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Damning statistics - only 13% of Thai rapes end in convictions, report


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4 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Unfortunately it actually has a lot of truth in it. As I posted earlier a lot of Thai English-Language literature references rape and domestic sexual abuse, often the victim feels obligated to marry or falls in love with the perpetrator.


It is also evidenced frequently on Thai TV, with rape romance being a prominent plot-line on Thai soap operas. 


You should try reading some Pira Sudham or other local authors that write in the English language. It will teach you more about the country and you can respond with a bit more dignity and authority rather that just ill-informed reactionary abuse.


Here is some evidence for you: 


In Thai soap operas, rape is routinely depicted as a precursor to romance, with female protagonists shown falling in love with their rapists. http://sea-globe.com/rape-scenes-thai-soap-operas/


Public Anger Is Growing At How Thailand’s TV Shows Glorify Rape: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/thailand-rape-soap-operas_us_582c733fe4b01d8a014b800e


I love you, I rape you: The strange relationship between love, rape, and Thai TV: https://coconuts.co/bangkok/features/love-rape-strange-relationship-love-rape-thai-tv/


And so on and so on. I think you get the picture. 



How does your theory account for Thailand having twice the conviction rate of the UK?


You might also want to read up here, before using words like "evidence":




Unsubstantiated opinion articles are not evidence, unless you can provide proof of direct correlation?.... I wont hold my breath on that one ;)


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21 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


How does your theory account for Thailand having twice the conviction rate of the UK?


You might also want to read up here, before using words like "evidence":




Unsubstantiated opinion articles are not evidence, unless you can provide proof of direct correlation?.... I wont hold my breath on that one ;)


some thai women are world class liars and cheaters. numer 2 outside of africa for cheating. And when they get caught cheating. they cry rape.

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21 hours ago, fdch said:

why this is strange?

when a thai wants to marry a woman who does not want him

he will rape her and hopes she will be pregnant

so no other thai wants her anymore, and he gets what he wants

this is a very old thai tradition, happened t o several women i know

It Is just Thai culture. After you live here awhile you just might understand It.

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21 minutes ago, maeab101 said:

Its a common fantasy, of most of the women in Thailand. To be raped. Thats a fact.

A FACT??????................. MOST WOMEN IN THAILAND??????............... Wake up man, you're dreaming.........

Facts have a source and documentation or other proof...........(Though you may believe it don't make it a fact)

This thread is about rapes in Thailand (although there are some other countries that compete with Thailand)...... Rape is a term generally referring to sex with only one partner 'freely' consenting, The other not desiring it...... therefore when women are coerced into sex, or are forced. or are 'drugged' they are not 'freely consenting'....... 

Do you 'actually believe' that 13%  of the women claiming rape were the only ones who were 'not consenting'??????   What about the other 87%????? They were all liars according to you???? Is that correct?????

You say --- Its a common fantasy........... That kinda implies that more are for it than against it, Or at least it is 'common place'......... Have you surveyed enough women to find this is so, or just your girl (Or are you still dreaming???)...........

 I have 30 plus years experience in Thailand as a 'butterfly' (a Thai wife (in the US) and Mia-noi--- both for the past 21years plus 100's of kiks thru the years and presently) and you think I am going to believe what you tell me about Thai women having fantasy about being raped??????? On that topic, I have had Thai women 'JOKINGLY'  talk about "they would like to be raped" by 'handsome guy or movie-star........ BUT even in those cases 'THEY' would have been 'consenting'...........

So....... Wake-up and smell the coffee............. LOL............

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9 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

A FACT??????................. MOST WOMEN IN THAILAND??????............... Wake up man, you're dreaming.........

Facts have a source and documentation or other proof...........(Though you may believe it don't make it a fact)

This thread is about rapes in Thailand (although there are some other countries that compete with Thailand)...... Rape is a term generally referring to sex with only one partner 'freely' consenting, The other not desiring it...... therefore when women are coerced into sex, or are forced. or are 'drugged' they are not 'freely consenting'....... 

Do you 'actually believe' that 13%  of the women claiming rape were the only ones who were 'not consenting'??????   What about the other 87%????? They were all liars according to you???? Is that correct?????

You say --- Its a common fantasy........... That kinda implies that more are for it than against it, Or at least it is 'common place'......... Have you surveyed enough women to find this is so, or just your girl (Or are you still dreaming???)...........

 I have 30 plus years experience in Thailand as a 'butterfly' (a Thai wife (in the US) and Mia-noi--- both for the past 21years plus 100's of kiks thru the years and presently) and you think I am going to believe what you tell me about Thai women having fantasy about being raped??????? On that topic, I have had Thai women 'JOKINGLY'  talk about "they would like to be raped" by 'handsome guy or movie-star........ BUT even in those cases 'THEY' would have been 'consenting'...........

So....... Wake-up and smell the coffee............. LOL............

Its a very common fantasy with women. As you well know.

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3 minutes ago, maeab101 said:

Its a very common fantasy with women. As you well know.

You are among the few or maybe the only one 'believing' that....... And that is you're 'right'......... 

As I am convinced oppositely.... Please let it die now and get on with the original post..........

I'm done..............

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35 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

What are you on about? 


I was responding the poster's allegation that the previous poster was being racist when he was 100% correct about Thai rape culture and rape romance and I have provided evidence to that effect. Anyone that has watched Thai soaps for more than 5 minutes or has an idea about Thai culture knows it to be correct also. 


I have never mentioned anything about UK conviction rates on this thread. 


Its not very complicated...


I believe your original premise was about fictional rape depictions in thai soap operas being somehow responsable for real rapes in thailand or as you put it: Thai rape culture?


I was merley asking you to explain the much higher incidents of rape in western countries(4 times higher in the US, 3 times higher in the UK) that have no such soap operas?


..& once more, unsubstantiated opinion articles are not evidence of anything.


Show me evidence of direct correlation or else you have nothing.

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I just copied this from the Huffington Post and it is very fitting to this post or topic, and it quotes the present 'THAI' PM 'General' as being in agreement with the Thai male attitude that RAPE is 'normal' by the male............            Take a look.............

Although it seems as though women are the only gender that are robbed of power through victim blaming, I believe men also experience a loss. This loss was publicly revealed by none other than Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha in September 2014. In response to the notorious murder of Briton Hannah Witheridge, he stated: “Tourists think that [they] can put on their bikinis and go anywhere they want. I ask, can you get away with wearing bikinis in Thailand?” In a later statement, he apologized, saying that he “just wanted to warn tourists that we have different traditions and they have to stay on their toes.”

Therein lies an interesting irony in the prime minister’s statement. Men seem to lack the power to control their unparalleled sexual needs. It is not necessarily “bikinis” or revealing clothes that rob men of their senses, but a subscription to victim-blaming. In order to prevent culpability, men are deemed incapable of controlling their sexual urges. In this chain of logic, men become reduced to beings that cannot fight a primal urge. The wider societal implication is men receiving the message that they are not expected to uphold responsibility because their lack of control over lust is anticipated and excused. In this way, I wonder if we are setting our Thai men up to fail.


The whole article is here....... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/thailand-rape-soap-operas_us_582c733fe4b01d8a014b800e

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9 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


Its not very complicated...


I believe your original premise was about fictional rape depictions in thai soap operas being somehow responsable for real rapes in thailand or as you put it: Thai rape culture?


I was merley asking you to explain the much higher incidents of rape in western countries(4 times higher in the US, 3 times higher in the UK) that have no such soap operas?


..& once more, unsubstantiated opinion articles are not evidence of anything.


Show me evidence of direct correlation or else you have nothing.

Where did you get these figures??????  

"higher incidents of rape in western countries(4 times higher in the US, 3 times higher in the UK"........

Recently made up???????    If there are such figures they are not 'per capita' (or in relation to the number of people in a country)........

I'm from the US and we don't have an alarming rate of rapes........ Per capita.........

BECAUSE in the US and MOST caring countries You pay 'BIG TIME' when you violate 'other's RIGHTS'.....

Rights might just mean a person's choice of what they choose to do or not to do -- in case you don't understand 'rights'.........

Not so in Thailand where even the Prime Minister says :

"Therein lies an interesting irony in the prime minister’s statement. Men seem to lack the power to control their unparalleled sexual needs. It is not necessarily “bikinis” or revealing clothes that rob men of their senses, but a subscription to victim-blaming. In order to prevent culpability, men are deemed incapable of controlling their sexual urges." Thailand and it's PM condone 'RAPE'.......  Just like Thai men using an excuse such as -- I was DRUNK..... "I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't DRUNK" and that seems to make it alright to many Thai men and acceptable by many MALE government officials and Police.........

Some here on the post seem to 'back-up' the Thai rational.....

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Ah this topic is getting better and better, unsure if it's about the deliberate talking past each other, wanting to make different points, strawmanning or whatever...


On another note, just to add some fuel. Someone explain why 50 Shades of Grey is one of the most sold books in history. Also, why it's predominately women who buy/read it.

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15 hours ago, The manic said:

Racist Rubbish and hate speech ...all too typical  of Thai visa forum members who seem allowed to preach their race hate filth with impunity. SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!

Agree. Many are just that. Recommend using 'ignore posts' option.


Hold mouse over their name - options will appear. 


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50 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

Where did you get these figures??????  

"higher incidents of rape in western countries(4 times higher in the US, 3 times higher in the UK"........

Recently made up???????    If there are such figures they are not 'per capita' (or in relation to the number of people in a country)........

I'm from the US and we don't have an alarming rate of rapes........ Per capita.........

BECAUSE in the US and MOST caring countries You pay 'BIG TIME' when you violate 'other's RIGHTS'.....

Rights might just mean a person's choice of what they choose to do or not to do -- in case you don't understand 'rights'.........

Not so in Thailand where even the Prime Minister says :

"Therein lies an interesting irony in the prime minister’s statement. Men seem to lack the power to control their unparalleled sexual needs. It is not necessarily “bikinis” or revealing clothes that rob men of their senses, but a subscription to victim-blaming. In order to prevent culpability, men are deemed incapable of controlling their sexual urges." Thailand and it's PM condone 'RAPE'.......  Just like Thai men using an excuse such as -- I was DRUNK..... "I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't DRUNK" and that seems to make it alright to many Thai men and acceptable by many MALE government officials and Police.........

Some here on the post seem to 'back-up' the Thai rational.....


It quite amazing you conclude my stats are not per capita without even knowing the source.


Its also amazing that you believe harsh US sentences deter criminals in the face of the fact the US has the largest prison population on the planet....following your logic US prisons should be empty.

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4 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


It quite amazing you conclude my stats are not per capita without even knowing the source.


Its also amazing that you believe harsh US sentences deter criminals in the face of the fact the US has the largest prison population on the planet....following your logic US prisons should be empty.

I subscribe to 'accuracy'.................... and you??????        The END...............

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46 minutes ago, wow64 said:

Good to know if you are gunna rape Thailand is the place for a good raping without conviction 

Unless by chance you are a 'Farang'............ and they see you as a 'money-tree'........ LOL.............

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47 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


You're twice as likley to not be convicted in the UK....compared to Thailand.


Thanks for the heads up.. will wait until I go to the UK then. 


Ticket is booked can't wait. 


Does it half again if it's a gang rape?



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5 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

Unless by chance you are a 'Farang'............ and they see you as a 'money-tree'........ LOL.............


Makes sense usually in the Thai Soaps they live happily ever after again together after a good raping. 


So I think if a well off farang rapes a Thai girl it's lucky for her that he can now support her. 

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On 9/5/2017 at 0:28 AM, Docno said:

Misleading headline. 2400 of 4000 reported cases ended in convictions. I don't know how that compares to other jurisdictions, but we don't know how many cases of the 4000 never made it to court because of lack of evidence or because the charges were unfounded (it does happen!). The number in the headline here is based on an estimate of unreported cases (only God knows how accurate that is!) and assumes all allegations of rape are true. 

Exactly. To say rapes not reported because of low conviction rate is a false assumption. The conviction rate in cases brought to court is about 60%. 

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On 9/5/2017 at 10:05 AM, LazySlipper said:


Lobotomies of most males would solve the problem.


That and castration. Where the hell do these horny fracks get their education?


Just happy I don't have a daughter here in Tland.



Whay part of the shriveled organ would you cut out? 

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Another reason why I despise the government and this pretend so called PM. Happiness to Nobody but himself.

All these police high ranked need to be removed. They can't be reformed. Retire all old judges. That's the problem. Also Mr PM retire yourself.

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On 9/5/2017 at 0:03 AM, hansnl said:

Before we all start bashing Thailand, please do some research about your own country, like some of us already did.

Very bad for your mental health, including finding out the false accusations and convictions.

I dont' bash Thailand, but my wife has made some comments that have given me pause - as if rape is basically legal in Thailand. Basically, a woman or girl alone shouldn't be alone in a lot of places - at night or where there are no witnesses.

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This sounds familiar.


Western feminist organisations cite 1 woman in 4 will be raped on US college campi but the 'statistics' have long been proven erroneous. 

4000 rapes per year? If many other rapes are unreported, how does anyone know about them? Hogwash!

In the west sexual assault and rape have dropped considerably since 2005 but one constantly hears the media discuss the rape epidemic or rape culture. I wonder how much of this is real and how much conjured to gain charitable endorsements for organisations promoting the lies?

The west is beginning to wake up now and several rape accusers have been convicted as well as college authorities being criticised for simply accepting the word of the accuser.


It is a serious problem that all people would like to see eradicated but making up statistics or blaming all men does not help anyone except the organisations who get government money to 'raise awareness' etc

Edited by RawboneFunksta
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