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You're right, censored,... :o

Oh well, thanks for trying.. :D

In case you do not know how to do it, you can see it here:


It's OK - they're back (Taxman's t*ts, that is). The moderator has given him a 'U' certificate again.

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look to see who is the bossman in the family...any brothers or sisters? You keep them happy then your position is secure.

v.good advice.

V good avatar!




He He He He He He He He He He He He He sorry my sides are splitting with pain as I am laughing so much. Tell me this is a wind up.

Many thanks for alerting me to this Post. 12call I am forever in your debt.

You sad people, why buy a relationship, why give assets away to people that live in tin shacks.

Please tell me this is a wind up, DID YOU HAVE YOUR BRAIN REMOVED AT THE AIRPORT?

You are giving so much money away to Thai women to buy affection, when will you wake up. I bet the majority of you HAVE families in your own respective Country's do you give the same to your own blood kin?

Sad f*+ked up stupid farrang, these Thai women and families see you as ATM and nothing else, they are laughing at you. WAKE UP.

Give them nothing, if she wants to send money home then tell her to get a job. Bet she is at home watching TV and stuffing her face all day.


Chonabot you sad <deleted>, I see your last rediculous Post was stpopped, really have a problem with Erco still. The Truth hurts, with your comments here makes you even sadder. Bought a wife a Thai Burmese Jeeze what did she do???


LOOK 12CALL AND DUCKTWAT ARE SHARING PM'S NOW, 2 wankoids for the price of 1.


is it not time to get rid of these idiots,

Spee asked a valid question in a topic which he'd started, to which the forum members have tried to give him advice, as usual these pair of gobshite's turn up and ridicule him.

i don't mind the wind ups and the name calling, he can call me what he likes as i've done the same to him, but he's attacking other members now.

He obviously does'nt know the difference between constructive conversation etc and abuse. :D

Hey Duckthai

a few members are coming to my club on saturday, you should come, we will even have a whip round, (who wants to count the lashes) :D


why pm your boyfriend, no brain capacity to do your own reply :o


Hey Mr Saddo

You use this forum to drum up publicity for your silly sad bar and your silly sad life. Bar and Forum and ATM for your wifes family. he he he he he.

I will come on Sat no probs as I have a life, I can do what I want.

Venue and time and I will be there to meet the other sad <deleted> with no life.



Off topic again...

I am with dave here. I have found the original question IS interesing and many members have been discussing in a nice way, and of course like educated people. You idiots have been accusing people of this and that, and been thinking you are superior to others. Really? You are? You simply say everyone here has a sad life, is married to a prostitute (and if she's genuine, what's wrong with that, by the way?), is in denial, is being ripped off/scammed by the girlfriend/wife, blah blah blah. <deleted> are you to judge these people? You don't know bits about them. I really doubt it you will have the guts to turn up at dave's place this Saturday.

Hope you don't mind if I'll be there too. Then, you can talk sh1t to my face. I'd love to hear it from your mouth. And I have to apologise again. I know it's hard for you to admit there are Thai women who can write English better than you do. But it's true. So get over it. I am not a "he".



Mr Lovelycutie

Tell me where and when on Sat and I will be there, it is a 5 hour drive so I will make a weekend of it in Pervert City.

Where and When?????????????????????????????


WILL THE OTHER SAD <deleted> BE THERE ALSO Chonabot and Boon Mee and of coarse the newbee saddo Spee????????????????????


You use this forum to drum up publicity for your silly sad bar and your silly sad life.

And still have no idea where it is? Holy cr@p. Are you sure you're English?

It's The Blues Factory, you moron. On Walking Street. 10pm ish.

Sorry guys, but I don't give a sh1t even if it's a trap. Others will have a great time anyway, with or without Ducky.

And by the way, as your mate Steve has never got my photo per his request, he is also invited to come on Saturday.



Thankyou Uglydreamer, not sure Mr Saddo will be impressed. Hope you all have a nice chat and see some life.

May get some good discussions here on the Forum Sat without the sad <deleted>.

May come down via a Minibus, we need a new venue now the "Dogs <deleted>" has closed.

By the way I live in BKK so its only a couple of hours with a stop for a few beers.

Bye Bye


Steve who????????????????????

May get some good discussions here on the Forum Sat without the sad <deleted>.

Oh... glad to hear that you are coming!!! That's lovely, Ducky.

Steve who? Are you sure your mate would be happy to have his real name revealed here? I know his family name too.



You really are building up your postings.


Steve who???????????????????????????

Family name, you are off your head.

Sat bang on, Mr Saddo really needs the business.


You really are building up your postings.

Ehhh... I'm not sure about this.. anyone remembers the moron that posted five postings in a row with absolutely nothing to say? And on another thread, just mentioned my nick twice and dave's once, that makes it 3 more postings?

Sorry again Ducky, you didn't beat me on this one either


Hmmm, my first visit outside of the 'visa' forum and I find some oxygen thief called Ducky whose limited vocabulary doesn't seem to prevent him from posting as many times as he can. I suspect that of his limited brain capacity most of it is tied up with basic life functions such as breathing - in and out ducky, keep going. And don't be surprised by the bad grammar and spelling, I suspect ducky has his favourite web sites open in another browser and is typing one-handed most of the time.

Lovelycutie, why bother making his day by replying? The guy has no life outside of this, maybe if we gave him some time on his own he could read a book and learn a few new words?

ducky, if you are going to reply to me then I expect a different insult than the rest, otherwise I'll suspect that you really do only know a few words of english. Give it a try......


Lovelycutie, sorry but duckthai is not invited as I am sure Dave does not want his kind around, and I believe Howard the volunteer is looking out for him and his brethren :o

I hope you are going, love you to meet my wife who is going. I am scared she will be bored and want to go home a little too early. It is my one actual night out in LoS while I am here this time.

Tomorrow we are going to a photo studio to have our (Wifey, Me and the Bubs) photos taken, I wonder how it will go.

BTW Ducktwat has been warned by me, and I see he may well have been warned by another moderator too. He won't be here much longer if he keeps this up.


tukyleith, I honestly do not think he has to guts to turn up and say sh1t to anybody's face. Coward, he is. Has to hide behind the keyboard.

I hope to see you guys too. It'd be great to meet you and your wife. :o

Have fun at the photo studio tomorrow.

Ducky, congratulations, you've been warned by more than one moderator. So, try simey's suggestions all right? Hope this nick lasts a bit longer that it looks like now.


I'll hand you the cattleprod, tukyleith, don't let ducky go yet, he can be sooo much fun.

And ducky, it is quite alright to wear your wig and high heels, Pattaya is welcoming to all sorts of guys...

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