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i am building a small resort on the beach (in myanmar) struggling with the toilet system to use. water is not in abundance. 

We are going through the approval stages right now to built a small bangalow resort with 20 cabins.
The area where we are going to build the cabins is on a slope (medium slope) . I am struggling with the toilet design. We want to built one ensuite toilet for each cabin. Normally in myanmar they build 3 ring toilets next to each other (6ft hole, rings are open at the bottom), when one is full the pipe goes in to the other one etc. The Concern is that there might be a problem with this system as the toilets are all on a hill. So we are concerned about pollution in flood rains (we have a well at the bottom of the land)…what do you think have you got any idea. The water situation is a bit of an issue too. But managing 20 composting toilets is an issue too, also concerns about smell etc.
Its a real issue which I have to solve as soon as possible. anyone has any  suggestions? I would be extremely grateful for any advise…

Large capacity septic tank with outfall to filter beds or out to sea via outfall, minimum 1k offshore.


Rainwater harvesting systems.


Hopefully you can find a retired civil engineer on here otherwise you're going to have to employ one or do a lot of research online.


There's loads of info on google.


Good luck though.


What shape is the resort?  Large septic tank as has been said centrally. Only the liquid over flow goes down the hill, well away from the well or into the ocean away from the sun beds!  Mostly it depends on the resort layout. Regular seeding of the septic tank with enzymes will improve its performance. 


OR each room has its own "local" style tank with small bore overflow piping to a central collection tank and then overflow to the best place. 


Don't forget to take occupancy rate into your calculations. As for water there are many low volume flush toilets. 

17 minutes ago, Crossy said:

Take a lead from Hong Kong.




Beach =  An abundance of salt water :smile:

That's fine as far as it goes but the final effluent of saltwater systems cannot be discharged on land.


The saltwater systems you quote are discharged back to the sea.


Unless the OP wants his customers swimming amongst soggy bogroll he would have to design, build and install an offshore outfall with diffuser. This would need to be a minimum of 1k in length to prevent final effluent coming back onshore.

6 hours ago, grollies said:

The saltwater systems you quote are discharged back to the sea.

It was worth a thought :sad:

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

5 hours ago, Crossy said:

It was worth a thought :sad:

I agree and it could be his best way forwards with limited fresh water.:smile:


It's what they do on "working" ships (as opposed to cruise ships) , it comes off the fire main using shopping mall style pressurised flush. 


Third engineer goes for a dump, bridge calls engine room to turn off the fire pump so they can test a hydrant, wait 45 seconds or so during which time the pressure drops along with the water, "OK thanks restart the pump" . Now with large air pocket in the system 3rd engineer is finished his business and turns to flush. WHOOSH. No fan for the sh1t to hit but....:shock1::guitar::clap2: Ah the life of a mariner, great job if one could get it.


Ok all this being said I do not think one can use a septic tank in a salt water system? But...http://cen.acs.org/articles/93/web/2015/11/Flushing-Toilets-Seawater-Protect-Marine.html

So the use of sea water could add to the eco/marketing blurb? Maybe treat the "septic" tank as storage rather than treatment with liquid overflow. It is the rise rate that will be important to keep solids at the bottom.  Simply get the local guy to pump it out more often?


All depends on water consumption calculations. 


Another way would be have a grey water collection system from sinks and showers and use that for flushing. The tank can be "topped" up with fresh/sea water. This would still mean double piping for each unit, etc..


All food for thought.

8 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

Another way would be have a grey water collection system from sinks and showers and use that for flushing.

Our condo in KL had grey water flushing, nice foaming water without buying bog cleaner, worked well.


Note the kitchen sink went with the black water, don't want fat and food waste in the flush.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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