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Police crackdown targets overstaying foreign criminals


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People very easily blame the country they came to live in.. It's not limited to just one country .. even in the so called developed or advanced countries there are illegals in alarming numbers.. for instance British immigration officials claim that there are more than a million illegals in Britain.. Thailand has similar population still the figure claimed by the officials is just 10% that of Britain.. 

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 Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan has instructed national security agencies to get tough on foreign criminals and “influential figures” following the discovery that nearly 100,000 foreigners were overstaying their visas in Thailand


    Were there so many people from Nigeria and India? Indeed a very high number.  



Edited by jenny2017
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20 hours ago, rooster59 said:

...foreign criminals in Thailand were involved in various vices such as drug dealing, weapon trading, human trafficking and prostitution, as well as forging passports, selling fake diamonds, online gambling and running call-centre scams. These crimes had resulted in economic damage to the country and tarnished its image...

Thai criminals must be rinsing off their holy innocent bodies with bucket loads of Thai-Meiji 100% Full cream milk and organic OTOP honey !

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17 hours ago, Happy enough said:

hmmm. well they are certainly cracking down on a lot which is good. but there are still some serious fraudsters here that are living quite freely. wonder why that is. could it be that it could implicate some very high up people? such as . . . . hmm. let's leave that then 5555

Being implicated can be denied pretty easily, the loss of income would be hard to take.

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It is always interesting when a statistic is thrown out there based on . . .  well, not very much. We are never told how this statistic is arrived at. Clearly, if immigration had any information based on analysis of inflows and outflows of visitors to the Kingdom, they would be able to tell us the nationality of those who are abusing the system most. After all, it should not be difficult for the computer to spit out the number of folks who a. entered the country on some sort of basis (visa or visa waiver) b. of those, who has left the country c. of the remaining, who has renewed their visas or other permits - then we get a listing of suspects. 100,000? unlikely unless you count the people from Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam who come over on a laissez-passer and who are probably not on the computer anyway.


If you think about it, anyone who stays here undocumented and who looks foreign and cannot speak fluent Thai is likely to get stopped sometime by the cops if they live in an urban area. If they work, they will be exploited or stand to be reported if they work for themselves. If they have money enough to live without working, why wouldn't they either get a retirement visa, buy their way into some sort of investment or buy their way into a job which does not really exist but gives them the permits. In any of these cases, no one appears on the overstay list.


I grant you that in the past there were folks who lived for years in Jomtien or places like that without proper documentation. And I would even allow that there are some foreigners living in the deep countryside who are loved by the locals and left alone and remain under the radar - but they are fewer and fewer.


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100,000 illegal overstayers and they have managed to catch 300 !  WOW !!   A schoolkid to do better. Must be more than that between Asoke and Nana, and plenty more foreign girls in Soi Nana.  Wont ever see a big raid there, too much money involved,

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why are you british people always so negitive about  everything that happens in thailand, its there country, you are only a guest, the empire times are over ,if you hate it so much why dont you all <deleted> off back to where you come from, and whinge and moan there, englands <deleted>, you pommies, are nothing but whingers, why not try to be constructive for a change!

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I've recently been the victim of a scooter scam and having spoken to the seller on the phone he sounded very African to me. Certainly not Italian as the copy of the passport he sent me. I have taken all necessary documents to the police including a Thai ID which was used to open the the 

bank account. Bearing in mind Thai IDs have an address on I would have thought that would have been a good place to start. So are they really clamping down on scammers and over stayers, I dont think so.

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21 hours ago, Cadbury said:

What a disgraceful admission of the administrative incompetence of the Thai government. Presumably many of these would have arrived over the past 4 years.

Maybe the problems associated with visa renewal might have something to do with it.

Just alone the time and mind draining inconvenience, travel expenses, having to put up with bad tempered, inflexible, deliberately unhelpful and inept immigration officers plus the loopy laws related to the different visas would be enough to deter anyone from bothering to renew their visa. But that wouldn't occur to them. 

I find immigration employees to be polite and helpful. I had experiences that weren't good both times I was wearing short pants and a t-shirt once My visa expired on a holiday i went to immigration the next day and was slapped with an overstay. The second time I didn't attach my photo to an application or sign it. The clerk made me go do it and go through the line again. I am sure neither problem would have occurred if I was dressed appropriately. 

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22 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Prawit also urged officers not to get involved with or seek illegal benefits from these people. LOLOLOL

Prawit also urged officers not to get involved with or seek illegal benefits from these people.


Or be sent to inactive post with ful pay and a holiday!



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34 minutes ago, stropper said:

why are you british people always so negitive about  everything that happens in thailand, its there country, you are only a guest, the empire times are over ,if you hate it so much why dont you all <deleted> off back to where you come from, and whinge and moan there, englands <deleted>, you pommies, are nothing but whingers, why not try to be constructive for a change!

Stropper, please take a number and join the queue, "every" newbi has the same rant....."if you don't like it etc etc". Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, the long time expats might be right this time and they as well as you are sick to death of being blamed for all of the things wrong in Thailand? :smile:

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I don't get it? "Overstaying foreign criminals"......so overstaying foreign non criminals are excluded for this operation? 

Yes. A bit like in the US where removing the criminal overstayers is a priority while the Dreamers, so far, are being left alone. Overstaying "non-criminals" aren't causing anyone a problem.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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21 hours ago, nausea said:

Might explain why there's a big push in In Phuket. The media is reporting that they're chasing 143 overstayers who were paying up to 100 million baht a month in bribes to the local police; not your run-of-the-mill overstayers, methinks.

This must be some VERY good scams.

You cannot blame them that they are tempted.

For these figures, 143 people are paying nearly 700,000 baht in bribes EACH per month!

If they can afford this amount then how much are they making? Lol

Why they dont get elite visa and be left alone?555

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