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2 minutes ago, amvet said:

No, not eat all.  I do simple activities better, faster and with less effort with a smart phone, therefore I get more done better than a person who does not use a smart phone.  Kind of like using your hands or a harvester to get in crops.  The world would starve without mechanized farming.  

You shower or take a crap with an app?

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1 minute ago, amvet said:

You asked 'Pray tell what phone does QE2 use....Marcon.....Trump?

Can you name a few derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers who do not?

Didn't think so.


I answered.  Trump and Macon use Iphones (easy to confirm with your computer or smartphone) and included a photo of the royal family using smart phones.  The guys who pick up my trash and are subsistance farmers don't have smart phones.  I know because I have to contact them on occasion. 

I feel sorry for your trash collectors.

10 minutes ago, amvet said:

That feeling will go away when you are old and forget where you are and have to change your depends and get to a hospital for your weekly transfusion.  The superman feeling right or wrong of youth changes as we mature and come to realize that life is a cooperative effort best accomplished with all the help both personal and technical that is available.  I know, I know I was invincible when I was young too. 

You assume a lot. I have no superman feeling, and what makes you think I'm young. I'm retired and doing what I want. I have no illusion it will last forever, but I've done it for years and will continue to enjoy it. When the time comes that I need to settle in a place then I will, but I will continue to live life as simple and care free as possible. Somehow your all-doing and all-knowing technology has failed you in figuring out what type of person I am, and your personal judgement seems lacking as well.

6 minutes ago, amvet said:

No, not eat all.  I do simple activities better, faster and with less effort with a smart phone, therefore I get more done better than a person who does not use a smart phone.  Kind of like using your hands or a harvester to get in crops.  The world would starve without mechanized farming.  

A lot of people don't feel the need to do simple things, better or faster. A lot of people have retired from the hustle, bustle and stress of a busy working life.

I am still working and do occasionally use my phone when away from the office as required as a tool, mostly for phone calls.

It is not the all consuming piece of tech that yours seems to be to you and I am certainly not a slave to it.


Comparing a smart phone to mechanized harvesting is a bit of a stretch.

11 minutes ago, amvet said:

No, not eat all.  I do simple activities better, faster and with less effort with a smart phone, therefore I get more done better than a person who does not use a smart phone.  Kind of like using your hands or a harvester to get in crops.  The world would starve without mechanized farming.  

When was the last time you used your phone to discipline an employee....or negotiate with union organisers?

6 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

You assume a lot. I have no superman feeling, and what makes you think I'm young. I'm retired and doing what I want. I have no illusion it will last forever, but I've done it for years and will continue to enjoy it. When the time comes that I need to settle in a place then I will, but I will continue to live life as simple and care free as possible. Somehow your all-doing and all-knowing technology has failed you in figuring out what type of person I am, and your personal judgement seems lacking as well.

Well said.

1 hour ago, lucjoker said:

so you are not the one i talked about.....

but you feel offended?

Re-read my post on your phone .....because i'm sure it is not easy ....reading a message on a phone , let alone reading books on a phone......AND simultaneous watch your house,kids and dog. .Your kids must be happy with such a father ,lucky your wife works?

Close your phone and wake up.....or start typing with your saucisse-fingers on the 1x3cm

keyboard to try reply this ,lol. 

My kids are 40 and 50 years old and happy.  Wife works because she likes working.  Mostly I read books on my phone/tablet because the screen is twice the size of a paperback book and easier to read than anything in print (advancements in light technology).

18 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

You shower or take a crap with an app?

I read in the toilet and I can answer my phone in the shower because it is waterproof. So yes I guess so.  Pooping I like Bigo. 

17 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

My friend, I have been an electrical engineer for many years utilizing cutting edge technology in industry to remain competitive.

It seems like you have just discovered technology and have developed EZONC.

I was on Compuserve and writing programs in Basic in 1970 so I've been on line for a while. 

1 minute ago, amvet said:

I was on Compuserve and writing programs in Basic in 1970 so I've been on line for a while. 

The I find it amazing that you are so full of the joys of a hand held computer and carry on about it like a religious nutter.

10 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

When was the last time you used your phone to discipline an employee....or negotiate with union organisers?

I used a phone to reward an employee (the opposite of discipline) and I would kick union organizers off my property.  If they were union reps I would have to talk to them and I'd tell them to call me on my smart phone to make an appointment. 

6 minutes ago, amvet said:

I read in the toilet and I can answer my phone in the shower because it is waterproof. So yes I guess so.  Pooping I like Bigo. 

Reading on the toilet I can understand......but taking a phone into the shower.....spare me.


I guess you look at the phone while being intimate with the missus too just in case the Karma Sutra app has an update.

2 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

The I find it amazing that you are so full of the joys of a hand held computer and carry on about it like a religious nutter.

I'm writing a blog about it.  How to prevent Alzheimer with a smart phone.  This exchange has been useful in giving me ideas on how to squelch negatives before they arise.  

2 minutes ago, amvet said:

I used a phone to reward an employee (the opposite of discipline) and I would kick union organizers off my property.  If they were union reps I would have to talk to them and I'd tell them to call me on my smart phone to make an appointment. 

The more you claim....the less I believe you

Just now, amvet said:

I'm writing a blog about it.  How to prevent Alzheimer with a smart phone.  This exchange has been useful in giving me ideas on how to squelch negatives before they arise.  

Its not working very well is it?

12 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Reading on the toilet I can understand......but taking a phone into the shower.....spare me.


I guess you look at the phone while being intimate with the missus too just in case the Karma Sutra app has an update.

Both my phone and earpiece are waterproof so it's no problem answering the phone.  It might be an important call from overseas or a bank or my family.  I don't have a secretary at home so I have to answer the phones.  I have a little hook in the shower and it's actually easy to answer the phone.  I have it auto answer after 2 rings.

38 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

I feel sorry for your trash collectors.

I do too.  Nice people that's why I pay them money to do things around the house.  I pay them by the hour and they keep all the recyclable items and stuff I no longer use. 

4 hours ago, amvet said:

When I got home my 3bb optical cable was down and flashing red lights.  I tethered my phone to my PC and my computer internet was up again with speeds just as fast as my 3bb contract.  I use the phone as a back up for when my PC or TV computers go down it is good insurance in an area like mine where we have a lot of storms. 

quite handy indeed... me, if the power is out, I take a nap. 

8 minutes ago, amvet said:

Both my phone and earpiece are waterproof so it's no problem answering the phone.  It might be an important call from overseas or a bank or my family.  I don't have a secretary at home so I have to answer the phones.  I have a little hook in the shower and it's actually easy to answer the phone.  I have it auto answer after 2 rings.

Are you for real??


You must dream of the day the phone is an implant into the skull.


Poor sad little man.

11 minutes ago, amvet said:

Both my phone and earpiece are waterproof so it's no problem answering the phone.  It might be an important call from overseas or a bank or my family.  I don't have a secretary at home so I have to answer the phones.  I have a little hook in the shower and it's actually easy to answer the phone.  I have it auto answer after 2 rings.

You must be soooooo important.


Its interesting to hear what you say.....a psychiatrist would have a field day with you.....many , many problems.


Delusions of grandeur, NPD and many more I am sure.


The OP seems to buy/sell stocks himself but pays someone to collect the trash.

I collect the trash myself but pay someone to buy/sell stocks for me.

Such is life.

58 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

You assume a lot. I have no superman feeling, and what makes you think I'm young. I'm retired and doing what I want. I have no illusion it will last forever, but I've done it for years and will continue to enjoy it. When the time comes that I need to settle in a place then I will, but I will continue to live life as simple and care free as possible. Somehow your all-doing and all-knowing technology has failed you in figuring out what type of person I am, and your personal judgement seems lacking as well.

Walking alone in the desert with no smart phone seems to me in the same category as skin diving or mountain climbing alone - not something a rational older person would do.  I'm never more than 20 minutes away from a hospital but that's just me and knowing my limitations. 

6 minutes ago, amvet said:

Walking alone in the desert with no smart phone seems to me in the same category as skin diving or mountain climbing alone - not something a rational older person would do.  I'm never more than 20 minutes away from a hospital but that's just me and knowing my limitations. 

There you go again making assumptions. I stated that I've gone most of my adult life without any type of phone. True. Using common sense and good judgement I also realize my limitations so I bought a go-phone (not a smart phone) 3 years ago for just such possible emergencies. As of yet none have arrived. I use the phone once a week to call my parents, then turn it off and put it in my back pack until the next week. All in all it was a big decision, the go-phone set me back US $14.95.

2 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

There you go again making assumptions. I stated that I've gone most of my adult life without any type of phone. True. Using common sense and good judgement I also realize my limitations so I bought a go-phone (not a smart phone) 3 years ago for just such possible emergencies. As of yet none have arrived. I use the phone once a week to call my parents, then turn it off and put it in my back pack until the next week. All in all it was a big decision, the go-phone set me back US $14.95.

And then a bus turns up right on time. As I said, there's the Senile Team and then there's the Cheap Team.

2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

And then a bus turns up right on time. As I said, there's the Senile Team and then there's the Cheap Team.

A proud member of the Cheap Team. Saving money is what allows me to travel overseas 6 months per year or longer. I only return home because my parents are still alive and kicking. If I wanted a smart phone, I could afford one. No busses out in the desert, but one of my friends would show up right on time. If it were life and death, they make these things called helicopters. Before you look foolish with more assumptions, I have a GPS.

30 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

To answer your original question......no, people who use smartphones are not smarter.



People with college degrees earning above 75 grand a year 90% smart phone ownership.  High school drop outs earning less than 30 grand a year 50% .  Approx numbers. 


Are you saying that high school dropouts earning less than 30 grand a year are smarter than college grads earning above 75 per year?


Smart guys have worked this out: 1. The Girls: The girls don't use phone numbers any more. They all use Line app on a smartphone. Why? Because the phone calls and texting is free. They do not want to spend money on regular phone line calls or texting. Also, given the language problem, sending the odd emoji now and again good for communications. If nothing else, this makes the use of a dumb phone in Thailand more or less redundant.

3 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

A proud member of the Cheap Team. Saving money is what allows me to travel overseas 6 months per year or longer. I only return home because my parents are still alive and kicking. If I wanted a smart phone, I could afford one. No busses out in the desert, but one of my friends would show up right on time. If it were life and death, they make these things called helicopters. Before you look foolish with more assumptions, I have a GPS.

Good for you.  I have passed out a few times due to heart problems and have to be close to a hospital and carry a device that my family can easily locate.  A smart phone with emergency apps is the logical choice for most people. 

2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Smart guys have worked this out: 1. The Girls: The girls don't use phone numbers any more. They all use Line app on a smartphone. Why? Because the phone calls and texting is free. They do not want to spend money on regular phone line calls or texting. Also, given the language problem, sending the odd emoji now and again good for communications. If nothing else, this makes the use of a dumb phone in Thailand more or less redundant.

Plus it is very easy to give another person your address.  Hit a button and send your address on a map to a prospective new significant other.  Directions are sometimes difficult for a woman to give in any language let alone Thai. 

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