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Hello all

First of all, thx to all who share their valuable info on this great board.

My gf and I are planning an engagement on my next trip, and want to sort a few things out then, before getting married. She will first be visiting my country and I have a good idea on what documents I'll be needing, either for the Visa, or marriage. I nevertheless have a few questions, mainly about the unmarried certificate, (Bai sot?) as I have read conflicting stories.

1. Birth certificate (Bai geert?); has to be obtained at/in the amphur where my gf is registered. It shows the marital status, but is not good enough to serve as an unmarried certificate, right?

2. Unmarried certificate (Bai sot); this is where I have read conflicting stories on another site. This certificate; where to go for this? Some say it should be available at any amphur, some say BKK, and another says it HAS to be her local amphur where she is registered. I also have read that there had to be 3 witnesses to get the unmarried certificate. Is this true? I find it hard to believe as I never heard nor read about this before.

Khop Kun Mahk Khap



I thought, and have read, that to get married (outside LOS) with an "alien" you need to have proof that your soon to be wife/husband is unmarried.

As I stated, I have heard conficting stories about this.



If you want to marry in Thailand, you will need what the British embassy calls an affirmation of freedom to marry and you will get that from the German embassy in Bangkok. Once you have your affirmation, you have it translated to Thai and then certified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs: you can then go to any amphur and marry. It may help matters if your girlfriend also gets the equivalent of an affirmation which she might be able to get from any amphur, but definitely from her home amphur.

When you apply for your affirmation at the German embassy, you will need to provide the names and addresses of two witnesses, but they do not have to come in person.


Un married Certificate..never heard of it.... :D ...thats not 2 say...etc.....

Seems its Correct.......

just got home and asked K.W. and she confirms that if a Thai femail (and assume both) want to get married they can request from the local A a certificate of being in a state of "Un Married"

Some countries obviously dont ask for it (like over here) but suppose it makes sense and gives at bit of cred to your conju-gal declaration.... :o


The correct Grman word is: Ehefaehigkeitszeugnis.

(I love the word, literally meaning marriage capability certificate).

Guess the German Embassy can tell you what Thai documents they need to issue it.



as i know about unmarried certificate , if you married in thailand , you have to ask for your country embassy . they will give you one certificate that you are still unmarried and you are able to married with anyone. that called bachlor certificate. some country passport have total information , i.e. wife name , children name or like that.......... , but some country passport not have this information . at that case . you have to bring from your country , whr you live , you have to go nearest police station and ask them for bachlor certificate .


"Once you have your affirmation, you have it translated to Thai and then certified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs..."

I have a question regarding the submission of documents which have to be translated into Thai language for Thai government purposes: Are there specially registered or qualified individuals who can do official translations, and if so, where does one find them? Or just any Khun Smoh who claims to be able to do the translation? And just how does one get the certification from the Thai MOFA -- where to go, how long does it take (must depend on size of document, no?), and is there a charge for this certification?



You can have a translation done by any old Tom, Dick, or Harry as long as they're willing to put their name to it. The MFA is on Chaeng Wattana Road in Laksi and the fee for their same-day service used to be 800 baht per document.


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