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Bid to stop bribes in soldier recruitment

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The Defence Ministry’s soldier recruitment committee on Tuesday released a statement ordering potential applicants not to pay bribes to pass entrance exams or obtain jobs. The statement said the public must know that paying to become a soldier or to work in the government is unacceptable.


“Nobody should offer money or ask to be paid in return for an applicant passing the soldier entrance exam or health check,” the statement read. “Anyone who does so will face legal action.” Defence Ministry spokesman Major General Moa Phalla said the statement was in response to a case of bribery that recently came to light.


“We are taking action immediately to stop this after someone collected money during a soldier recruitment exam. We need fairness and transparency for every candidate,” he said. The Defence Ministry in August announced plans to recruit 3,450 new soldiers, 2,900 of which will make up a new intervention brigade in Stung Treng province.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5084744/bid-stop-bribes-soldier-recruitment/

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