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Mayor of stricken San Juan blasts U.S. official over 'good news' comment


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I think it would be nice if Puerto Rico had a referendum and chose independence.  It's nothing but a drain on the USA.  The Puerto Bond debt is tremendous and has been totally mismanaged and that's Puerto Rico's own politicians running the show.  If the mayor of San Juan doesn't like a harmless comment taken out of context, then maybe she needs to do something besides wait for help from the Federal Government. Three natural disasters to hit the USA in a month, what do people expect from government? One has to wonder what kind of Disaster Preparedness her city has had or has that money been squandered as well. Bloomberg gives a pretty good read about Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico really is a basket case. 3.5 million people and 75 billion in bond debt, figure that one out. Puerto Rico is the USA's Greece.  The government of Puerto Rico has literally squandered away vast sums of bond money on transit projects, stadiums, salaries, funding public pensions and plugging budget deficits. Debts were piled on debts. Half the population is below the poverty level. I would like to see a review of San Juan with Carmen at the helm and would bet it is no better than the island as a whole. 

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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

How do you know that they weren't prepared? There's only so much fuel can store for your generators. Have you forgotten that there's virtually no power to most of the island?

That they were not properly prepared is obvious to anyone with half a brain, and I am proud to announce that I do have half a functioning brain.

Well maybe not half but close:tongue:

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Do you realize that "they" refers to hospitals?

My friend, don't get me wrong. No one is more anti Trump than me. But we should not let our emotions cloud our judgment, 

Trump might be all the things we think he is, But The Mayor and her ilk in Puerto Rico are no bargain

As the Great philosopher Forrest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does"


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Just now, sirineou said:

And you think their hospitals properly were prepared?


Do you understand that there is no power for most of Puerto Rico?

That a hospital can only have a limited supply of fuel for generators?

That to hurricane proof  a building is very expensive and no guarantee of success? 

Did you know that several hospitals in New York, a world center of hospitals, were knocked out by Hurricane Sandy? As was also the case in Houston from Harvey? And these locales have a lot more money available to protect against disasters.

Do you understand that there is only so much you can do to prepare for a powerful hurricane with massive rain and flooding?

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Just now, sirineou said:

My friend, don't get me wrong. No one is more anti Trump than me. But we should not let our emotions cloud our judgment, 

Trump might be all the things we think he is, But The Mayor and her ilk in Puerto Rico are no bargain

As the Great philosopher Forrest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does"


For 5 days after the hurricane hit Puerto Rico Trump busied himself with tweeting about the NFL. The Washington Post has a story about what Trump was up to while Puerto Rico was suffering. And it wasn't about him paying attention to the situation in Puerto Rico.


I previously cited General Honore's assessment that ships were dispatched to Puerto Rico 4 days too late.

Your distaste for Trump seems overmatched by your irrational desire to blame the government of Puerto Rico for this disaster.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

For 5 days after the hurricane hit Puerto Rico Trump busied himself with tweeting about the NFL. The Washington Post has a story about what Trump was up to while Puerto Rico was suffering. And it wasn't about him paying attention to the situation in Puerto Rico.


I previously cited General Honore's assessment that ships were dispatched to Puerto Rico 4 days too late.

Your distaste for Trump seems overmatched by your irrational desire to blame the government of Puerto Rico for this disaster.


The fact that Trump is an ass, does little to mitigate The mayor's statement. It was out of context when she made it, and it will be out of context no matter how Trump behaves.

If you think the Mayor had done all she could do to prepare and and all of their problems are the fault of the mainland, then be it.

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9 minutes ago, sirineou said:


The fact that Trump is an ass, does little to mitigate The mayor's statement. It was out of context when she made it, and it will be out of context no matter how Trump behaves.

If you think the Mayor had done all she could do to prepare and and all of their problems are the fault of the mainland, then be it.

Well, you seem to have access to this knowledge. So fill us in on the details of how the mayor of San Juan and others failed. Just share an authoritative link. Surely you must have access to one; I'm sure you wouldn't just be making empty claims. And you think it's a valid criticism that the mayor hadn't done all she could to prepare? Tell me of a mayor on the mainland of the USA that has done all she or he could to prepare? What city has a major hurricane hit where everything possible was done to prepare You're just using a cheap rhetorical trick.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, you seem to have access to this knowledge. So fill us in on the details of how the mayor of San Juan and others failed. Just share an authoritative link. Surely you must have access to one; I'm sure you wouldn't just be making empty claims. And you think it's a valid criticism that the mayor hadn't done all she could to prepare? Tell me of a mayor on the mainland of the USA that has done all she or he could to prepare? What city has a major hurricane hit where everything possible was done to prepare You're just using a cheap rhetorical trick.

I might be using a rhetorical  trick , but it is certainly not cheap. 

The title of this tread is:

Mayor of stricken San Juan blasts U.S. official over 'good news' comment

and it is my contention as previously stated that, the Mayor's crocodilian tears and out of context criticism are simply political cover, and for the consumption of the weak minded, of which there seem to be no short supply.

You seem to think otherwise, who knows , you could be right and all previous, current and future problems are caused by the mainland despite all her and their  best efforts.

If so I suggest they have a referendum as soon as possible ,perhaps   Prexit would be better for them.   

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6 hours ago, sirineou said:

I might be using a rhetorical  trick , but it is certainly not cheap. 

The title of this tread is:

Mayor of stricken San Juan blasts U.S. official over 'good news' comment

and it is my contention as previously stated that, the Mayor's crocodilian tears and out of context criticism are simply political cover, and for the consumption of the weak minded, of which there seem to be no short supply.

You seem to think otherwise, who knows , you could be right and all previous, current and future problems are caused by the mainland despite all her and their  best efforts.

If so I suggest they have a referendum as soon as possible ,perhaps   Prexit would be better for them.   

Nice try. You started out by contending that Puerto Rican hospitals didn't properly prepare for hurricanes and provided zero evidence for that. Then you went on to blaming the mayor of San Juan for not properly preparing for hurricanes and provided zero evidence for that. Now you contend tat I am claiming that "all previous, current and future problems are caused by the mainland despite all her and their  best efforts." What you've just done meets that standard of a certain technical term called "lying."

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Nice try. You started out by contending that Puerto Rican hospitals didn't properly prepare for hurricanes and provided zero evidence for that. Then you went on to blaming the mayor of San Juan for not properly preparing for hurricanes and provided zero evidence for that. Now you contend tat I am claiming that "all previous, current and future problems are caused by the mainland despite all her and their  best efforts." What you've just done meets that standard of a certain technical term called "lying."

You got me.Hard to try and pull the wool over your eyes.

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