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How Do You Know A Tg Is A Bg Or Not?

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There is a lot of prejudices against bar girls.

Right or wrong does not matter.

They are not really at the top of the "recognition" scale as far as Thai people are concerned and it can affect the farang who stay with them IN THAILAND as well as affect their social encounters,...

Plus, they are not that welcome in the western embassies and they can have quite some difficulties getting a visa.

But how do you know a TG is a BG?

How do they know?

My Thai colleagues can spot them from a mile away and usually so can I.

Is it in the way they dress?

How much gold they wear?

How they speak?

How they behave with the "boyfriend"?

For me, a combination of the 4+ another factor which I will not mention yet.

But more importantly, can you change it so that nobody knows?

Or anyway, at least improve the perception?

I know for quite a few people it does not matter what others think and I applaud them but this is probably not the case for everybody,...

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but remember not all bg's are the same.

i know some, gold, boyfriends, big mouths, with a strong liking of being in the horizontal position and to be honest some of them are scum.

i know some really beautiful bg's and i can't stand being near them, (i've also had alot of arguements with them when they realise i'm the owner of the place they're drinking, and they're "trying to **** me for free" plan for free drinks does'nt work).

on the other hand i know some that are very polite, nicely dressed, and not to upfront. (ok they will still go with customers, but so what). it's mainly this type who my wife and myself have as friends, nice people.

i also have met bg's that are more polite and more respectful than non bar working thai's.(and farangs)

just my 2 bhts worth.

good question bc


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Bluecat, I think this is a tough one. It will be hard for people to discuss this without going on into all sorts of ethnic stereotypes like dark skin ect...In my opinion appearance doesn't mean much; speech is a dead giveaway. Not necessarily the way they speak Thai, but the way they speak English.

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they know if its a issan girl fairly easilly , and the Briitsh Embassy has "spies" that work at the embassy and cruise the bars at night , i have watched these "spies" for years at the watering holes in bangkok . They never take a girl out for S/T .

Maybe they get a perk i dont know. I guess they keep a rough check on which girls are working where .

The thai women doing the interviews know the issan/laos accents right away .

some BGs are sweet some are nasty and woe betide any dumb farang who marries them..

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Embassy has "spies" that work at the embassy and cruise the bars at night , i have watched these "spies" for years at the watering holes in bangkok .

Now there's a job I could aspire to.....except the bit where they never go for ST.


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My Thai colleagues can spot them from a mile away and usually so can I.

Is it in the way they dress?

How much gold they wear?

How they speak?

How they behave with the "boyfriend"?

For me, a combination of the 4+ another factor which I will not mention yet.


5th: BGs like to talk about sick buffalos and they wear a menthol stick in each nostril.

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What do you think of tatoos?

My impression is that the Bar Girl is more likely to have a tatoo, and the mainstream Thai girl will not - but I don't have enough experience in Thailand to know if that's true.

Maybe tatoos are more mainstream than I think?


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For all practical purposes they are synonymous. You can meet a nice Thai BG and live happily ever after. You can meet a sleazy "Normal" Thai Girl and be miserable for the rest of your life. Both will bleed your wallet approximately the same.

Hasip Hasip

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How can you tell? I think the only sure way is that you keep her besides you 24/7 for a few days (lets say 4-5 days). Does she work at a shop? Go by, check it out, say "hi!" during the day. What about after work? Invite her for a nice dinner, make that a late night dinner, you can go at around 9-10pm and make it last a few hours. I could list half a dozen more things but you get the point. If she's a BG, she will have some sort of a schedule to keep and she won't be able to be at dinner with you at midnight and you'll notice. I hope i make sense.


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For all practical purposes they are synonymous.  You can meet a nice Thai BG and live happily ever after. You can meet a sleazy "Normal" Thai Girl and be miserable for the rest of your life. Both will bleed your wallet approximately the same.

Hasip Hasip

You need one of those vampire wallets ..like "the wallet that doesn't bleed, but lives forever!"

*rainman turns into a bat and flies off into the darkness* :D

Okay, that was random. :o

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In my opinion appearance doesn't mean much; speech is a dead giveaway. Not necessarily the way they speak Thai, but the way they speak English.

I'm with you here. You see, my skin is dark. My hair is really long. My body is pretty OK (all right all right, getting a bit chubby at the moment. Blame it on those pop!) I usually wear jeans on my night out (except when I go to classy place, of course). Quite a few guys thought I was a prostitute, then made a move on me, and asked for the price, etc. Until I open my mouth and speak English and simply tell them to bugger off, that's when they know I'm not. :D

rainman darling, keeping a girl with you late at night doesn't help much. Some bad BGs are really smart. If she thinks she can gain trust and feelings from you by being with you instead of going looking for a customer, she'll do it. It's investment, honey. :o

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In my opinion appearance doesn't mean much; speech is a dead giveaway. Not necessarily the way they speak Thai, but the way they speak English.

I'm with you here. You see, my skin is dark. My hair is really long. My body is pretty OK (all right all right, getting a bit chubby at the moment. Blame it on those pop!) I usually wear jeans on my night out (except when I go to classy place, of course). Quite a few guys thought I was a prostitute, then made a move on me, and asked for the price, etc. Until I open my mouth and speak English and simply tell them to bugger off, that's when they know I'm not. :D

rainman darling, keeping a girl with you late at night doesn't help much. Some bad BGs are really smart. If she thinks she can gain trust and feelings from you by being with you instead of going looking for a customer, she'll do it. It's investment, honey. :o

LC stop talking about wearing tight denim jeans, youo arre makingg mee gggoo aall funnyy. :D

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If she clothes, makes up, and carries herself with absolutely no regard for anyone around her, other than you, then she is likely to be a bar girl.

This is a common trait in any foreign girl wanting to hook a guy, or even keep her boyfriend happy.

Good girls tend to act as though the whole world os watching how she acts, and whilst will dress to please, will be less likely to dress as though she is impervious to the stares and comments of others

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What do you think of tatoos?

My impression is that the Bar Girl is more likely to have a tatoo, and the mainstream Thai girl will not - but I don't have enough experience in Thailand to know if that's true.

Maybe tatoos are more mainstream than I think?


You do not have enough experience in Thailand?

From your words i would guess you do not have much experience. PERIOD!

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What do you think of tatoos?

My impression is that the Bar Girl is more likely to have a tatoo, and the mainstream Thai girl will not - but I don't have enough experience in Thailand to know if that's true.

Maybe tatoos are more mainstream than I think?


You do not have enough experience in Thailand?

From your words i would guess you do not have much experience. PERIOD!

First and foremost, tattoos are definitely not a sure sign a TG is a BG, anyone on the face of the earth can have a tattoo and it certainly should not conclude that the person is of lowly backgrounds....piercings included.

And as for how to know if a TG is a BG? Why is this of any difficulty? What to do? GET TO KNOW THE TG! Because if your interests for the TG is genuine then you'll start with knowing her as a TG and if she is a BG then I'm just wondering, BGs are professionals in their own right, right? What is the difference with a TG who sleeps around for free and maybe a BG who supposedly sleeps around for financial reasons? Have we all comfortably concluded that BGs are prostitutes in our on mindsets already?

As for me, even though I don't fit the BG or even the TG profile, I still get stares from other Thais and even other foreigners when I'm with a male farang friend no matter what. In the end, it doesn't matter what other people think, since they're not the ones in the relationship, so can we conclude that the fear or lets say, this common wonderment of how to tell if a TG is a BG is but a mere complex that we each have unconsciously set in our minds to deal with our deepest fear of not being accepted?

I truly believe that TG or BG or any G or Farang, Thai guys, foreigners, aliens, martians....etc... think ya get the picture....well aren't we all trying to sell ourselves in some way or the other to attain something for it?

So if you want to know, get to know the girl. Truly as I've seen and heard from many experiences from the men on this site, that BG or not, in the end it's either your heart that drives you or that lower region, you never do know where the blood will rush to unless you try right???

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Embassy has "spies" that work at the embassy and cruise the bars at night , i have watched these "spies" for years at the watering holes in bangkok .

Now there's a job I could aspire to.....except the bit where they never go for ST.


It is always an all nighter so the spy gets to know 'em well Chon. You'll be right as long as 'er indoors doesn't spring you and make the ducks day. :D

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Truly as I've seen and heard from many experiences from the men on this site, that BG or not, in the end it's either your heart that drives you or that lower region, you never do know where the blood will rush to unless you try right???

I'm afraid we all know, Shopgurl,... :o:D

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For all practical purposes they are synonymous. You can meet a nice Thai BG and live happily ever after. You can meet a sleazy "Normal" Thai Girl and be miserable for the rest of your life. Both will bleed your wallet approximately the same.

Hasip Hasip

Hasip Hasip is stop on there talking from expierence not all women from Issan are B.G. mant go to Bangkok for work so get could jobs and steer clear of the bars others from need end up in them. as for the question would think you would only meet b.g in bars the ones in hotel lobbys and cafes would be your ordinary hookers



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mbkudu Posted: Sat 2004-05-08, 21:56:39

  In my opinion appearance doesn't mean much; speech is a dead giveaway. Not necessarily the way they speak Thai, but the way they speak English.

I second agree here. By my experience, men noticed that I am not a BG from my Brit accent ( the accent goes stronger with more empty bottles). It is hard to aviod being a streotype here on this thread. Most bar girls have many things in common ( is it fashion among them , I dont know?) that they mostly come from Isaan, tanned skin, long hair, dress like whore.. revealing too much.Those have always been the first impression for BG but there are many case exited that first impression goes wrong ( look at Lovelycutie!), so .. I would rather go by attitude. Most bar girls have very common attitude , laugh , scream , swear , drink and smoke too much while looking and making eye contacts to any possibly customers.

Is that helped a bit?

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Am I the only one who is trying to shed some light on the wrong belief that one can NOT be judged from physical appearances? Have we all so easily concluded the (desired?) belief that women who show cleavage are prostitutes?

And what's this with the whole "dark skin from issan being a BG for sure" classification? We always talk about how farangs are chauvinistic or degrading or etc... but one good thing that always seems to hold true with any I do meet is that they are much accepting of a person because of substance than of appearances. Unlike many Thais who have built up this prejudice that dark skin is of great disgust adding to the marketing of whitening creams and such other products, it seems that we have induced this on ourselves inadvertantly and sadly I find it appalling that one's self worth is based on skin color? Haven't we moved passed this yet?

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