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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Dante99,

    Grabage is everywhere...open fields, roadsides, by ponds, by lake and canals, in villages, in back lots, you name it...

    It's terrible and a disgrace..not proud of their environment at all. If it was one part of town or a specific type of garbage, but it is isn't...

    Yard waste, construction waste, regular trash, litter everywhere especially plastic....What city/province policies do they have about plastic reduction? Yet to be asked about by a 7-11 clerk if you need a bag. It's automatic for them yet 7-11 totes their waste reduction efforts and clerks asking you if you need a bag...

    Whereever there have people or people have access, there is dumping and garbage...

    I don't get this comparison of 20 years ago...always a good excuse to hide behind....

    The attitude towards unregualed or regulated garbage is apathy. Almost zero effective effort in shopping center recycling. Look nside any pulic recycling bin (if you can find one) and it's full of garbage...

    Show me the strides that they have made in waste management?..Show me any moobaan with an effective recyling/waste reduction program that could be used as a model?

    Just a piss poor efffort out there. All one sees is a bunch of guys on a garbage truck sorting by hand b/c home owners, business owners are just too lazy to do source reduction and separatiion at the point of gewneration...

    They advetised about a big recycling program at 3 monuments a few years back and it was a joke....

    All these moobanns recently have tried to jump on the green movement by putting environmentism in ther names by it's all show and no substance. Go ask their mgt to describe their enviromental or recycling programs or what green building materials or energy conservation programs they have in place? How many water resistent gardens do you see being put in by the builders? Grass continues to be their mainstay....

    Very little change in attitudes and behaviors in my ten years in CM other than latching on to "green marketing"...

    The savengers have always been around but driven by pure micro economic reasons...

    If I observed a meaningful program or practices, I would say so. It's still 3rd world attitude and behavior...

    And we didn't even address regulated wastes....


    I certainly do not find garbage "everywhere".

    I travel some small roads in San Sai and find the roadsides clean, fields and villages clean. Most village people in that area recycle their plastic, glass, paper and metal sand there is certainly not dumping everywhere people have access.

    So your repeated statement "everywhere" is simply not true.

    There are a lot of recycling business in all parts of the province making money.

    I agree with CB. Dead end lanes leading to fields are a usual favourite for dumping. Irrigation canals, around irrigation ponds etc etc. If you get off the beaten path you will find tons of garbage. More noticeable when you cycle sad.png

    Head up Doi Suthep to the temple & Ban Doi Pui village. Garbage just dumped in the jungle sad.png

  2. I for one find the heavy presence of armed soldiers in full battle dress with their lorries etc - not just at the moat - offensive or at the least, off-putting.

    I grew up on a military base, so I hardly notice them.

    The first few days with no TV and all the restaurants closing early really sucked, but now things are hunky dory.

    Can Ziggy play guitar, yet?

  3. Still trying to see a soldier, where I live in Ban Phai.

    Beer places, are open all night.

    Youngsters are only annoyed, with 7/11 closed at 12:00

    People used to go to bed, earlier than the curfew, and they still do.

    TV, still running, so I have something to do.

    The dogs are still barking and howling outside.

    Wish there was a curfew for them.

    Silk, business is doing the same, you got the usual tourists buses, blocking the roads.

    One thing has changed.......my wife tells me (she is an ER nurse) that because of the curfew there are less accidents during the night........so she can get some sleep.........


    Ban Phai???

    Somewhere beyond the borders of the Kingdom of Lanna. Abroad....

  4. San Kamphaeng. east of Chiang Mai. The last 2 nights we've had incredible storms. Very, very heavy rain. Hurricane strength winds blowing from all directions, thunder, lightning. Serious stuff. So far tonight nothing smile.png

    In the last few years there seems to have been an increase in the severity of small storm cells that wreak havoc over a small path. Major damage to mature trees (12+ metres in height).

  5. Quite often deliberate,

    If you park outside a bar in LK, then go to the bar next door, the girls from the first bar will sometimes push items into your rear tire, for a lark.

    Multiple punctures is a dead give away for this little game.

    Think back, who did you annoy?

    I thought keys were for scratching paintwork bah.gif

  6. You'd get a bit of a shock if you rounded the corner at speed and that appeared in front of you.

    Not much different than the shock of coming face to face with the usual tourbus/minibus/dump truck/pickup/SUV or whatever on the wrong side of the road.....

    btw that photo is damage from the original quake, not today's mini tremors.[/quot

    It does say on the photo 'archive'.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Well spotted. At least the report showed a photo from Chiang Rai, rather than earthquake damage from a previous quake in Burma that was used after the Chiang Rai quake.

  7. Make your own out of bamboo or papier mache.

    Or, better still, find a local business selling bamboo products (split bamboo fencing etc) & have them make you a bamboo ladder. I had a 7 meter ladder made a few years ago, for some tree pruning. Wobbly & heavy. Once job finished, cut it in 2 for more manageable ladders. Cost 200 baht including delivery. If I'd been more quick thinking when they delivered it, I would've had them stand it up where I needed it. 4m should be easier to erect....

    Something tells me this wouldn't even be rated as an ANSI Type 3 ladder.

    Wouldn't know, I weigh far less than 200lb.

    When new, the ladders were very strong. Wobbly the wrong word, but they did flex a bit in the middle. At 200 baht I considered them "disposable" ladders. Now own 2x15 feet extendable aluminium ladders.

  8. Make your own out of bamboo or papier mache.

    Or, better still, find a local business selling bamboo products (split bamboo fencing etc) & have them make you a bamboo ladder. I had a 7 meter ladder made a few years ago, for some tree pruning. Wobbly & heavy. Once job finished, cut it in 2 for more manageable ladders. Cost 200 baht including delivery. If I'd been more quick thinking when they delivered it, I would've had them stand it up where I needed it. 4m should be easier to erect....

    • Like 2
  9. If you missed Thermae I, you missed a legend, it's akin to flying into Kai Tak.

    Apparently so. But I've trekked over deep snow covered high altitude passes in Zanskar, dodged a scud missile landing a few hundred metres from my house in saudi, sat on top of a train in Ecuador descending through the Andes, & spent many a night in Nice Illusion here in Chiang Mai. Life hasn't been too dull. Almost forgot to mention evenings in Mad Dog bar w00t.gif

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  10. The important things to note are that the fairy tales being told in this thread are not true, aka, construction is less than 4.3% of GDP and of course nowhere near the 40+% mentioned earlier. It's also fair to say that tourism is closer to 12% rather than the 90% of GDP as foreseen in the wet dreams of many facepalm.gif.

    But the obvious good points are that such a high percentage of GDP (38%) is derived from manufacturing whilst employing a relatively low percentage of the population (14%), that means there's a huge amount of headroom for growth. The other interesting point is that the agriculture stats are the exact opposite, 8% of GDP but utilizing almost 40% of the work force - ample evidence there why the rice scheme was a vote getter.

    Bad points: retail growth of 1% of GDP seems to utilize a corresponding 1% of the population, a nation of shop keepers perhaps, perhaps accounts for some of the growth/explosion of shopping malls recently. Trouble is, shop keepers don't make or grow stuff so that's a short lived strategy, I reckon.

    Be interesting to see what other people think of those numbers, tourism and construction dreams notwithstanding!!!

    Driving around Chiang mai you'd be excused for believing construction was 90% of GDP sad.png

    (not being serious....)

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