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Martial Property


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Got a question about martial property. My wife and I have separated and getting divorced abroad. While we were married, she had an apartment that she was paying for. After getting married, I helped support her with mortgage payments. After moving abroad, she sent money home to finish paying for the property. It was paid off last year. Now we are divorcing abroad. Do I have rights to that property as well?


Any ideas?

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Do you have a lawyer dealing with the divorce? If so, shouldn't they know all that?


Did she purchase it after, or before you got married? If after it's marital property and I understand it would have to be sold and any money split. If before, I doubt you have a case, unless you have official documents ( as in signed by her ) for every time you handed over money for the apartment? If not, IMO you haven't a show, unless she's exceptionally generous.


If you had to contest it to get the money, would you get anything after the lawyers got their whack?

If you had to contest it in Thailand, do you want to go down that route?

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