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Surface PRO 3 - cannot detect wifi


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Any ideas?


I recall having a similar issue which I think may have resolved itself once I connected PC and updated using a 3g data packet card.


My S3 cannot detect the internet. Small red dot wirh an X resides over the wifi bar icon.


This happened maybe 6 months ago and again today. This is a major issue since I have no means of plugging a cable in and working wired. 


Anyone had such issues with their devices? 


To make matters worse I raced to 4 different true move stores and the 30th one that could top me up has done so but my data is not connecting.


The wifi is fine in our place I'm connected through other devices.



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Is WiFi turned on?  Assuming you have Windows 10, when you click on the WiFi icon in the task bar (lower right bottom of screen) does the WiFi square at the bottom of the pop-up window appear in blue?  If so, WiFi is on.  If it's not blue, click on it to turn it on.


That said, (and it's just making sure it's not an obvious, simple oversight), I have a Microsoft Surface 3 (non Pro) and a Microsoft Surface Pro (2017).  My Surface 3 does not see the Dlink router in my condo room, although it does see about 20 other routers in the neighborhood.  I tried various WiFi drivers to no avail.  It simply does not see the DLink.  My Surface 4 Pro does see, and connect to, the DLink router.

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2 minutes ago, wpcoe said:

Is WiFi turned on?  Assuming you have Windows 10, when you click on the WiFi icon in the task bar (lower right bottom of screen) does the WiFi square at the bottom of the pop-up window appear in blue?  If so, WiFi is on.  If it's not blue, click on it to turn it on.


That said, (and it's just making sure it's not an obvious, simple oversight), I have a Microsoft Surface 3 (non Pro) and a Microsoft Surface Pro (2017).  My Surface 3 does not see the Dlink router in my condo room, although it does see about 20 other routers in the neighborhood.  I tried various WiFi drivers to no avail.  It simply does not see the DLink.  My Surface 4 Pro does see, and connect to, the DLink router.

Initially it said no wifi available but now this has changed to a red dot which indicates a problem.  I connect through other devices so internet is working and wifi is clearly available via other devices. I grabbed a 4g packet which has solved the issue for the time being. 



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The reason I asked if WiFi were on is that what you described -- "Small red dot wirh an X resides over the wifi bar icon" -- is what my screen shows when WiFi is turned off:




versus what it shows when WiFi is turned on, but not connected to an available network:







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Have you tried forgetting the WiFi network you can't connect to?


1 - Click the WiFi icon at bottom right of the screen

2 - Click "Network & Internet Settings"

3 - Click "Wi-Fi" from the list on the left

4 - Click "Manage Known Networks"

5 - Select the offending network and click "Forget"


If that doesn't work and/or you can't connect to any WiFi networks, try a hard reset. Don't worry, you won't lose any data.


1- Make sure the device is properly powered down by pressing and holding the power button for 30 seconds

2 - Wait at least 10 seconds

3 - Press the Volume Up and Power buttons simultaneously and hold them both for 20 seconds (the Surface logo may flash on/off - ignore that).

4 - Wait at least 10 seconds

5 - Start normally

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20 hours ago, wpcoe said:

That said, (and it's just making sure it's not an obvious, simple oversight), I have a Microsoft Surface 3 (non Pro) and a Microsoft Surface Pro (2017).  My Surface 3 does not see the Dlink router in my condo room, although it does see about 20 other routers in the neighborhood.  I tried various WiFi drivers to no avail.  It simply does not see the DLink.  My Surface 4 Pro does see, and connect to, the DLink router.


Is your Surface 3 originally from the US? I have seen this issue with Surface Pros when trying to connect to a Non-US WiFi Router.


The US FCC doesn't allow channels 12-14 on 2.4GHz whereas many other countries do. On Surface Pros (not sure about Non-Pros) this is hard coded into the firmware so even reinstalling the OS won't change the behavior.


Check whether your DLink router is using channels 12,13 or 14 and if so change the channel.


There is a registry edit to override the channel issue on US Surface devices but changing the channel on the router is probably easier.

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@thedemon:  Wow!  Thanks for that tip.  The Surface 3 was bought in the US, and yes, my DLink router was transmitting on channel 13 (auto-selected by router.)  I manually selected channel 5 and -- voila! -- my Surface 3 saw it and connected.  Of all the suggestions & workarounds I had read online, nothing had suggested the channel number as being an issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, sendintheclowns said:

has anyone had battery problems? where can I replace mine (Pro 4) ? The icon reads 100% charged, when connected to my adaptor. As soon as I unplug it, the screen is barely visible> Lost in nakohn si thammarat.

Screen brightness can be adjusted.  Does the battery quickly discharge from 100% or is it just the screen brightness that's an issue?

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