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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. "Mr Ratanapol Bunraem, admitted that he drove at high speed and did not see them as it was a curve there."

    Sounds like admitting wrong doing to me. Vehicular manslaughter might be appropriate charge. "Did not see them" means he was not driving appropriately for the situation. Open and shut case in countries with traffic laws, I would think.

    I wonder how dark the film on his windscreen was...

    • Like 2
  2. I wasn't expecting any problems, but you never know in the current climate.  They can ask you to show sufficient funds (20,000).  Also they might argue that multiple entry means leaving the country for a while & coming back after a period of time, not coming back after a few minutes.

  3. Drove up there today to get the last 90 days before my non-O visa expires.  No problems whatsoever getting stamped out or back in.  No need to show 20,000 baht (I had it just in case, never before).


    I didn't see any foreigners (excluding Burmese) crossing the border.


    The market on the Thai side was VERY quiet, even very few Thais.  



    Last trip up there for the a while - booked my extension at CNX immigration for 2 months time....

  4. I think Chiang Mai has more DIY superstores than coffee shops. And there's another one opening soon on superhighway, just south of Isuzu dealer, a couple of km south of Makro.

    MG you mean Nana Screw....

  5. now even the waste has to go on wheels to god knows where to be wasted?

    isn't there enough fossil fuel burnt already?

    why not start your own compost where ever you are.and later use it for farming there ?

    if you don't understand the concept ask the guy from pun pun or just google responsible organic farming or something like it.

    Trouble here is, everything grows so fast, no way I could compost all the vegetation I cut down from my small garden every month.

    We end up filling the truck and finding some wasteland. Beats burning it which my neighbours do.

    We have nearly 3 rai of garden / orchard. No problem composting the waste, with very little effort. I agree it grows very fast. The problem is not in the composting, but the cutting, & cutting, & cutting...............

  6. It is astonishing that no one seems to have anything substantive to say! What's with all the irrelevant discussion of the new American health care scheme and all the personal comments?

    There's evidently a health insurance problem for many foreigners in Chiang Mai if the popularity of the short-lived inexpensive 30 bhat scheme in Chiang Mai was any indication. So, what should be done?

    Allow non working foreigners to join the "social security" that working folk pay into? And, while they're at it, allow non working Thais to contribute.

  7. I hate (scared of ) spiders. Can of mossie spray sorts them out in the house. Beaten a very large camel spider to death with 2 kg hammer in front of my tent in Yemen many years ago. Cycling in the jungle here, golden orb spiders across my path freak me out, bike down, lots of cursing by me. I don't like spiders.....

  8. Thanks for all the replies, didn't expect so many!!

    I'll go for the 1pm session, get there about midday. A much more pleasant place to be in than the pitiful CM immigration zoo - not just the size, but the staff are way friendlier and more helpful.

    Guess its because its built by Thais for Thais tongue.png

    Probably very silly question, but since they seem to need photocopies of everything, there's a photocopier there right?

    There was 4 years ago - far left corner of ground floor, if you enter from main entrance.

    do please report back how you go on. probably all changed by the time I go next year.....

  9. I wonder how much action this thread would have seen had it been more accurately titled "traffic cops checking licenses and issuing tickets to unlicensed drivers".

    OP probably read too many Nation headlines in the Thai news form whistling.gif

    Or the "fires raging in BKK & CM" in our news & events forum w00t.gif

  10. Couple of weeks ago got pulled at 11pm checkpoint very close to Promenada.

    I was driving the bike and wife had gone ahead in the car. ( coming back from an exuberant night in Chiangmai Land--- They happen also. )

    She stopped at the CP to wait for me and when I came round the corner I fell off when the cop stepped into the road.

    Drunk as a lord on a friday night and the cops picked me up and made sure I got home safe.

    Hope this does not hurt the sanctimonious amongst us.

    Thank you RTP.

    But, there might have been innocent children playing in the road w00t.gif

  11. Chiang Mai is well behind on monthly average rainfall but looks more promising next few days with large system over Laos.

    Average figures quoted on weather sites are meaningless unless you live close to the measuring site. Up until a week ago, where I live was very wet, probably same for WG.

  12. I think I screwed things up when I recently posted in the "rain" thread that as far as I was concerned it was wetter than average so far, despite stats saying different. Not a drop since sad.png

    Sure need some rain, as the local farmers are having a burning frenzy, preparing their fields for the next rice planting. Windows closed, & "when can we go outside to take care of our land without a respirator?" bah.gif

  13. Hey ME I just pulled out the ticket and it was in a 90 km/hr zone (opps sorry) on Superhiway somewhere on the drive from Koh Samui to CM (I think once we got back to dry land on the mainland smile.png ). I think it was Lamphun but this old guy sometimes confuses Lamphun with Lampang and even forgets what numbers I read on a speeding ticket.

    I wonder what the threshold is for getting busted? 90kph is still too low, and everyone would get a fine. 128kph is quite high - the max on the BKK ringroad is 120...

    btw, you ain't old......

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