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House Republicans launch probes of Clinton emails decision, uranium deal


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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

As Jeff Sessions has stated, there's no legal basis to go after Hillary and the dems for this.  It's just political if they decide to do so.

He said there ws not currently enough evidence to support the appointment of an independent counsel. He is telling Congress if their hearings come up with evidence that gives him political cover to make an appointment, he will.

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Why does anyone with more than two brain cells and an ability to read still think that HRC was involved in the decision to sell the Uranium? 


Well, there is this little "thing" that raises suspicion.  What thing? 


$145 million is contributions to the CGI by ... wait for it ...  Russians!!


Further, they have made no contributions since.  And it begs the question, are there no Russian charities that could help people? Why all of a sudden give so much to the Clinton?


I say follow the money trail into and out of the CGI.  Start arresting those involved with money laundering and thone arrested  will start singing like birds!

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1 hour ago, Watchful said:


Well, there is this little "thing" that raises suspicion.  What thing? 


$145 million is contributions to the CGI by ... wait for it ...  Russians!!


Further, they have made no contributions since.  And it begs the question, are there no Russian charities that could help people? Why all of a sudden give so much to the Clinton?


I say follow the money trail into and out of the CGI.  Start arresting those involved with money laundering and thone arrested  will start singing like birds!

Yikes what will they do about the 120 M the Saudi's gave to Ivanka's fund.


So the Clinton fund that has been completely open and the subject of many audits, and is basically a AAA fund and a model as to how a fund should be run with money going to the needy (and if you can steal 145M off Oligarchs and give it to the poor then that's cool), and the Trump fund where you get money in and spend it on your own personal legal fees and portraits of yourself. There was NO money laundering, the Clinton foundation has been audited time and time again. Hmmmmmm. let me think.

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9 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Sessions has been lying a couple of times already , so why should I believe him now?

He wasn't under oath! LOL.  Plus, it's a big nothing burger and just being used to draw attention away from Trump's problems.  Congrats to Sessions for backing down on this.



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8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

How funny! I thought with many of the threads there was a distinct lack of all the Trump supporters, and I just peeked in here and they are all in here en masse. At least we know where to find them now.


Why does anyone with more than two brain cells and an ability to read still think that HRC was involved in the decision to sell the Uranium? It is truly pathetic. The only reason Trump has called for this is because Sean Hannity started it.

Shep Smith laid out the facts and said they are all bogus.  He's the head of the news department at Fox.  Right after that, the numb nuts continued to create this conspiracy theory.  Horrible news organization.

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8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Yikes what will they do about the 120 M the Saudi's gave to Ivanka's fund.


So the Clinton fund that has been completely open and the subject of many audits, and is basically a AAA fund and a model as to how a fund should be run with money going to the needy (and if you can steal 145M off Oligarchs and give it to the poor then that's cool), and the Trump fund where you get money in and spend it on your own personal legal fees and portraits of yourself. There was NO money laundering, the Clinton foundation has been audited time and time again. Hmmmmmm. let me think.


AAA ratings from Charity Watch ... huh?  You do realize that Charity Watch was once part of CGI.  WOW, what an inconvenient coincidence. 


According to that darling of the Democratic party, Bernie Sanders:


"Do I have a problem when a sitting secretary of state ... collects millions of dollars from foreign governments ... dictatorships," Sanders said. "Do I have a problem with that? Yeah, I do."


Sanders probably said that (according to the Trump leaning CNN) because he wanted to show his support for Trump's contentions.


Honestly if you can't smell a rat with all of these Russians giving money to CGI,  you could make a killing working in sewers.

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