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Foreign dad visits former Miss Teen Thailand daughter on drugs charge


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9 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


You said 'DEALING"   back it up or apologise and retract it  

She had 70 grams of meth (see other thread). Meth doses are normally in milligram!


So she either was planning 6-12 months of being high or dealing.

Which one you think?

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2 minutes ago, Loaded said:

The kid did a stupid thing.


Hands up who didn't do stupid things when they had less experience of life.


In fact, I see dumb western men, who should know better, every day doing stupid things in Thailand - marrying Issan bar girls, riding motorbikes while drunk, wearing socks in sandals...

Yes, totally agree with you, but : we also know and are willing to deal with the consequences of those actions!

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6 minutes ago, Songlaw said:

I can see you grew up before lead abatement was a thing. My sincerest sympathies. Mainly to your children, of course.

My children grew up clean and highly educated, have a look at the mirror and see where the sympathies should be 

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37 minutes ago, smew said:

Then you are a criminal

yourself and should be in jail with them. Rebellious is: loud music, crazy clothing, smoking and trying ganja, drinking and staying up late.

Now dealing heavy drugs to people, drugs that exacerbate crime and endanger general population is a crime and she with her man should do the time big time 10 hrs at least, lock them up and throw away the key. Leanient punishment is not a deterrent.

Then hours is the only worthwhile thing you said. Unfortunately, it is clearly a typo. 

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12 minutes ago, Songlaw said:

I can see you grew up before lead abatement was a thing. My sincerest sympathies. Mainly to your children, of course.

3 minutes ago, smew said:

My children grew up clean and highly educated, have a look at the mirror and see where the sympathies should be 

We're thrilled for you. However, self-pity isn't my thing. Empathy is the issue. I will forever be compelled to extend it to your kids.

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4 hours ago, The manic said:

They use a wheel to break a butterfly. Poor kid. Hope she's OK. Dreadful action by the authorities.



"Dreadful action by the authorities."?

From what I have seen it takes a lot to get into the sights of law enforcement here in the LOS, perhaps one ofthe couple were observed by a stake out, and identified at a drug trafficking location. 

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13 minutes ago, smew said:

Yes, totally agree with you, but : we also know and are willing to deal with the consequences of those actions!

Agree. She is an adult and should be old enough to assess the risks and rewards of her actions. She is 28 for gods sake, not 14.

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4 hours ago, The manic said:

They use a wheel to break a butterfly. Poor kid. Hope she's OK.


2 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

let this poor girl go home

1 hour ago, moondoggie said:

I hope she gets bail and can flee the country.

1 hour ago, moondoggie said:

Maybe they were just for personel recreational use only. No harm done there.

1 hour ago, moondoggie said:

I dont think its a big deal. First time offense!


12 minutes ago, Loaded said:

The kid did a stupid thing.


Hands up who didn't do stupid things when they had less experience of life.

All sympathy for former Miss it seems. If it would have been an unknown guy who is dealing hard drugs, preying on our kids to start / continue taking this for his own profit I guess reactions would be quite different ("hang him", "let him rot in jail" ...).


And for those who insist on seeing where it says that they're not just recreational users but dealers

43 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

What "dealing in heavy drugs"?  where does it say that?  or is your horrible bias driving you to make things up?

please read the initial reports (before they started to change their stories)

On 9/19/2017 at 1:33 PM, webfact said:

Police alleged the couple confessed that they bought the drug from a friend for Bt40,000 per 100 grams and then sold the drug for Bt800 per gram.


They had done so for about a year, they allegedly told police.

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3 minutes ago, IamNoone88 said:

Her mess becomes the fathers problem .... I feel for him.

Please get a hold of yourself: You feel for them?: what if she was selling/ pushing ice to your  teenage children or other volnerable family members? 

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She does not need jail-she needs a suspended sentence and possibly community service. Drug usage is the real problem everywhere. There really needs to be a study made on why so many people are turning to drugs as a way of life.  The Philippines  and Thailand have even tried to eradicate the problem by eradicating pushers- it did not work. People become addicted and cannot stop without help. Jail is the last place they belong.


The World needs to start decriminalizing drug use and making it available with supervision. People need to be educated on why using drugs is counter productive to a happier and more fruitful life. A certain number of people will ignore the facts and become addicted and won't stop. They should be allowed to pursue the habit as long as they do not cause  trouble  to anyone else. Countries are spending billions of  their precious currencies on criminalizing this situation  as people get police records and cannot find a job and become pariahs in society.


The current thinking needs to change. This is the 21st century and with the advent of technology must come the advent of a change in societal norms.

Edited by Thaidream
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42 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

She had 70 grams of meth (see other thread). Meth doses are normally in milligram!


So she either was planning 6-12 months of being high or dealing.

Which one you think?



Edited by LannaGuy
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1 minute ago, smew said:

Please get a hold of yourself: You feel for them?: what if she was selling/ pushing ice to your  teenage children or other volnerable family members? 

Please unplug the television (retroactively, if possible). Drugs are not "pushed," they are sought. What universe do you all live in, anyway? What happens to supply when demand disappears? You sound like Caroll-freaking-O'Connor, may he RIP irrespective of his end-of-life (and understandable) downward spiral (attitudinally speaking).

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5 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


Any EVIDENCE of dealing by this actress?  or more armchair imaginary stuff that you make up?  no?  then it's defamation 

Are you kidding me?


Isnt everything here armchair imaginary stuff? Yingluck is innocent till convicted, the red bull guy didnt do anything and saying otherwise is defamation also, and the only thing taksin did wrong was that land deal.


You almoat seem to be in love so foregiving you are...

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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

I am 60 years old now  but I did not wake up until I was 28 ,

Thinking back on the things I did back then , I wonder how I survived my twenties. The things I put my Dad through, How I wish he was around so I can thank him and apologize. 

Hopefully this would be a wake up call for her and she will come out of it without any lasting damage. 

555. I joke that I have been 47 for 18 years. I spent the majority of my 20's serving my country, now as the saying goes, I refuse to grow up. (Which explains 47 for 18 years) but I seldom use that line here anymore, It is not often understood or necessary. 

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2 hours ago, todlad said:

I wonder how much of a shock it was for this dopey pair to realise that what they were doing was criminal?

I hope the father came to say, Don't want to do the time, pet? Don't do the crime.

I really have no sympathy for drug dealers as they make their money with absolutely no thought for what is going on in the lives of the people they call clients.

Theft, abuse of spouse and children, neglect of themselves and their families ... the rising trend of death by overdose is another one they won't care about.


There are clearly people in this thread whose views are diametrically opposed to mine: fine, let it be!

I suggest going to the temple and learning how to develop some loving kindness/benevolence or "kwam  metta". Some compassion might be useful too.


ANYONE can become addicted to drugs, even you. ANYONE can develop a mental disorder. Drug cause people to do things that they wouldn't normally do. 


I know you can't have any kids.

Maybe one day, karma and all that,  you'll visit your own kid with the "do the crime" BS

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Just now, Cranky said:

I'm finding it confusing that it is sometimes OK, (privileged, farang and cute) and sometimes not OK (arrogant, Thai, and connected) to have one rule for the rich and one for the poor.


Which is it?

it is quite complicated. I have a friend who is in jail for a tiny amount of cocaine, in fact she was set up. A very famous Thai model of a few years back and well connected. However, she upset someone who was very near the top by exposing the illegal trade of endangered species. One poo yai can out-trump another.

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1 minute ago, MrPatrickThai said:

it is quite complicated. I have a friend who is in jail for a tiny amount of cocaine, in fact she was set up. A very famous Thai model of a few years back and well connected. However, she upset someone who was very near the top by exposing the illegal trade of endangered species. One poo yai can out-trump another.


Indeed that was an absolute TRAGEDY and I hope one day her husband can find a way to get her out. Terrible injustice and I really feel for her. 

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Come on guys - get real a 28 year old with privileged upbringing, celebrity status and no doubt more money available than the average drug pusher, forget all the celebrity bit she is an ADULT selling drugs that can kill some under-privileged kid who as nothing, so stop the sympathy crap!! SHE NEEDS TO DO TIME in the monkey house 

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14 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I suggest going to the temple and learning how to develop some loving kindness/benevolence or "kwam  metta". Some compassion might be useful too.


ANYONE can become addicted to drugs, even you. ANYONE can develop a mental disorder. Drug cause people to do things that they wouldn't normally do. 


I know you can't have any kids.

Maybe one day, karma and all that,  you'll visit your own kid with the "do the crime" BS

You've got to be rational here and resist the temptation to project onto me.

I've got my children and I raised them to do the right things and to do them right. One of them took to drugs while he was at university. Since he was away from home I had no idea: when I saw him he was fine. He failed. He sorted himself out and tried again and graduated.

As a parent, I believe it is my responsibility and duty to raise the best adults possible but once they reach adulthood they are then in control of their own destinies.


Now you'll ask me if my children ever visit me!


How long do you think I should live my kids' lives for them? Do you believe, as others have said, that the father in this case should have gone to visit his daughter with a large, stuffed envelope? Really? What problem will that solve?


Here is the truth and the reality: Thailand is a country where drugs are seriously frowned upon: we all know that. Forget that the law here is administered in a skewed way because that does not change the law.


I know that if I were ever caught carrying or dealing in drugs I would have a serious problem. I know that so I have never even dreamed of doing it.


As far as feeling so haughty about this case and my reaction to it is concerned, are you saying that every user and every dealer needs sympathy and a cuddle? After all, they're someone's child, right?


How many lives do these people have to ruin before you tell me that I am now compassionate enough?


Sorry, mate; but I am thinking of my own daughter here and I have to do my very best to keep her away from someone like this dopey pair. That's my concern here. 


If you want to encourage your own children into a life of drug induced crime by marching down to the cop shop to bail them out every time they are nabbed, then go right ahead. I don't believe, by the way, your faux indignation. Not for one second: you are just mouthing off to sound big and cool.

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3 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Who cares she had some Ice?  legalize drugs and empty the jails. You can't stop morons from taking it or selling it. Just educate and let people do what they want.

Personally I couldn't care less about people taking drugs but if you want them legalized how about having them supplied by the govt.  The main problem I have is the illegal activity a lot of druggies engage in to get money to feed their addiction and the abuse and assaults on persons treating addicts in emergency situations.  Let the Darwin principal rule.  Save money on law enforcement. Let the govts fill their coffers with profits from the sale of yet just another addiction.

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5 hours ago, sirineou said:

When something like this happens the last thing in the mind of a Dad is if it is going to be cheaper.

We just went through a similar situation where my daughter was pulled over for speeding in Florida and the cops found a small amount of marijuana in her car. . If this had happened in new york, al that would have happened would have being a citation no different than a traffic violation and a small fine. But in Florida it would have being a drug possession with a suspended sentence. My daughter is in school with ambitions to be a school  teacher. A drug conviction would have made her unemployable. 

It cost a pretty penny on lawyers, and I run there  with a quiver full of contacts from my days as head of a large fraternal organisation there., and was able to pressure the prosecutor to dismiss it.

 How many kids  lives with out our resources end up having their lives compromised do to stupid youthful indiscretions? 

I hope the dad not only has the money to pay of people but also has the right contacts to make this go away

I feel bad for all the kids who do not have similar resources.

In other words, you think the law doesn't apply to you or your family?  Typical attitude of the elites.

Then when we hear about school teachers involved in all kinds of vice and wonder how they slipped through the checks and end up working with children....now we know.

Edited by Time Traveller
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