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Meet The Thai Medical Student Suing Donald Trump


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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This is NOT about Thailand immigration, dude.

It's about USA immigration.

Completely different countries.

Thailand is proudly xenophobic and does not consider itself a nation of immigrants. 

The USA has a different culture. Immigrants made the USA but it's not always pretty. Ask the native Americans. 

These were not technically immigrants, but were rather economic refugees. The guy even admits to working illegally in the US for several years and then expects to benefit from all that the US has to offer hoping the authorities will make an exception to him not having the correct documentation.


As regarding Thailand, don`t meet the Thai immigration criteria and decide to sue the prime minister, then see how far you will get. Why should America be any different?

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I doubt the USA embassy in Bangkok would give him a student visa.

So where are your ties to Thailand so we know you want overstay your visa?

I don't have them. I've been living in the USA for most of my life.

What was your legal status in the USA?
Illegal for most of the time and on provisional DACA for part of it.





i would venture to say the us embassy in thailand will approve a student visa for him. they typically approve such visas for bona-fide study in america. in a way he did not willfully at age 9 break the law although his parents did. ucsf is one of the most difficult us medical schools to gain admission to and he is already in the 4th year. this is not some expat enrolling his gf in an english language school in usa as a rouse to get her there.  lets face it, if thai students want to drive a car off a cliff in america, the embassy will approve the visa.  the other thing is this medical student did enter university legally since he was accepted to the daca program in effect at that time.  those living in thailand have gotten used often arbitrarily enforced rules that can be altered depending of the official. day of the week and or his mood. the us although not perfect does have a much better justice system.  the question is can trump administration new rules be applied retroactively to those already been accepted? 

Edited by atyclb
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7 hours ago, yardrunner said:

but where will you get a positive trump story that isn't fake news 

Sorry to disappoint you, but...



The total irrationality of Trump haters becomes clearer each day. So sorry, but the world moves on... the election is over and Trump is president of the US and will remain so.


So many liberals here argue that this Thai student's problem is an immigration issue.  It is NOT.  The issue is what to do with people who INTENTIONALLY violated a country's immigration laws.  


In seeking a solution to this problem there is nothing at all wrong with looking at how other countries deal with this very issue.  Is there any country in the world that would say, "OK, you violated our laws. You jumped ahead of people who legitimately waited to immigrate, so we will reward you for line jumping and make you a fully vested citizen."


Is there any country who would do that?  Anywhere?


Those of you who think this is a good idea, should stop complaining about the Chinese who jump ahead of you in line.  In fact, you should kiss their feet and say "thank you, please do it again!"

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9 hours ago, JohnLick said:

immigrants DID NOT made the USA ... Europeans did

And what do you think the Europeans were, they were immigrants from the UK fleeing the potato famine in Ireland, the clearances in Scotland as well as religious persecution and poverty and disease in the industrial cities, and I mention the UK first because it is my country.

Their were also those from the countries of western Europe fleeing poverty, religious  and political oppression in both the 19th and 20th centuries and those fleeing from eastern Europe especially those races and ethnic groups ill-treated by the Czars (yes I include the Jews in this group but they were not the only ones)

In the age of crossing the Atlantic by ship before the advent of passenger planes the shipping companies made most of their money by carrying immigrants from Europe to the Americas, that was one of the reasons that the loss of life on the Titanic was so great, because of the large number of immigrants carried in steerage without adequate safety equipment on the ship.

And what about Ellis Island in Upper New York Bay, it was the gateway for over 12 million immigrants mainly from Europe to the United States as the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station for over sixty years from 1892 until 1954 and before that their were other immigration centers in New York. And don’t forget the sign

   "Give me your tired, your poor,

 Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

 The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

 Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Obviously it doesn’t apply any more

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24 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

And what do you think the Europeans were, ....Ellis Island in Upper New York Bay, it was the gateway for over 12 million immigrants mainly from Europe to the United States as the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station for over sixty years from 1892 until 1954 and before that their were other immigration centers in New York. And don’t forget the sign

   "Give me your tired, your poor,

 Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

 The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

 Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Obviously it doesn’t apply any more


and here is where you are wrong.


over the course of 60 years, 12 million european immigrants LEGALLY

entered the country thru ellis island, an official entry station.


over the past several decades, somewhere around 12 million aliens

ILLEGALLY cross the southern border....every year.


you see the difference?  .... 12 million legal immigrants vs. 100

million illegal aliens ....

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1 hour ago, yardrunner said:

And don’t forget the sign

   "Give me your tired, your poor,

 Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

 The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

 Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Obviously it doesn’t apply any more

Correct!  It doesn't apply anymore!


It could and I believe in open borders, but you cannot be a welfare state AND an open border state. Milton Fired an proved 30 years ago that you must shut down one or the other.


Back when we had mass immigration there was no such thing as:

  • Food stamps
  • Free medical
  • Free housing
  • Free cell phones
  • Free air conditioners
  • Free utilities

In short, the immigrants had to move in with relatives and quickly find work!  I prefer to end all of these programs and to re-open the borders.  Liberals would never support this, because they need the votes from those millions who get all of this "free" stuff.

Edited by Watchful
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3 hours ago, yardrunner said:

And what do you think the Europeans were, they were immigrants from the UK fleeing the potato famine in Ireland, the clearances in Scotland as well as religious persecution and poverty and disease in the industrial cities, and I mention the UK first because it is my country.

Their were also those from the countries of western Europe fleeing poverty, religious  and political oppression in both the 19th and 20th centuries and those fleeing from eastern Europe especially those races and ethnic groups ill-treated by the Czars (yes I include the Jews in this group but they were not the only ones)

In the age of crossing the Atlantic by ship before the advent of passenger planes the shipping companies made most of their money by carrying immigrants from Europe to the Americas, that was one of the reasons that the loss of life on the Titanic was so great, because of the large number of immigrants carried in steerage without adequate safety equipment on the ship.

And what about Ellis Island in Upper New York Bay, it was the gateway for over 12 million immigrants mainly from Europe to the United States as the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station for over sixty years from 1892 until 1954 and before that their were other immigration centers in New York. And don’t forget the sign

   "Give me your tired, your poor,

 Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

 The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

 Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Obviously it doesn’t apply any more

and a good thing it doesn't apply any more. Congress passed laws to make it not apply any more, not Trump.

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DACA was formed based on the dictate of an Executive Order.  Executive Orders are not codified laws that have passed via vote in the Congress and the Senate.  As such, it is subject to repeal by - you guessed it - and Executive Order.  As such, the law suit will have no standing.  This is the weakness of issuing dictates via Executive Order.  An incoming president can rescind them just as easily has they were created.

Trump has chosen to rescind an Executive Order that was a dictate by a president.  He has then tossed the issue back at Congress and the Senate (where they originally should have been addressed) in order to allow those legislative bodies to create proper legislation to either allow the immigration structures created by DACA to be codified into law, or not.  

Regarding the creation of law by dictates.  I don't know about you, but as a US citizen, I don't support the creation of law by a single person based on a dictate.  That's called - dictatorship, which is the antithesis of what the US is about.  And the previous administration had a habit of bypassing the legislative branch of the government (that branch whose job it is to pass laws) if it couldn't get what it wanted.  Its presidential overreach, and starts bordering on what dictators do when bypassing their lawmakers.  Unfortunately, that seems to be the direction the county is going.  


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43 minutes ago, connda said:

..... And the previous administration had a habit of bypassing the legislative branch of the government (that branch whose job it is to pass laws) if it couldn't get what it wanted.  Its presidential overreach, and starts bordering on what dictators do when bypassing their lawmakers.  Unfortunately, that seems to be the direction the county is going.  


what dictators do is compile kill lists and order the assassination of citizens without a trial.


good thing the prior adminis....oh wait!

Edited by ChouDoufu
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1 hour ago, connda said:

DACA was formed based on the dictate of an Executive Order.  Executive Orders are not codified laws that have passed via vote in the Congress and the Senate.  As such, it is subject to repeal by - you guessed it - and Executive Order.  As such, the law suit will have no standing.  This is the weakness of issuing dictates via Executive Order.  An incoming president can rescind them just as easily has they were created.

Trump has chosen to rescind an Executive Order that was a dictate by a president.  He has then tossed the issue back at Congress and the Senate (where they originally should have been addressed) in order to allow those legislative bodies to create proper legislation to either allow the immigration structures created by DACA to be codified into law, or not.  

Regarding the creation of law by dictates.  I don't know about you, but as a US citizen, I don't support the creation of law by a single person based on a dictate.  That's called - dictatorship, which is the antithesis of what the US is about.  And the previous administration had a habit of bypassing the legislative branch of the government (that branch whose job it is to pass laws) if it couldn't get what it wanted.  Its presidential overreach, and starts bordering on what dictators do when bypassing their lawmakers.  Unfortunately, that seems to be the direction the county is going.  




i agree obama issued the order while in dictator mode. agree about how laws should be passed.  i believe in the constitution


at that time the usa promise was for him to be able to study.  imo it would be fair to allow him to at least complete his studies even if he cannot remain in the country thereafter.

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