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Thai Gold: Good To Wear Or Too Soft?


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Don't see the problem with thai gold at least it looks like it should as a high % . Now if you prefer it to look like a mix then mabe farang gold is for you........... Just try and sell the lower % back and see how much you lose over the price you paid when you bought it !. :o

As with Arab gold and Indian it is a simple matter of investing in gold just like farang do in banks & stocks. Given the way the price of gold is going it is also a pretty safe investment.

As far as decoration is concerned well thats up to the individual isn't it ? I'm sure we all look strange to others depending on their point of view.

An awful lot of people here seem to carry around an air of superiority when we are realy all the same. I welcome the fact that everyone does not look,dress and act the same. I sure don't go around spouting off how others don't conform to my personal idea of dress/look. Just remember someone is laughing at you too everytime you step out, I promise !

Given that most of the posters on TV are men there are a lot here that sound like a bunch of bitching old women. :D

Maybe if people stopped judging others by thier own ideals and accepted others as individuals this world would be a better place. :D

Edited by englishoak
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Sorry to say my motto is: Do not take more money into Thailand then you can affort to lose.

Have that in mind and invest in gold from here: http://www.bullionvault.com/


And hallo to all your others, this is my first letter here. (sorry i speek so bad english but i hope it will become better with time - I am Danish an been 2 year in Thailand now)post-40660-1168860056_thumb.jpg

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Either you love it or hate it depending which country you come from, Thai gold is almost pure and does go well with the darker skin tones.

My wife wears an old Thai style bracelet and chain it seems to be more readlily available in the North (Chiang Mai) has more colour i.e. red and green inlays, difficult to explain I'm sure someone will know the name of the design.

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Even looks tacky on tacky bg's :o


And even tackier on farang men.

A gentleman should wear only two pieces of jewellry maximum. A good watch (genuine, not fake) and a wedding ring, if married.

The only exception to this rule is for pimps.

i disagree every good man wear a C*ck ring too!! :D

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Maybe if people stopped judging others by thier own ideals and accepted others as individuals this world would be a better place. :o

If you can't make judgements or express opinions based on your 'own ideals' what the hel_l is the point of having a bulletin board like Thai Visa?

Should we use someone else's opinion to form our posts?

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Maybe if people stopped judging others by thier own ideals and accepted others as individuals this world would be a better place. :D

If you can't make judgements or express opinions based on your 'own ideals' what the hel_l is the point of having a bulletin board like Thai Visa?

Should we use someone else's opinion to form our posts?

Nice right hook, Bendix. :o

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