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I know there has been a post about internet speed over xmas/new year.

My connection is still very slow, slower than 56k most of the time and is struggling to open pages fully. Just wondered if it's just a problem at my end, or are other peolple having the same.


i have TOT broadband sattelite which i pay 2600 baht a moth for. its bad, and i cant access my favourite sites at all, since the earthquake. :o

i really hope it will get better after the 20th jan, when they say it should be fixed then

i have TOT broadband sattelite which i pay 2600 baht a moth for. its bad, and i cant access my favourite sites at all, since the earthquake. :o

i really hope it will get better after the 20th jan, when they say it should be fixed then

I have the TOT 1000 baht package and the speed is fine and very few issues with accessing any websites.

I think the earthquake thing is overblown.


Mine is getting better, but still not good. Web pages only half open, but TV seems to be super

fast. Hopefully it will be better soon.

TOT 1024.


I have Tot adsl high speed also in my condo, i cant access some websites and i cant watch tv news... are you sure they will get things fixed after the 20th? so the problem was all about the earthquake in taiwan? i was about to call them too, saves me a call^^


Funny, today I just happen to cruise by our local D-slam box, and there was this TOT guy

serviceing it.

It's tiny !, looks alot like a DVD player without the door. :o

Thru my modem I see it uses the globalspan chipset (Chinese stuff), probably same in the whole of Thailand.

Whenever I get "glitches" on my connection, I lower the syncspeed with this great little tool:


Makes the connection more stable at the price of a slower one.


when the news came out they said it would take at least two weaks to get divers down there to fix it. I figure my TOT 1K package is still slow becuase the cables are still broken but I don't know. I also figur the reason it wrks at all now is becuaw they rerouted traffic but it will be slow untill the cables are fixed.

Thats what I'm guessing anyway.

I've been kown to be wrong.



In Jomtien its bad

some pages work then try again in 5 and they dont work

Skype is peer to peer and always seems to work

I need some software to prove the speed over the past month as I aint paying for this service

anyone got any shareware that averages the bandwith for the month so i can give to TOT



I am looking for a good ISP one that gives me the whole WWW not just thailand web sites and I want it to be lightning fast no B/S waiting time I want all my web pages to come up and show not time out or internet expl. can not open this page just buracratic Thai bull/sheet I had satelite in usa (arizona) and it was very good my kids in florida have cable it very good I would be satisfied if I could get the pages I want even when I had dial up 56k in AZ before I got my satelite it was 1000 times beter than ttt & tot adsl so what gives now can any one make a recomendation about there ISP if so please post it do not keep it a secret thank you Ronnie


I guess there's no secret, that all isp's in Thailand suck to an greater extent.

Atleast if you try to compare speed and reliability to the US.

I think, TOT is the best deal you can get so far in Thailand.

There's no way around it.

You have to get used to slow downs and drop outs if you gonna use Internet here...

I guess there's no secret, that all isp's in Thailand suck to an greater extent.

Atleast if you try to compare speed and reliability to the US.

I think, TOT is the best deal you can get so far in Thailand.

There's no way around it.

You have to get used to slow downs and drop outs if you gonna use Internet here...

I agree. I understand Broadband to be like a water pipe. A big pipe comes in and everyone plugs in to get their water. Correct me if I am wrong. I blame the internet cafes. All these kids at 3-5pm, are jacked on Red Bull and playing on the web/gaming online. Hogs up the pipe.

For this country, be happy you have internet. Mine is 1024/512 and I am downloading at 20-40k.

I didn't come here for the 3G network, or the high speed internet. Beaches are nice though.



I have the same TOT 1024/516 line that is completely unreliable and can't load most websites (ones that I have to access) most of the time. If I'm very very lucky, I could download at 60k, but I've seen it go down to 5k more than I'd like to see.

Considering that there's very limited choices in terms of broadband connection (why is this whole country on this weird ADSL crap? why not just DSL? or where's cable?), and switching the ISP could potentially cause more trouble than it's worth... I'm wondering if anyone here thinks that upgrading to a business plan would be a way to fix it? Has anyone tried the business plan?

TOT offers the same speed (1024/516) as a business package that costs 2.5x more (if I remember correctly). I remember asking when I signed up about the difference and the counter girl mumbled something about the business line has a bit more of a guarantee for up-time. At this point, my Internet is so painfully slow that I'm willing to pay as much as I can afford for just a peace of mind.

After reading many forums, my choices come down to 1) switch to Samart Wow or 2) try seeing if this whole "business" plan works.

What do you guys think? Or is it just the sucky phone infrastructure that I can't do anything about?


If you want a step-up from the standard 1024/512 1000B/m TOT package check out CSLOX, they have 1024/512 for 1500B/m - much better connectivity for just a little extra.


I have the same TOT 1024/516 line that is completely unreliable and can't load most websites (ones that I have to access) most of the time. If I'm very very lucky, I could download at 60k, but I've seen it go down to 5k more than I'd like to see.

Considering that there's very limited choices in terms of broadband connection (why is this whole country on this weird ADSL crap? why not just DSL? or where's cable?), and switching the ISP could potentially cause more trouble than it's worth... I'm wondering if anyone here thinks that upgrading to a business plan would be a way to fix it? Has anyone tried the business plan?

TOT offers the same speed (1024/516) as a business package that costs 2.5x more (if I remember correctly). I remember asking when I signed up about the difference and the counter girl mumbled something about the business line has a bit more of a guarantee for up-time. At this point, my Internet is so painfully slow that I'm willing to pay as much as I can afford for just a peace of mind.

After reading many forums, my choices come down to 1) switch to Samart Wow or 2) try seeing if this whole "business" plan works.

What do you guys think? Or is it just the sucky phone infrastructure that I can't do anything about?

Well the AMAZING thing about Thailand is that they will gladly accept you paying more for your business package and still most probably not deliver.

Then you are paying more and receiving the same old crap.

Its a catch 22

so roll on 3G so we can be done with this cable nonsense

Well the AMAZING thing about Thailand is that they will gladly accept you paying more for your business package and still most probably not deliver.

Then you are paying more and receiving the same old crap.

Its a catch 22

so roll on 3G so we can be done with this cable nonsense

yeah, you're probably right about that. I'm so tempted to go down to the TOT office and yell at someone, but then they wouldn't even have a lick of understanding of my frustration, and I'll just end up more angry.


If you want a step-up from the standard 1024/512 1000B/m TOT package check out CSLOX, they have 1024/512 for 1500B/m - much better connectivity for just a little extra.

I might just go check that out... do these people lock you in with a year contract or whatever? My current TOT package does, but I don't care so much any more.

I've seen a lot of complaints for csloxinfo though (or maybe it's their old rep?)... I just moved here 3 months ago, so I don't really have a lot of experience with the ISPs and rely on forums, reviews, etc. So does ISP reliability depends on the user's location? like maybe some ISP is better in pataya than bangkok, etc?

in my case, i'm in bangkok -- but my building doesn't have True line, so I can only get TOT stuff.


Hm I've never heard of any ISP locking you into a one year contract, but what do I know.

Only problems I've heard about CSLOX is that IPSTAR satellite carp, has nothing to do with the ADSL service they provide.

I bought a Linksys RV042 load balancing router, got a line from each of the two telco's, each with with their respective cheapo ISP offer, so for 2000 B/m I have 2048/1024 (nominally) ADSL, relatively high availability - if one doesn't work, chances are the other does, at least unless the undersea cable breaks.

Hm I've never heard of any ISP locking you into a one year contract, but what do I know.

Only problems I've heard about CSLOX is that IPSTAR satellite carp, has nothing to do with the ADSL service they provide.

I bought a Linksys RV042 load balancing router, got a line from each of the two telco's, each with with their respective cheapo ISP offer, so for 2000 B/m I have 2048/1024 (nominally) ADSL, relatively high availability - if one doesn't work, chances are the other does, at least unless the undersea cable breaks.



I have the 1Mb down and 512Kbps up plan. I live in Surat. The TOT guys just left my house. While they were here they ran a speed check - 800+kbps..

So, I got excited - and got online while they were here... I have a browser - Opera - that lets me see speed of download of all pages as it happens. It reads 3Kb - 7Kb at the highest point. MINUTES after they did the speed test.

I log into my FTP account and try to download a 12 MB movie I have on one of my servers... it comes down at 25Kbps - which is OK, I'm not going to complain - MUCH... it should be 100+ since 100Kbps times 8 equals 800 kbps... so - effectively using FTP I'm getting about 200kbps.

Now... why the disparity between the speed tests - ( I just used ThaiVisas as well - and see 832kbps) and what my browser is reading - and I've used my IE 6 browser and the new version of FireFox too - just to be sure it's not browser related... IT ISN"T.

So - how can a speedtest show that great download speed and my browser giving me crap?

I tested MULTIPLE web sites for downloads - to see - is there a difference among sites? ??? NO, NONE.

I tried ThaiVisa. MSN. Yahoo. Google. CNN. Youtube. And then my own sites where my blogs are hosted with blogger at google. And my own site that is hosted with Godaddy.com in the USA.

All browsers were at dial-up 28-56kbps speed. (averaging 7Kbps).

I can get 5Kbps using my AIS cell phone with class 10 modem and wireless bluetooth connection - what am I spending 1000 per month for? LOL>

Can anyone give me an idea what might be happening - and where the bottleneck is in my connection???

Any settings I can tweak?

Thanks for any help!


ThaiPulse! Blog


Thanks Phil.... so that means that this is the best it will get?

Does ThaiVisa also test against a server within Thailand? I'll find an outside test and see what happens.

It's strange because at the internet cafes I'm getting much higher speeds. They're going through the CAT link also - yes?

Also - when I first got this connection - it was giving me 80-115 Kbps for first 3 weeks... then went down to 20Kbps and now - the dismal 5-7.



Thai ISPs provide a package which has a maximum of the LOCAL bandwidth (usually of 15-20%).

The technician measures the local speed and that will be usual around the figure as mentioned above.

(On my TOT 1024/512 about 850 down/399 up).

Take two tests on adslthailand.com: one localnet and one internet.

You'll see that they differ a lot .... but actually Thai ISP are responsible for localnet and give no guarantees about

the internet.

Ways to improve your speed:

- Try a third party proxy server (TOT's is very slow)

- Use a download manager and cut the file in 8 or 16 pieces (I get usually 50-107kB/s)

- Use the Internet from 6am-10am.


Does ThaiVisa also test against a server within Thailand? I'll find an outside test and see what happens.


No, Singapore. But quite similar speeds to Thailand.


So that means that this is the best it will get?


It is expected to get a lttle better when the cables near Taiwan are fixed (end of the month).

  • 2 years later...

I'm really going crazy with this TOT connection! :)

I got 4MB connection last month, but there nothing i can see there!

I informed to TOT office and they visited more then 3 times and they have no idea what is happening and they gave up. Now my connection speed is 45kbs and cannot do any work. If I want to cancel my connection i need to pay 3500 Baht :D it's look like this company earning money this way.

I really want to advice you all not to get this connection. Always TOT staff lies


I'm really going crazy with this TOT connection! :angry:

I got 4MB connection last month, but there nothing i can see there!

I informed to TOT office and they visited more then 3 times and they have no idea what is happening and they gave up. Now my connection speed is 45kbs and cannot do any work. If I want to cancel my connection i need to pay 3500 Baht :angry: it's look like this company earning money this way.

I really want to advice you all not to get this connection. Always TOT staff lies


I had Maxnet before. I started with Indy and switched to Premier afterwards. It was a nightmare. Now I have TOT and it is perfect. The first time that I can watch streaming videos. Don't get me wrong - my phone line always had perfect values. So it must be the ISP - in my case Maxnet or TTT now. This from Pattaya


^ Odd. I had the exact opposite experience. Twice (different locations) tried getting TOT installed. Both time eventually gave up because they could not even get a simple connection working. Now happily on Maxnet Premier for the 4th year.

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