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This little boy goes up to his dad and he says "Dad?, What's the

difference between Potentially and Realistically?"

To which the father replies "Well son, go ask your mother if she would sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars. Then you ask

your sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars. Then you ask your brother if he would sleep with Tom Cruise for a million dollars."

So the boy goes up to his mom and asks her if she would sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars and the mother replies "Oh my god, of course I would, he is so good looking!"

So the boy moves on and asks his sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars, and she replies "He is so sexy of course I would!"

Then last but not least he goes up to his brother and asks him if he would sleep with Tom Cruise for a million dollars, his brother says "Of course I would, who wouldn't for a million bucks?"

So he goes up to his dad and says "I think I learned the difference between potentially and realistically"

"Well what's the difference?" says the father.

"Well, potentially we're sitting on 3 million dollars, realistically we're living with 2 sluts and a fag!"

A man goes into a doctor's surgery with a steering wheel down his pants. The doc asks, "what seems to be the problem" to which the man replies "I dont know but it's driving me nuts."

A man visits his doctor.

"I think I have a problem, doc," said the patient. "One of

my balls has turned blue."

The doctor examined the man briefly and concluded the

patient would die if they didn't have his testicle removed.

"Are you crazy?!" exclaimed the patient, "How could I let

you do such a thing to me?"

"Do you want to die?", asked the doctor rhetorically, and

the patient had to agree to have his testicle removed. But

two weeks after the operation, he came back.

"Doc, I don't know how to say this, but the other ball has

turned blue too."

Again, the doctor told him that if he wants to live, his

other testicle must be cut off too. And again, the man was

very reluctant. "Hey, do you want to die?", asked the doc,

and the patient had to agree to the operation.

But, about two weeks after he is testicleless, he returned

to the doctor. "I think something is very wrong with me. My

penis is now completely blue."

After briefly examining the patient once again, the doc

gives him the bad news. If he wants to live, his penis has

to go.

Of course, he did not want to hear about it. "You really

want to die?", asked the doctor.

"But... how do I pee?"

"We'll install an plastic pipe, and there will be no


So, the penis is removed and a while after the operation,

the unfortunate man again returns the doctor's office. He is

very angry.

"Doctor, the plastic pipe turned blue."


"Can you tell me what a hel_l is happening?"

So, the doctor examined the patient more carefully this time, and says, "Hmmmm, I think its the jeans......"

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