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Which are the best highschools in CM?

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My 12 year old adopted Thai son is keen on maths and English and has good grades. Which highschool (government or private) would you recommend for Mathayom 1-6 that will prepare him well for the all-important entrance exam at Chiangmai University six years ahead?


He is now doing very well at normal Thai program.

I cannot afford more than 20-30.000 baht per term so the most expensive international schools will not be possible for us.

He dreams about Satit m.c. (Chiangmai University's demonstration school) where 4000 kids will compete at entrance exam in November. I believe Satit has very low school-fees but some say that a high entrance 'donation' is required even if they successfully pass the exam. Do you have any info on this?

I have also seen that the excellent government school Yupparaj offers a special 'SMART' program at 12.500 per term, English program abt. 30.000 but also there very difficult to get in.

I have just heard that Varee Chiangmai School has a new Thai program with focus on maths and science at 28.000 per term. (Varee's English program with special maths and science is too expensive for me; 42.000 per term.) Any views about Varee?

As for Prince Royal's College my son's average grades for the last two years were 3,8 so he cannot do the entrance exam there. Prince Royal's requires 4,0 to sit the exam.


Are there any other schools that you would recommend?

If you can share your thoughts I would be very thankful!


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Yuparaj is not all that. Keep my reasons to myself though.


Try Wattanothai Payap as is based on English and Math. Still hard to get into as the same forte' of Yuparaj. They are competitors. If your step kid is in blue book for inside Chiang Mai then easy.


The smartest student I ever helped with SAT test prep (he received a 790 on the Physics subject test and an 800 on the Math subject test, those who have over-achieving children will be impressed by that) went to the Yuparaj English program.  I also have a friend, currently studying for her PhD in the US, who did a special English class for a group of Youparaj students, she was impressed by them.

  • 1 month later...

For Thai schools,


Satit Chiang Mai University


Prince Royal College


List of top schools in Thailand


Montfort has fallen down the rankings since that list was published, large class sizes, living on reputation alone.


If not possible, see which school your son feels happiest at.


"Best" school is a personal opinion.




Most of the schools here (in the big city and burbs) are OK, if the kid actually wants to learn.

They boot them out (60%) of government school at age 15 if they don't get the grades, or don't behave well.


Costs are around 2k a term, bit more after age 15.

Pointless paying more.


There is a good High School near Big C Don Chan on the opposite side of the highway. I believe it is called Kawila Wittayalai School. It's about 5-7K THB per term + books, etc. The cousin went there and did very well, got excellent grades. She really liked it. She's in her 2nd year at University now.

9 hours ago, naboo said:


I see the poster who was critical deleted his post. I only made the suggestion based on the OP's budget of up to 20K per term. I don't know what there is available for between 7K-20K  per term. I know what there is for 7K and then 30K on up (high school). Schools are what you make of them. If a student is motivated to learn, then they will. If they are not, then they won't. In the case of the wife's cousin, she entered that school not speaking a word of English and 3 years later when she graduated, she could hold a reasonable conversation in English. She was subsequently accepted at two of the most popular Universities here. I'm not saying it is great, only what the experience of a family member was.


Instead of being critical perhaps make a suggestion? I suspect you are a teacher so you could be helpful...


Varee has 3 programmes: The international school is the most expensive at 120,000 Baht per semester (half year), this teaches the national curriculum for England with adaptations for Thailand. The English programme teaches the Thai syllabus largely in English and costs 58,000 Baht per semester and the Thai programme which teaches in Thai with English lessons costs 28,000 Baht per semester. All three offer the M6 certificate which would be needed to gain admission to Chiang Mai University. My stepson went through the Thai programme and is now at CMU and my son is now in Varee international school. 


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