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Foreign Farang Attempts Suicide On Pattaya 2nd Road

libya 115

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Mobi, I have nothing to 'slang' at you. What you do is worthwhile, but I cant help but think that the people who kill themselves would do it anyway. perhaps over a large bill or bad news from a doctor. I say let them get on with it.

I have noticed that most of the Pattaya 'victims' are healthy males. Not people born with 1 leg or blind or some such other horror. It seems that losers kill themselves. The man who took some pills in public is a pathetic wuss. If he wanted to do it for real then there is a large sea off the coast of Thailand.

In my opinion those with real problems (disabled people) don't do themselves in. They live with it and do their best and should be helped and praised along the way. People who run out of money or fall out of love and try some stunt, then they deserve nothing more than a firm shake and be told to get a grip.

Spend your money on the victims of rape or some other nightmare that was not their fault.

bomber agrees with your comments.altough nobody seems to agree with mine.maybe i was a bit harsh with my comments.but still have to say the guys problems will have been self-inflickted.pattaya is not the place to go if your looking for sympathy.we all know

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He should have attempt suicide in his own country.

Have you ever asked for help, assistance or aid in even the smallest manner ever before?

I do not mean anything as final as taking your own life, just anything, anything at all.

Just curious. I would be interested to know.

Good Luck


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bomber agrees with your comments.altough nobody seems to agree with mine.maybe i was a bit harsh with my comments.but still have to say the guys problems will have been self-inflickted.pattaya is not the place to go if your looking for sympathy.we all know

No Kidding!

The guys problems have been self-inflickted ( sic ) jeees, how on earth do you know that.

Can't you grasp anything from what has been posted earlier.

It could be drink/drugs or any other self abuse but it could also be mental illness or a guy who is in the depths of despair at this time, the least that could be spared is a listening ear.

It might not work, but you know, it just might.

Shall I kick him while he is down or shall I give him something to listen to, without having to spend a single satang on his hospital bill.

Now which option would make you feel better?

Good Luck


Edited by Mossfinn
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Mobi, I have nothing to 'slang' at you. What you do is worthwhile, but I cant help but think that the people who kill themselves would do it anyway. perhaps over a large bill or bad news from a doctor. I say let them get on with it.

I have noticed that most of the Pattaya 'victims' are healthy males. Not people born with 1 leg or blind or some such other horror. It seems that losers kill themselves. The man who took some pills in public is a pathetic wuss. If he wanted to do it for real then there is a large sea off the coast of Thailand.

In my opinion those with real problems (disabled people) don't do themselves in. They live with it and do their best and should be helped and praised along the way. People who run out of money or fall out of love and try some stunt, then they deserve nothing more than a firm shake and be told to get a grip.

Spend your money on the victims of rape or some other nightmare that was not their fault.

Sorry, but decades of psychiatric research and hundreds of studies run contrary to your opinions.

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There is the possibility he has a mental illness but at the same time, one must realize that people (healthy and ill alike) come to Pattaya for one last hurrah before kicking off (naturally or self inflicted).

This recent story shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who regularly reads Pattaya news. Last month was the story of a Croatian woman successfully committing suicide in south Pattaya (not at all the 1st female farrang suicide here). It's ongoing and soon enough you will sadly read of another one. :D

Mr Pattaya Punter has a point.

No one should pass a judgement and feel that what they are presented with is the solid fact of the event.

I love Pattaya.

Or should I say ,I love the crack that Pattaya has.

If I was thinking of drinking loads of strong medicine and falling asleep on the pavement,I,ld probably do it in Pattaya.

I would,nt think of doing it in Manilla(for example)

craic :o

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It's not much good having counseling services, welfare groups, crisis centres etc. if the troubled person doesn't seek their assistance.

When a troubled person is in such a state of mind that he seriously intends to commit suicide, only physical intervention can stop him.

If a troubled person goes through the motions of suicide with the aim of drawing attention to himself, he, in my opinion, is a sympathy seeker. These sympathy seekers may well have mental or emotional problems, but swallowing a hand full of pills in a public place lacks genuine suicide intent.

The same thing applies to alcoholics. Nobody can assist them until they admit to themselves that they are alcoholics and need outside help.

In AA meetings the first thing that alcoholics must do is stand up before the group, state their name and tell the group that "I am an alcoholic."

A person intent on committing suicide is not going to be troubled about his messy body being left for others to dispose of. He just wants to end his life.

The sad thing about these troubled people is that their relatives or friends don't notice a change in their behaviour.

If these signs could be recognised perhaps a lot of suicides could be prevented.

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bomber agrees with your comments.altough nobody seems to agree with mine.maybe i was a bit harsh with my comments.but still have to say the guys problems will have been self-inflickted.pattaya is not the place to go if your looking for sympathy.we all know

No Kidding!

The guys problems have been self-inflickted ( sic ) jeees, how on earth do you know that.

Can't you grasp anything from what has been posted earlier.

It could be drink/drugs or any other self abuse but it could also be mental illness or a guy who is in the depths of despair at this time, the least that could be spared is a listening ear.

It might not work, but you know, it just might.

Shall I kick him while he is down or shall I give him something to listen to, without having to spend a single satang on his hospital bill.

Now which option would make you feel better?

Good Luck


nice post from a nice person I think............respect

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It's not much good having counseling services, welfare groups, crisis centres etc. if the troubled person doesn't seek their assistance.

Commonly, a troubled person contemplating suicide will seek assistance. The will for self-preservation is extremely powerful and typically a suicidal person will have to think long and hard to overcome this in order to take their own life. Once suicide is attempted and if that attempt fails, the suicidal thoughts in that person do not disappear and the person will often attempt it once again, with the added knowledge that the previous attempt failed and why or how it failed, with the second and subsequent attempt more and more potential for lethal results. If intervention occurs earlier on when the person seeks assistance, the opportunity for prevention is greatly enhanced.

When a troubled person is in such a state of mind that he seriously intends to commit suicide, only physical intervention can stop him.

Any and all interventions are helpful in preventing suicide. Suicide hotlines have prevented thousands of suicides world-wide.

If a troubled person goes through the motions of suicide with the aim of drawing attention to himself, he, in my opinion, is a sympathy seeker. These sympathy seekers may well have mental or emotional problems, but swallowing a hand full of pills in a public place lacks genuine suicide intent.

Like many things, people attempting suicide aren't always aware of how things physically work. It is extremely difficult to assess the true intent of a suicide attempt on any superficial level. Even without genuine intent, "sympathy seekers" are indeed in desperate need of intervention for reasons outlined above. Suicide hotlines/intervention are especially helpful in just this type of situation. Many, many completed suicides are fatal when the real intent by the person was not to be successful, the so-called accidental suicide.

The other aspect concerning this particular attempt is that many people are unaware of the potential lethal consequences of paracetamol, which is not to be taken lightly.

from answers.com :


In humans, paracetamol has a narrow therapeutic index – the therapeutic dose is close to the toxic dose. In spite of this, paracetamol is contained in many preparations (both over-the-counter and prescription only medications). In some other animals, for example cats, even small doses are toxic. This means that, despite being one of the most widely used analgesics available at recommended doses, there is a large potential for overdose and toxicity.[8] Without timely treatment, paracetamol overdose can lead to liver failure and death within days. Because of the wide over-the-counter availability of the drug, it is sometimes used in suicide attempts by those unaware of the prolonged timecourse, and high morbidity (likelihood of significant illness) and mortality associated with paracetamol-induced toxicity.

The same thing applies to alcoholics. Nobody can assist them until they admit to themselves that they are alcoholics and need outside help.

In AA meetings the first thing that alcoholics must do is stand up before the group, state their name and tell the group that "I am an alcoholic."

A person intent on committing suicide is not going to be troubled about his messy body being left for others to dispose of. He just wants to end his life.

The suicidal person ruminates over suicide endlessly and the consequences and after-effects of their suicide often enters into these thoughts, including who will discover their body, what effect it will have on them, etc. Many suicidal notes include an apology for the person finding their body.

The sad thing about these troubled people is that their relatives or friends don't notice a change in their behaviour.

If these signs could be recognised perhaps a lot of suicides could be prevented.

That is true, and setting up a suicide hotline is just one more preventative measure. Any and all forms of intervention are beneficial.

Sign me up, Mobi.

Edited by sriracha john
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Thanks SJ.

So that's 3 plus me . PP, R4199246, SJ and MD.

3 more than I got last time we had a thread on this. :o

It's a start - We'll obviously need many more, but maybe I have enough interest to start to make some serious enquiries, and see where I go from here. Fortunately, I have a good source of 'outreach' experience in my own family - my sister is with me for a few more days, and I hope my daughter will be coming for an extended visit when she finishes uni in the summer. I will also try to make contact with Samaritans in Thailand.

I am thinking in terms of volunteers being on call for certain times/days of the week, and we publish a common number that can be re-directed, as appropriate. As I say, much work to be done before I could even begin to launch such a service.

Any more volunteers out there? Just give me your name as a 'possible' - it doesn't commit you to anything at this point in time. You can always back out later, if you decide it's not for you.

To those who are belittling the idea, as I said before, I will not get into a slanging match with you. You are entitled to your opinion.

However, I put it to you that there are some extra dimensions, when farangs become suicidal in Thailand. Namely:

- They are thousands of miles away from home, friends, and family;

- they may have lost all their money;

- they may have lost or been hurt badly by a Thai lady;

- they may be very ill;

- They may be alcoholics or drug addicts

- They may be in trouble with the police

- They may have overstayed their visas

- And so on…...

For many of the above problems, good practical advice can be given which may help to bring potential suicides back from the brink of despair. Not everyone is mentally strong, and practical help, plus a friendly farang voice to listen to, may be all it takes to save a life.

It’s got to be worth it – I’m convinced of it.

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Its not a suicide attempt its a cry for help, if he wanted to cash in his chips he should have walked into the Marriott, took the lift to the top floor and jumped off the balcony.
Add me to the list only on the condition that I can advise them on the most effective methods of suicide :D

Do you get your joke material from ogrish.com? :o

They have several videos and photos of completed suicides that I'm sure you'd find hilarious. :D

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Its not a suicide attempt its a cry for help, if he wanted to cash in his chips he should have walked into the Marriott, took the lift to the top floor and jumped off the balcony.
Add me to the list only on the condition that I can advise them on the most effective methods of suicide :D

Do you get your joke material from ogrish.com? :o

They have several videos and photos of completed suicides that I'm sure you'd find hilarious. :D

Thanks I'll give it a try....

On a serious not I cannot find ANY sympathy for this individual or indeed anyone who attempts suicide, be it a serious attempt or not, they have no consideration for anyone but themselves which makes them selfish, they don't care of how their family and friends would feel once they have gone and they are consumed in their own self pity IMO. People can say I should have a heart etc etc but one poster on here mentioned people with disabilities - do they ever get depressed about their condition? yes they do, do they contemplate suicide? some do I'm sure but they don't do it, they get on with their lives, I would rather give to charity for Children with disabilities than waste any time or money on these poor excuses of humankind

Thanks for reading


c/o Samaritans

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Something could be done to stop these suicides and attempted suicides.

But it can't be done alone.

This subject has been discussed before, and there were virtually no takers.

I am prepared to put some time and effort into this, if others are willing to do so too. It would take much time and effort, but some of these lives could be saved and some of these people who have lost all hope, can be brought back from the brink. I'm not talking religion - I'm talking practical help and advice at the end of a phone.

Anyone interested? :D

Bombers need not reply. :o

if there are things i can do please contact me;

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My understanding of the nature of self destruction leads me to conclude that only the truly stupid or those lacking in any imagination can be considered unlikely candidates to ever attempt it. Thus, I think we can all safely assume Helicoptor's inevitable demise will not be by his own hand....

For some of life's unfortunates ' time and the hour ' never quite seems ' to run through the roughest day' and death occurs as the only solution, rational or otherwise. It is simply another facet of the human condition ill understood by those incapable of any empathy whatsoever. For my own part, I become quite depressed by the ever increasing number of buffoons , typified by those in this forum, who clearly derive comfort from the delusion that the human race can easily be divided into ' losers' and 'winners'.

Still, what price hubris ?

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Add me to the list only on the condition that I can advise them on the most effective methods of suicide

Another picture to add to the fireplace mantle.

Your crass obtuseness shocks even me.

I still hope you are never in a position to contemplate black thoughts, but if you are, I am sure there will be people there to help if required.


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On a serious not I cannot find ANY sympathy for this individual or indeed anyone who attempts suicide, be it a serious attempt or not, they have no consideration for anyone but themselves which makes them selfish, they don't care of how their family and friends would feel once they have gone and they are consumed in their own self pity IMO. People can say I should have a heart etc etc but one poster on here mentioned people with disabilities - do they ever get depressed about their condition? yes they do, do they contemplate suicide? some do I'm sure but they don't do it, they get on with their lives, I would rather give to charity for Children with disabilities than waste any time or money on these poor excuses of humankind

Thanks for reading


c/o Samaritans

'On a serious note',

Are you kidding, who on earth will take you seriously!

Everybody is allowed their own opinion, but........

You know, it is sometimes best to keep your mouth shut and let everybody think you are stupid, rather than open it and leave everybody in no doubt.


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On a serious not I cannot find ANY sympathy for this individual or indeed anyone who attempts suicide, be it a serious attempt or not, they have no consideration for anyone but themselves which makes them selfish, they don't care of how their family and friends would feel once they have gone and they are consumed in their own self pity IMO. People can say I should have a heart etc etc but one poster on here mentioned people with disabilities - do they ever get depressed about their condition? yes they do, do they contemplate suicide? some do I'm sure but they don't do it, they get on with their lives, I would rather give to charity for Children with disabilities than waste any time or money on these poor excuses of humankind

Thanks for reading


c/o Samaritans

'On a serious note',

Are you kidding, who on earth will take you seriously!

Everybody is allowed their own opinion, but........

You know, it is sometimes best to keep your mouth shut and let everybody think you are stupid, rather than open it and leave everybody in no doubt.


Straight off your calender no doubt...

Then again suicide would have to be an option If i were you of course

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Look, scratch that last post - I don't want to get into a slanging match with anyone because of a difference of opinions on this subject or indeed any subject. I ain't no scholar but i'm not that low to stoop either.

YES I have an extreme opinion about people who attempt or commit suicide and I have my reasons which i will not go into - I can never understand why they do it. The most obvious reason is depression or 'clinically fed up' as I like to call it. I have been diagnosed with this myself in the past but I have never allowed myself to get to the stage of actually killing myself. I sought and gained help and most importantly, I helped myself. I don't think this guy wanted to either help himself or kill himself. His 'attempt' I feel was to gain attention BUT it does not stop there if the attempt fails..

My 'selfish' comment is borne out of the aftermath of a suicide attempt, this is what invariably happens:-

Emotionally blackmailing others in order to keep them loving, caring, and supporting you out of "fear'' that if they stop you try to kill yourself again.

You then allow yourself to get so caught up in the here and now despair and depression that you blind yourself to a rational perspective of hope that you can make it through to the future intact.

You resort to this easy way out solution every time any problem or inconvenience arises in the future.

You end up blaming everyone and everything for your problems and not accept personal responsibility for your own actions.

In successfully committing suicide the subject has left behind for his family the burden of guilt, shame, despair, emptiness, confusion, and pain and leaving them to pick up all the pieces. THEY ARE SELFISH, they take the easy way out with killing themselves instead of taking the harder option of turning their life around.

But at least in it being successful it is over and the whole sorry saga is not prolonged for ones that do actually care.

It boils down to whether you think your cup is half full or half empty

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The thing that I find striking is that those that are willing to listen to others with problems, are disinclined to listen to those that disagree with their own views.

For example, I say something along the lines of suicide 'victims' are selfish, feeble minded, weak losers and I am called a number of things that barely made a dent in a hair above my left eye. The thing about the internt is that you get to make threats and be rude to people who you can't see and can't see you.

I wonder why it is that those who claim we should all 'listen to cries for help' are not interested in others views.

And my last word goes to the guy who said I lacked intelligence and told me to "keep it zipped".

fo·rum (fôr'əm, fōr'-) Pronunciation Key

n. pl. fo·rums also fo·ra (fôr'ə, fōr'ə)


1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.

2. A public meeting place for open discussion.

3. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.

2. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.

3. A court of law; a tribunal.

And since when does having a different opinon imply stupidity?

Good day.

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My first thoughts are that he's been dumped by his Thai girlfriend when he's run out of money.In his desperate attempt to get her back he's found out that he's not the only one in her life and knowing that he can't dish out more money to get her back,he then decided

to use his last few Baht to get a load of pills.

chances are this is correct

Just my opinion

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Straight off your calender no doubt...

Then again suicide would have to be an option If i were you of course

As this was directed solely at me and not generically at other poor souls, I found it quite amusing. :o

As for the quote, not from a calendar but some celebrity who's name temporarily escapes me.

Good Luck


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Look, scratch that last post - I don't want to get into a slanging match with anyone because of a difference of opinions on this subject or indeed any subject. I ain't no scholar but i'm not that low to stoop either.

YES I have an extreme opinion about people who attempt or commit suicide and I have my reasons which i will not go into - I can never understand why they do it. The most obvious reason is depression or 'clinically fed up' as I like to call it. I have been diagnosed with this myself in the past but I have never allowed myself to get to the stage of actually killing myself. I sought and gained help and most importantly, I helped myself. I don't think this guy wanted to either help himself or kill himself. His 'attempt' I feel was to gain attention BUT it does not stop there if the attempt fails..

My 'selfish' comment is borne out of the aftermath of a suicide attempt, this is what invariably happens:-

Emotionally blackmailing others in order to keep them loving, caring, and supporting you out of "fear'' that if they stop you try to kill yourself again.

You then allow yourself to get so caught up in the here and now despair and depression that you blind yourself to a rational perspective of hope that you can make it through to the future intact.

You resort to this easy way out solution every time any problem or inconvenience arises in the future.

You end up blaming everyone and everything for your problems and not accept personal responsibility for your own actions.

In successfully committing suicide the subject has left behind for his family the burden of guilt, shame, despair, emptiness, confusion, and pain and leaving them to pick up all the pieces. THEY ARE SELFISH, they take the easy way out with killing themselves instead of taking the harder option of turning their life around.

But at least in it being successful it is over and the whole sorry saga is not prolonged for ones that do actually care.

It boils down to whether you think your cup is half full or half empty


A much more substantive and quantitive statement which goes some way in expressing your views, it is a lot better in my opinion, thant he one line, ' helping to commit suicide', quote from an earlier post.

We appear to be diametrically opposed in view points but at least I can see where your opinion lies, I just don't agree with it.

Interestingly, you state that you had difficulties in the past and went on to seek help, but in later posts, suggest that you would not be prepared to help others and indeed assist them in their motives.

I have also stated that I agree with you, this guy in the OP appears to be seeking attention, with little commitment in carrying it thru, but it still should not , in my view, negate his chance for help, however little that might be.

Good Luck


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Look, scratch that last post -

It boils down to whether you think your cup is half full or half empty


A much more substantive and quantitive statement which goes some way in expressing your views, it is a lot better in my opinion, thant he one line, ' helping to commit suicide', quote from an earlier post.

We appear to be diametrically opposed in view points but at least I can see where your opinion lies, I just don't agree with it.

Interestingly, you state that you had difficulties in the past and went on to seek help, but in later posts, suggest that you would not be prepared to help others and indeed assist them in their motives.

I have also stated that I agree with you, this guy in the OP appears to be seeking attention, with little commitment in carrying it thru, but it still should not , in my view, negate his chance for help, however little that might be.

Good Luck


If my previous post suggested that I would not be prepared to help such individuals this is quite correct - but only on the basis of me being un-qualified to counsel - god forbid that, if I tried to do so with someone who was contemplating suicide then after speaking with me decided to go through with it :o - whoops! My comment on offering effective methods was flippant and for that I apologise to readers who were :D with this comment.

I admire and applaud anyone who seeks the right help if they feel suicidal/depressed etc, this is rightly a positive step - did the subject of this post seek any help? I don't know for sure but I doubt it.

Unfortunately suicidal people are afraid that trying to get help may bring them more pain - fear of being told they are stupid, foolish or being manipulative.

I would also like to add that although it is very admirable that people on here suggesting forming a 'helpline' this could inadvertently be counter-productive for the reasons I stated earlier as to why I would not include myself.

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And my last word goes to the guy who said I lacked intelligence and told me to "keep it zipped".

...since when does having a different opinon imply stupidity?

It doesn't. Generalising about people that you don't know and their stories, problems & reasons for doing what they do implies stupidity.


If this isn't a Pattaya specific idea (I'm on the other side of the Gulf of Thailand), put me down to help. Days are difficult, but evenings are free once my little boy's in bed.

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And my last word goes to the guy who said I lacked intelligence and told me to "keep it zipped".

...since when does having a different opinon imply stupidity?

It doesn't. Generalising about people that you don't know and their stories, problems & reasons for doing what they do implies stupidity.


If this isn't a Pattaya specific idea (I'm on the other side of the Gulf of Thailand), put me down to help. Days are difficult, but evenings are free once my little boy's in bed.

November Rain, thanks for your offer.

If this idea ever sees the light of day, it will be based initially in Pattaya. We can't take on the whole country in one go, and it'll be hard enough just trying to get Pattaya up and running.

Why Pattaya? Well, this is the Pattaya forum; most of us live here, and as far as I am aware this is the place with the very high farang suicide rate. I may be wrong, but I believe it is higher than Bangkok.

All this doesn't mean that the volunteers can't be at the end of a phone in any part of the country, so if you are still willing I'll put you on my "provisional list"

I have already said that I won't get into a slanging match on the virtues or otherwise of trying to stop people killing themselves, but I will say that anyone who has ever worked in any kind of "outreach" type of programme will tell you that they they have no doubt that they do save lives and they do help desperate, depresssed people to make life changing decisions for the better. As I said previously, some people have greater mental strength than others - some can pull themselves together - some cannot.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I would never call anyone who disagreed with this idea 'stupid', but I can't help feeling that an appropriate epithet might be "ignorant" :o

On a technical note - does anyone know whethre it is possible in Thailand to set up a land line number which will automatically divert calls to other numbers - land lines or mobiles? I know it can be done in the west, but can it be done here? Any techies know the answer to this?



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Sorry, Mobi, I didn't make myself clear.

I meant helping out with your Pattaya based outreach, if it gets off the ground. Unless it is hugely expensive, I thought diverting to one mobile number is the same as diverting to any other. Where I would fall down is the geography of Pattaya, if that was important. But I do have experience as a nurse, and a lot of experience in personal issues (one of them being suicide) in my own life. I'm willing if you need the help...

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