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Som Tam Or Chemo?

Nam Plah

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Scientists have discovered the key to the ability of spicy foods to kill cancer cells. They found capsaicin, an ingredient of jalapeno peppers, triggers cancer cell death by attacking mitochondria - the cells' energy-generating boiler rooms.

Chili Peppers Have Possible Role In Killing Cancer Cells


I poked around on Google and came across some cancer statistics for different countries around the world and Thailand is listed as being consistently low for mortality rates in almost every type of cancer. (!) :o

I figured with all the smoking, drinking the native population indulges in and the random industrial waste strewn around that the cancer rates would be higher.

Maybe all that raw garlic and red chilis in Somtam keep the immune system cranked up! :D

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speculation at the moment.

cancer is one of civilisation ilnesses - triggered by stress, pollution, bad food (fried, with preservatives). Maybe thai still are relaxed, reasonably unpolluted and eating healthy

Thanks Doc... but this doesn't explain why every Thai doctor's first diagnosis is usually "cancer" before figuring out it's a cold or indigestion, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

Having done 6 months of chemo, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It is one kind of nasty stuff used to kill another kind of nasty stuff. Lots of physical and psychological side effects. Not a pleasant experience.

While it is just my feeling and there is no data behind it, I do think there is something to the peppers and other fresh spices and vegetables. When I am in LoS eating lots of pepper and spicy food every day, I actually feel better. I have more energy and my lymph areas which are occasionally subject to problems, stay free and clear. Possibly some of that is psychological as well, but I feel the same thing when I go on Thai food binges here in the UK.

It's even better now that I am used to eating spicy food. A long time ago, I could only manage little bits of red chile. Now I'll take slices and slices of them and the more I eat the better I feel.

I also think there is a lot of merit to what LondonThai says about eating fresh food, staying away from lots of preservatives, etc. Freshly killed chicken, pork and fish, vegetables and spices right out of the ground ... yeah I think there's a lot to be said for it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I do think there is something to the peppers and other fresh spices and vegetables. When I am in LoS eating lots of pepper and spicy food every day, I actually feel better. I have more energy

It's even better now that I am used to eating spicy food.

I have to agree with you here Spee, when I am in the Smiles the pain I go thru on a daily basis is very much reduced, I can only attribute this to the food, lifestyle and weather, but then it might be psychological?

sorry to hear about the Chemo.

Good Luck


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