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Video: Thai man gets machete as woman driver innocently blocks his path


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10 hours ago, DavisH said:

The police should call him in for a bit of driver attitude adjustment....but not likely to happen. 

Bit like other case with Brit 

But I guess is different because he is local 

No mental health issues there no anger issues 

No issues at all 

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Yes but it wasn't in Europe and neither are you.  Why do you expect people in Thailand to change their lifestyle to suit a European?  It is for you to adjust if you want to live in their country.  Thais and Chinese are known for their arrogance and their "impoliteness" just like many of their western counterparts.

Do you think the general Thai population are happy that this is allowed to happen? That they can be driving doing nothing wrong and have a machete or gun pulled on them?  From the ones I've shown the video to they just despair that this is allowed to happen. 


Another friend showed me one of an old army guy threatening to punch a lady driver because she didn't let him push in. Once again deplorable to me and all the other Thais around our table.

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12 hours ago, mercman24 said:

anyone caught with a knife or a machete, that should be 6 months in jail, no remission, period, if you carry a knife that means you are prepared to use it, we see this every day.

"if you carry a knife that means you are prepared to use it" ...there is something basically wrong in you're argument ! lot's of people carry knives without ever injuring somebody,..I always carry a leather-man and I'm prepared to use it to cut stuff, ropes, plastic strips, whatever is needed !?!? !!!

Leatherman super tool.jpg

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12 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

It seems that the woman hasn't seen the "incident" with the Brit and his sword....:shock1:



For which, as has been mentioned before, he will no doubt be duly punished. Will the Thai in this instance - or any other instance? That would all depend on whom they were threatening.

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6 minutes ago, bust said:

Thais cannot drive and have no road rules so what do you expect?

That's incorrect.

They can drive,  but they choose to driver and ride in a Selfish, dangerous, murderous way.  it's a very conscious action by them.


The rules are all there, but are ignored buy the drivers / Riders and the police.


It's truly a disgraceful, shameful situation on the roads of Thailand.

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11 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

That's incorrect.

They can drive,  but they choose to driver and ride in a Selfish, dangerous, murderous way.  it's a very conscious action by them.


The rules are all there, but are ignored buy the drivers / Riders and the police.


It's truly a disgraceful, shameful situation on the roads of Thailand.



I disagree.


Many cannot drive; have not been trained to do so and are ignorant of their own traffic regulations.


Obtaining a driving license was, and often remains, a case of paying 500/1,000 Baht.


I actually think driving standards (outside rural areas) are slowly improving.

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1 hour ago, stanleycoin said:

Nice to see the true face of the average Male, Thai Driver.

Jail the pig for  3-5 years minimum. :bah:


I love social  media in Thailand.  it gives the true picture.

not the BS they wan't you to be leave.



Haha funny thing is Thai people don't behave like this its 

only frangs  You ask any Thai National

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1 hour ago, Jip99 said:



I disagree.


Many cannot drive; have not been trained to do so and are ignorant of their own traffic regulations.


Obtaining a driving license was, and often remains, a case of paying 500/1,000 Baht.


I actually think driving standards (outside rural areas) are slowly improving.

Like in regular jobs a lot of Thais 'learn by doing'. Just look at the number of new drivers and the number of insurance claims they make. It could explain our high premiums. I know a girl who has had several accidents after getting her licence. ....still alive fortunately. Driver training and law enforcement are well below par here.


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15 hours ago, JimP said:

What an animal.  I'd have had no sympathy for him had she floored it and knocked him on his silly hat wearing ass. Oops!  :shock1: 55555

I showed the video to my wife and she said straight away that if she was in that situation, she would run him over. I have no doubt that she would.

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4 hours ago, Jip99 said:



I disagree.


Many cannot drive; have not been trained to do so and are ignorant of their own traffic regulations.


Obtaining a driving license was, and often remains, a case of paying 500/1,000 Baht.


I actually think driving standards (outside rural areas) are slowly improving.

Minor traffic stuff and minor vehicle handling

yes,   you can have that,   if it floats your boat.  :coffee1:


But if your suggesting for one second

That they don't know !!!!!!!!!!!

Driving up the wrong way of a carriageway

Crashing Red lights.


Cutting in,   at any,   and every opportunity on the road, is wrong

Then i'm sorry,   your as silly as a box of Frogs.


They know 100% what they are doing is wrong.

but don't care and the cops don't care as well.

Thats why it continues on the roads.




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3 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Minor traffic stuff and minor vehicle handling

yes,   you can have that,   if it floats your boat.  :coffee1:


But if your suggesting for one second

That they don't know !!!!!!!!!!!

Driving up the wrong way of a carriageway

Crashing Red lights.


Cutting in,   at any,   and every opportunity on the road, is wrong

Then i'm sorry,   your as silly as a box of Frogs.


They know 100% what they are doing is wrong.

but don't care and the cops don't care as well.

Thats why it continues on the roads.






Tell me why 5 people from Korat, Surin, Ubon, Udon and Ratchaburi, who have never met, and have never been taught to do so......all take a right hand turn at 45 degrees?


Tell me why the Thai guy who almost collided with my motorbike on the outside of me (when I was in the center of the road indicating to turn right).... made it quite clear with gesticulations that I should have been on the left edge of the road to wait to turn right!


Does that sound like people who know ‘the rules’ and flaunt them.... or could it just be pig-ignorance...

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1 hour ago, Jip99 said:



Tell me why 5 people from Korat, Surin, Ubon, Udon and Ratchaburi, who have never met, and have never been taught to do so......all take a right hand turn at 45 degrees?


Tell me why the Thai guy who almost collided with my motorbike on the outside of me (when I was in the center of the road indicating to turn right).... made it quite clear with gesticulations that I should have been on the left edge of the road to wait to turn right!


Does that sound like people who know ‘the rules’ and flaunt them.... or could it just be pig-ignorance...

Ok,  floating the boat. :coffee1:


First one, it's just pure laziness,

they know they should not do this , but  instead of driving / riding up to the junction stopping and then turning, way easer to just aim and go. ( laziness)


Second one,  was get out the way i'm more important than you.

and i wanted to go faster.   selfishness.

( maybe your position in the road was wrong, as he went round you

turning right )


Small potatoes,  get used to it, we don't want Thailand the same as Farang land, do we.

but the list i had is important, unlike yours.

Drive and ride according to your environment, and get ready of the fools they are  on every road in Thailand.

they know 100% what they are doing is wrong on the roads, but on one  stops them ( the cops)







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On 11/7/2017 at 10:54 AM, Thian said:

Yesterday i walked on the sidewalk in Chinatown, just relaxed, nice cool weather.


Then out of an alley came an old Chinese-Thai lady with a pushcart, she just had a new hair-do since it looked perfect. 


She pushed that cart straight on the sidewalk expecting me to jump aside i guess which i didn't. So she drove the cart with the wheel against my shoe, i stopped and so did she. I told her i was just walking there on the empty sidewalk and she had to wait for me to pass. She refused and starting pushing the cart against my shoe/leg. I shouted AU AU loud so she stopped pushing it. I told her to go back and wait for me to pass, but she wouldn't.


If this happened in Europ i would have thrown her whole cart full of vegetables on the street and her as well probably but i behaved myself.


Some people (even old ladies) just ask for it since they're so rude.

had some quite similar experiences; old thai  ladies saying f*** y** with a smile;  just stand your ground and refrain from saying the thai really-nasties that you know but be forceful and they back down

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37 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

Ok,  floating the boat. :coffee1:


First one, it's just pure laziness,

they know they should not do this , but  instead of driving / riding up to the junction stopping and then turning, way easer to just aim and go. ( laziness)


Second one,  was get out the way i'm more important than you.

and i wanted to go faster.   selfishness.

( maybe your position in the road was wrong, as he went round you

turning right )


Small potatoes,  get used to it, we don't want Thailand the same as Farang land, do we.

but the list i had is important, unlike yours.

Drive and ride according to your environment, and get ready of the fools they are  on every road in Thailand.

they know 100% what they are doing is wrong on the roads, but on one  stops them ( the cops)









My my post was rhetorical, ............:sleepy:




They stop far more Thais than Farangs...

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My conclusion while reading all these strories every day!

The best to be armed with a gun in Thailand as anyway every thai is using wappeons all the time!

The embassies should warn about the bad behaviour in Thailand (and not only Thailand)

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