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British woman facing death penalty in Egypt for carrying PAINKILLERS has become a 'zombie'


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There is one thing to remember every time you are carrying medications across a border and that's the prescription/letter from your doctor that you are prescribed that medicine. But of course, if you are carrying a pack of 10 tramadol  then I would guess you might be OK anyway but 300 without a doctors prescription/letter... that's just pure stupidity!

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Painkillers are for killing pain. Tramadol has no recreational value. The only possible reason for such a law is that the government thinks you have an obligation to endure pain. Such a pity that Britain, America and other enlightened countries have not brought these backward thinkers to heel many years ago. Those not living in the 21st century have no right to rule.

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11 minutes ago, Jools said:

Painkillers are for killing pain. Tramadol has no recreational value. The only possible reason for such a law is that the government thinks you have an obligation to endure pain. Such a pity that Britain, America and other enlightened countries have not brought these backward thinkers to heel many years ago. Those not living in the 21st century have no right to rule.

There are very good reasons to control the release of tramadol to patients:



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1 minute ago, FritsSikkink said:

There are very good reasons to control the release of tramadol to patients:



I notice that you didn't list any, because there AREN'T any. It is a painkiller. Those who take it are trying to end suffering. Drug laws are nothing but fascism. This woman should be escorted FORCIBLY from Egypt by a Navy Seal Team. The imperial hubris of countries thinking they can abduct our citizens because they violate some pointless law, needs to END.

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It surely looks like Ms. Plummer wasn't aware that importing the medicine by herself was carrying such a high risk. I simply do not think that she would have had a motive strong enough to do it. Even if she was addicted to the pills herself, I'm sure she would rather travel to another country than take such an insane risk knowingly. My guess is that her Egyptian husband (or boyfriend) must have explained to her that it's all good and no problem at all, and she believed him without checking the law by herself. Unfortunately, you don't get a pass for naivety or stupidity.


As for the number of tablets (300!!!), it's quite irrelevant if the drug is illegal to import, but for the sake of it, here's what 300 means: for example in Switzerland (where it is a prescription drug), you're allowed to import one month's worth of your medicine, if you have a prescription. Tramadol tablets are usually sold as 50mg tablets, and the maximum daily dosage is 400mg, e.g. 8 tablets per day. 31 days times 8 tablets equals 248, which means you're allowed to import 248 tablets. In her case, she would have had 52 tablets more than that, which is just 6 1/2 days of usage more than a month, hardly a number which would raise eyebrows if you have a legitimate use (and of course if it wasn't illegal).

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7 hours ago, Falcon said:

It’s not a lot of tablets to take with you and it’s an effective pain killer. My doctor here has prescribed me them for an acute pain in the back and they are quite effective. Never had any problem from them and certainly no ‘highs it loes’ As has been reported from some. Hope she manages to get out of the jail and get back home safely to recover from her ordeal soon.

Try taking them with some alcohol , then you will feel high for sure

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45 minutes ago, Jools said:

I notice that you didn't list any, because there AREN'T any. It is a painkiller. Those who take it are trying to end suffering. Drug laws are nothing but fascism. This woman should be escorted FORCIBLY from Egypt by a Navy Seal Team. The imperial hubris of countries thinking they can abduct our citizens because they violate some pointless law, needs to END.

I noticed you didn't read the whole text.

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32 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

She is British, what has that to do with a Navy Seal Team?  

It has NOTHING to do with a Navy Seal Team. US and Britain are allies and many US citizens are held in foreign countries for nebulous and completely harmless "offenses" that would not be punishable in any first world country. If your laws are extracted from the rectums of despots, they have no validity and any country is justified in repatriating their citizens by force.

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4 minutes ago, Jools said:

It has NOTHING to do with a Navy Seal Team. US and Britain are allies and many US citizens are held in foreign countries for nebulous and completely harmless "offenses" that would not be punishable in any first world country. If your laws are extracted from the rectums of despots, they have no validity and any country is justified in repatriating their citizens by force.

"This woman should be escorted FORCIBLY from Egypt by a Navy Seal Team."

Now it has nothing to do with a Navy Seal Team????

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7 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

Do the crime do the time. Bringing that much drugs into another country. Stupid, very stupid. If they have money for her  to fly 3 or 4 times a year they have enough money to see a doctor. 

let ye among you who is without sin cast the first stone.

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1 hour ago, Jools said:

I notice that you didn't list any, because there AREN'T any. It is a painkiller. Those who take it are trying to end suffering. Drug laws are nothing but fascism. This woman should be escorted FORCIBLY from Egypt by a Navy Seal Team. The imperial hubris of countries thinking they can abduct our citizens because they violate some pointless law, needs to END.


The only problem with that arguement (which most of us probably agree with) is that then you have an Egyptian who thinks that Britain has a pointless law which says that you cannot go around blowing things up.

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1 hour ago, Jools said:

Painkillers are for killing pain. Tramadol has no recreational value. The only possible reason for such a law is that the government thinks you have an obligation to endure pain. Such a pity that Britain, America and other enlightened countries have not brought these backward thinkers to heel many years ago. Those not living in the 21st century have no right to rule.


Obviously, many people didn't get your memo about it not being of "recreational value". I think it is (or was) one of the main choices on the menu in Egypt, though. Other countries as well. It's pretty easy to develop an addiction, particularly if not taken in accordance with prescriptions.

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1 hour ago, Jools said:

I notice that you didn't list any, because there AREN'T any. It is a painkiller. Those who take it are trying to end suffering. Drug laws are nothing but fascism. This woman should be escorted FORCIBLY from Egypt by a Navy Seal Team. The imperial hubris of countries thinking they can abduct our citizens because they violate some pointless law, needs to END.


Rules of other countries do not apply to "our" citizens when visiting these countries. Yeah...I can see this one being a well thought out argument...


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1 hour ago, Jools said:

I notice that you didn't list any, because there AREN'T any. It is a painkiller. Those who take it are trying to end suffering. Drug laws are nothing but fascism. This woman should be escorted FORCIBLY from Egypt by a Navy Seal Team. The imperial hubris of countries thinking they can abduct our citizens because they violate some pointless law, needs to END.

Do you consume any under the counter strong drugs ?

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Rules of other countries do not apply to "our" citizens when visiting these countries. Yeah...I can see this one being a well thought out argument...


Oh yes they DO. Otherwise, countries such as the United States and Britain would not have mounted an extended "cold war" against the Communist idea that free speech was a "crime". It is a crime in Thailand, as well, when certain subjects come into play. Thailand's long-standing track record of supporting the United States in virtually all anti-communist activity has held it in good stead when trying to defend many of its immoral and anti-rights statutes. Those who play ball with the "Great Satan" get many privileges, such as Uncle Sam looking the other way when they misbehave. The USA pays lip service to "rights' but it amounts to little more. No country has any right to detain a citizen on the kinds of flimsy excuses you find here. You DO have the right to deport them and deny them entry.

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1 hour ago, Sapporillo said:


As for the number of tablets (300!!!), it's quite irrelevant if the drug is illegal to import, but for the sake of it, here's what 300 means: for example in Switzerland (where it is a prescription drug), you're allowed to import one month's worth of your medicine, if you have a prescription. Tramadol tablets are usually sold as 50mg tablets, and the maximum daily dosage is 400mg, e.g. 8 tablets per day. 31 days times 8 tablets equals 248, which means you're allowed to import 248 tablets. In her case, she would have had 52 tablets more than that, which is just 6 1/2 days of usage more than a month, hardly a number which would raise eyebrows if you have a legitimate use (and of course if it wasn't illegal).

She didnt go to Switzerland though .

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3 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

That's just not true. I use them for hip joint pain. I take them when the pain is severe, sometimes month or 2 in a row and then stop on a dime when I don't have pain. Been 3 days since my last one and feeling just fine. I take Tylenol as my main pain reliever. 

operation on a hip joint is quite common

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A little strong,  some of the comments here.  As a pain killer, it is on the weaker side.  You can take 6-8 a day, if recommended,  so 300 pills could only be 2 months supply....Assuming they are the usual 50mg:  

Usual Adult Dose for Pain

Adults (17 years or older): 50 to 100 mg orally every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain
-For patients not requiring rapid onset of analgesic effect: Initial dose: 25 mg orally once a day; titrate in 25 mg increments every 3 days to reach a dose of 25 mg four times a day; thereafter increase by 50 mg as tolerated every 3 days
Maximum dose: 400 mg per day

Edited by how241
more info.
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2 hours ago, quadperfect said:

What a bunch of crap. Egypt are way off on this .

These days things are just getting too dangerouse for a holiday abroad.

Soon in thailand you get busted for cigys at the beach and go to jail for e cig.

The world has gone mad it seems.

and getting madder by the day .........

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