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31 July - The Solar System

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For all you astronomers out there.

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62 Players

  1. 31
    40% in 00:00:52 cdemundo
    08/02/2024 07:57 AM

    40% in 00:00:52
  2. 32
    40% in 00:00:53 radiochaser
    08/08/2024 11:34 AM

    40% in 00:00:53
  3. 33
    40% in 00:00:54 PeterA
    08/18/2024 03:43 AM

    40% in 00:00:54
  4. 34
    40% in 00:00:54 Thairab
    08/21/2024 01:38 AM

    40% in 00:00:54
  5. 35
    40% in 00:00:56 Sheryl
    07/31/2024 05:12 PM

    40% in 00:00:56
  6. 36
    40% in 00:00:57 nobodysfriend
    08/01/2024 04:58 AM

    40% in 00:00:57
  7. 37
    40% in 00:01:03 Hummin
    07/31/2024 05:23 PM

    40% in 00:01:03
  8. 38
    40% in 00:01:20 sirineou
    08/09/2024 05:47 AM

    40% in 00:01:20
  9. 39
    Golden Triangle
    40% in 00:01:25 Golden Triangle
    08/09/2024 05:43 AM

    40% in 00:01:25
  10. 40
    Evil Penevil
    40% in 00:01:44 Evil Penevil
    08/01/2024 02:10 PM

    40% in 00:01:44

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Wasted a few seconds on each question scrolling down the page to get from progress bar to the actual question. I suppose I could reduce the zoom level of the page but ... How about put question first, progress bar below so that the  question is the first thing you see.


I usually do well at science/natural history/ geography type quizzes but don't even attempt sports or arts orientated ones.

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This quiz had an incorrect answer. The question was which planet has the most moons. The stated answer was Jupiter, which is wrong. Saturn, by far, has the most moons of any planet in our solar system. Here is the link to provide proof: https://www.google.com/search?q=which+planet+has+most+moons&rlz=1C1GCEA_enTH1030TH1030&oq=Which+planet+has+most+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDYyODZqMGo0qAIAsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 

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