model?

  9. Did you get airbags in yours? My 2.2l manual does not have any.

    When I looked at the BT-50 2 years ago, the hi-racer 2.2 manual was very basic. No ABS, no airbags. The auto version had everything - similar to Ford Wildtrak 2.2. Even reverse sensors. The manual version was much cheaper, even quite a bit cheaper than the Ford equivalent....

  10. I don't want to derail the thread, but any reason why you don't just bury pets in the backyard when they die?

    try digging up a yard,i wouldn't want my boy to be buried in the garden so all the worms can feast on him.he will be cremated and his ashes will take pride of place in our[his] home.but my wish is I go before him.

    Only one of our dogs has died so far. Fortunately he died in the wet season, so burying a GSD in the orchard was easy. When my youngest son who never met him asks where "Rasso" is, I point to the trees around his grave and tell him, "he helped the trees grow".

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