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14 Arrested In More Raids Targeting ‘Black People’ In Bangkok


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14 Arrested In More Raids Targeting ‘Black People’

By Sasiwan Mokkhasen, Staff Reporter



Head of 191 emergency response unit Surachet Hakpan, in uniform, talks to foreigners arrested Saturday evening in a raid targeting black foreigners in Bangkok.


BANGKOK — Fourteen people were arrested Saturday evening as raids targeting a specific racial group continued across Bangkok.


Sweeps for people of African origin were conducted in 32 areas including the Bang Na, Udomsuk and Lat Phrao areas. They resulted in the arrests of nine people, seven from Somalia and two from Nigeria, accused of being in the kingdom illegally. Another four Nigerians and an American were charged with overstaying their visas.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2017/10/22/14-arrested-raids-targeting-black-people/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2017-10-23
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As someone who have been schemed by these people ( but was able

to get my money back) i say get rid of the lot and send back home

to where they belong.. i have seen them loitering everywhere in BKK

and most of them are up to no good, one thing for sure though, tourist

they are not, nor honest business people....

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3 minutes ago, ezzra said:

As someone who have been schemed by these people ( but was able

to get my money back) i say get rid of the lot and send back home

to where they belong.. i have seen them loitering everywhere in BKK

and most of them are up to no good, one thing for sure though, tourist

they are not, nor honest business people....

So far RTP must have gotten about 300 of them and i agree with what you are saying .. 

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13 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

Nothing wrong with targeting a special race if they have a record of crime that is remarkably higher than that of another race - at least in the location of the raid.

what other than it is bs that certain 'races' commit more crime that others

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Africans although one of the smallest torist minorities visiting Thailand are the largest foreign contingent in Thai jails. Must just be racism, nothing to do with them being found guilty? Seems to be a huge Worldwide conspiracy.. The whole World's jails are full of black people...

Coincidence ?

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45 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

what other than it is bs that certain 'races' commit more crime that others

you know the statistics of black people in Thailand? I am not saying all colored people - but what kind of Africans go to Thailand? And they are easy to discern because of their look.


I will not use your wording bs - but your comment is lacking common sense

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2 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Nothing wrong with targeting a special race if they have a record of crime that is remarkably higher than that of another race - at least in the location of the raid.

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

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15 minutes ago, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

To right, back in the day we had police offers stopping old white ladies when looking for suicide bombers to keep the number correct for the "I'm offended on behalf of" groups. Middle aged white men stopped by police looking for black kids carrying knives just to correct the number for the "I'm offended on behalf of".

Why target a target group when you can waste your time going after people who cause no problems.

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3 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

Ah the good old racists of TVF. Looking forward to when the RTP go after certain 'white' sections of society and then watch these lot squirm :) 

The bigger issue here is the crime rate relevant to the races.

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28 minutes ago, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

Without bringing race into it, perhaps you can explain to me and others just why people from certain areas frighten people more than those from other areas and why the crime and arrest rate is higher among those particular groups.

In my opinion it is not because of their race but because of their attitude and behaviour.

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34 minutes ago, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

Nothing to do with race.  My ex wife and my children are black but they behave in a civilized manner and are subsequently treated with civility wherever they go.  The groups in question here are anything but civilized.

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1 hour ago, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

racism is everywhere. The only difference here is europe and USA are smart enough to hide it. Here Thailand is stupid enough to show it. That's the difference.

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They could also do with raiding Soi Phetchaburi 19 and all around baiyoke sky hotel area as it's like little afica these days with them and it seems to be where they hang around in the day and where most of the restaurants where they come from are based .. 

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Just go after the overstays...chances are good that many of them (particularly the younger ones) are involved in some criminal activities. I am sure the government has stats on overstays by country. I read there are 1,000 Nigerians in jail here.

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2 minutes ago, BangkokNicky said:

They could also do with raiding Soi Phetchaburi 19 and all around baiyoke sky hotel area as it's like little afica these days with them and it seems to be where they hang around in the day and where most of the restaurants where they come from are based .. 

you are the next on the list. Wait for your turn....it's coming soon...

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crackdowns should have been happening years ago,  my guess is a very very minute number of black people in thailand are here legally or even as tourists .


yet the hard working law abiding farang married to thais are being shafted every which way with visa regs & rules etc

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4 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

what other than it is bs that certain 'races' commit more crime that others


Everything depends on which statistics you want to use and in which context you wish to use them.


In this context, there is a concentration of people from the African sub-continent located in a relatively small geographic area who when checked show a high proportion of illegal entries, visa overstays, or are engaged in illegal activities.


The headlines don't help. What they should be doing is systematically checking for those who entered illegally, who remain here illegally or are engaged in illegal activities of any kind. And they should be doing that based on all intelligence they have. 



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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Everything depends on which statistics you want to use and in which context you wish to use them.


In this context, there is a concentration of people from the African sub-continent located in a relatively small geographic area who when checked show a high proportion of illegal entries, visa overstays, or are engaged in illegal activities.


The headlines don't help. What they should be doing is systematically checking for those who entered illegally, who remain here illegally or are engaged in illegal activities of any kind. And they should be doing that based on all intelligence they have. 



Ah Baerboxer, you had to go and spoil it!

That was a great post until the last sentence!

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Just now, saminoz said:

Ah Baerboxer, you had to go and spoil it!

That was a great post until the last sentence!


Yeah, bit of an oxymoron if taken in general I suppose!


But some are very very intelligent - I know some.


What I really meant though, was that if the intelligence suggest that a high number of African origin people located in that area are breaking the law - then use it. Just treat any that are here legally and abiding by the law fairly.

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33 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yeah, bit of an oxymoron if taken in general I suppose!


But some are very very intelligent - I know some.


What I really meant though, was that if the intelligence suggest that a high number of African origin people located in that area are breaking the law - then use it. Just treat any that are here legally and abiding by the law fairly.

Says it all..... 



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Good to see the Thais not joining the west in succumbing to PC madness. 

If a large amount of crime is being committed by a small racial group, then go for that group.

Common sense I call it, not racism.

See the two or three lefties on here are throwing around the usual words -  racists, bigots, fascists etc.

Not any of these, just comments supporting good old-fashioned common sense.

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3 hours ago, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

All true, agree with you 100%.  But they are bad news and need booting out.  It is very easy to distinguish between this bunch of scumbags and genuine law-abiding people of colour.


Nanny-state-whitey-round-eye countries only look on in envy wishing they could do the same without pissing off the bleeding heart liberals.

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