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Fast Broadband In Nai Harn


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Can anyone tell me if there is any other broadband internet service available to Nai Harn other than T0T? They say "always on" they should say "always off". A friend told me of a faster, cellular based one, but all I have ever heard of is T0T.



"You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends on the couch"

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Cellular would be the new system from CAT.. PC cards for a laptop etc.. 16k for hardware then monthlies..

The ADSL services are all over the place and what works one week may not the next and vice versa.. Even net cafe and business subscriptions have the same problems but a little less so..

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I think the only way we'll ever get reliable high-speed internet is if IPStar brings their prices down so it's affordable and allows unlimited download. Which may be never.

Firstly, don't judge any speed since the Internet cables got cut in Taiwan - slow as molasses to anywhere outside of Asia.

LivinLOS is correct: The ADSL TOT is all over the place. It's reliable often, will hit a patch when it drops a connection often over a couple of days, then hits a patch where heavy usage during the day brings it almost to a crawl (I live in Phuket Town). Max download speed I get with ADSL is 150kbs tops but the upload speed is very decent.

I have to have Internet, so I also sprung for the CAT 3G card. Again, LivinLOS called it. The card is an initial investment and the monthly charge is decent. Woody Leonhard wrote a nice, long article in the Phuket Gazette some months ago on this (check their archives and you will find it). I got max 400k download 2 months ago, but it seems to have gone down somewhat recently (the more sim. users, the slower speeds) but the upload speed is very very slow, so if you send email with big attachments, it will really try your patience and might be unacceptable. The line NEVER drops (actually, about 3 times total in 3 months), and one cool thing that I surprisingly found out is that if a power outage hits, you are still jacked in to cyberspace because the card runs off the laptop power.

Of course, with the 3G card you can go anywhere on the island (almost) and use it. Another difference, with the ADSL it's very easy to hook up a Wireless Router for multiple PC/laptop use whereas with the 3G card, Khun Woody says that setting up a wireless gateway isn't that easy.


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Hi there

I'm coming to Phuket in about 5 weeks and want to get net access for my laptop sorted ASAP. I know about the CAT card (16K - argh!), but wanted to ask about ADSL too - is it really that bad? Are there any decent providers who are reliable (I dont mind paying top dollar) - you mention IPStar bringing down their prices - are they good but expensive?

Also, how long does it take to get the ADSL installed from when you place an order for it? Is it available in most places at Karon, Kata, or Kathu (where I'm looking at staying).

Finally, when you say 400k, do you mean 400kb/sec?

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"I'm coming to Phuket in about 5 weeks and want to get net access for my laptop sorted ASAP. I know about the CAT card (16K - argh!), but wanted to ask about ADSL too - is it really that bad? Are there any decent providers who are reliable (I dont mind paying top dollar) - you mention IPStar bringing down their prices - are they good but expensive?"

Here's where you can check the IPStar stuff - I don't know anybody who has ever subscribed to it: http://www.csloxinfo.com/index_en.asp. I have been following it for a few years now cuz it's the dream connection - prices have come down a lot but I still think they charge by the bit after you get over a certain threshold.

"Also, how long does it take to get the ADSL installed from when you place an order for it? Is it available in most places at Karon, Kata, or Kathu (where I'm looking at staying)."

It took 3 weeks; can take less, can take more ('tomorrow' in Thailand has about the same meaning as 'manyana' in Mexico). Wherever you end up staying, you might not even be able to get it; if you want it you have to ask if it's possible to get it (then I still wouldn't take the answer as 100% correct).

I got my 3G card (it took about 2 hours total once I discovered it) one week after I arrived, and until then I used a bar in Patong that offered free broadband wireless that I could hook up my laptop; it was kinda distracting and the work hours are late at night, but good distractions!

"Finally, when you say 400k, do you mean 400kb/sec?"

Yes. But hellaciously slow upload - I would say 50kbs max.

Come to think of it, you can get a faster ADSL subscription if it's available where you end up staying. My tier with TOT is either 250kbs or 500kbs (with actual download speed 150kbs or less) at 15k baht/month. There's at least one higher speed tier, but I opted to go for the redundant solution and the 3G service is also about 15k baht/month.

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Thanks alot for the reply, very helpful!

The IPStar looks a little excessive to be honest "Installation fee includes two 20-meter RG 6 cables. Additional length is charged at 25 baht per meter. This price does not include construction of concrete support platform. Please note that customers living off the Thai mainland are required to pay the boat fare and other incidental travel expenses for the installation technicians."

And from what you say it seems that the CAT card is the way to go (I couldn't go without the net for 3 weeks). I consider anything about 100 kb/s decent and 50 kb/s upload is fine too (I was expecting far worse) - is that to US servers?. Could you please link me to the ISP for the CAT 3G service? The only issue would be the 16K bt hit up front - but does the card work in other countries with their services? I don't much about it TBH and tried searching the Gazette but couldn't find the article.

Edit - just realized you said the 3G service was 15K / month - this is on top of the 16K setup? Seems like a shitload!

Edited by Entrep
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"I thought that the CDMA service was free until February and then 500 baht a month unlimited access. I tried it the other day and was quite impressed, I wouldn't have it for home but for a laptop it was plenty fast enough."

Ha, I thought it was $15k/month but my wife thinks the monthly charge is around $2000/month (I'm a real space cadet when it comes to remembering stuff like this).

I signed up for the trial in October. Last week, I got a letter from CAT saying they are extending my free period (different extension periods for different cards - mine is the Sierra Wireless) until April 30 because they are fine-tuning the system and upgrading the poorer-quality areas.

This is pretty shocking - something in Thailand that is technologically advanced and might even work!

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"Maybe I confused the 3G and CDMA services?"

Go back into the Phuket Gazette archives online for a lengthy and positive review from Woody Leonhard on October 28.

It begins:


I have finally had a chance to put the new CDMA2000 1xEV-DO card – better known as "dee-oh" – from the Communications Authority of Thailand (CAT) through its paces, and am I impressed. Although I've already written about it, I've refrained from making a recommendation, pending the results of extensive testing all over the island Well, I'm here to tell ya – it's great.

To recap, EV-DO works over the "3G" new generation telephone service that CAT calls CDMA. It's a mobile phone technology, so the service is available everywhere CAT has CDMA coverage through mobile phone towers. I spoke to the head DO guy at CAT and he claimed that you can get a DO signal almost everywhere in Phuket. As you'll see in a moment, he's right – much to my astonishment.


I think he's written an update or 2 also. BTW, Woody is an internationally-recognized IT legend and Microsoft Office guru.


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Well I was offered CDMA which got about 100-150 kbps for a flat fee of 500 baht a month, but its free for now until at least February.

I don't think the CDMA they offer here is proper 3G, 3G is supposed to be able to get almost 2mbps speed and is sometimes reffered to as W-CDMA.

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EV-DO costs 16k up front and then a monthly.. Both free until April (for the aircard, until feb for the slower phone USB solution)

The monthly initially was advertised at 1290 per month.. Now they are offering at 590 per month.. Someone offered to sell me thier card but they had signed up at 1290 per month, I went to CAT and asked if I could take someone else's contract and would I get 590 or 1290 or what billing.. A big fat Mai Loo was the collective arse scratching nose picking answer. TiT.

The only broadband that seems worth a ###### is the CAT ADSL service (no surprise CAT has a monopoly on the international bandwidth) but that can only be installed in a few very downtown type locations.

IPStar.. Dream system.. Far far from it !!! Total fugging nightmare more like.

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Where would I go to buy this CAT CDMA card and sign up for their service?

What should I look out for when getting it, anything I have to get them to do to make sure everything is right?

Is there a minimum contract period you sign up for?

I assume a CAT shop but I am not aware of where they are. Is there one in Central or anywhere around Rawai?

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The computer store on middle floor, Abix, at Central sells the CDMA card. When you come off the escalator facing Power Buy there is a small stand to your left next to the escalator. They will be able to give you directions for set up.


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Very helpful, does that mean I do not actually need to sign a contract with CAT Telecom or get the service activated at all? I just buy the card and set it up and use it because right now it's still in a testing phase and people are not being charged monthly?

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Why not just deal with CAT ??

Someone was going to sell me a second hand card.. But when I went to CAT and asked about transfering address / billing.. They were not easy to get answers out of..

Also initially the price was to be 1290 per month.. Now the price will be 590 per month.. When I asked if cards signed up at 1290 will automatically be billed at 590 they wouldnt / couldnt give a me a straight answer.. Hardy worth saving a couple of thousand baht to get 2x monthly bills for ever.

Just go to CAT and deal with one place would be my advice.

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Why not just deal with CAT ??

Someone was going to sell me a second hand card.. But when I went to CAT and asked about transfering address / billing.. They were not easy to get answers out of..

Also initially the price was to be 1290 per month.. Now the price will be 590 per month.. When I asked if cards signed up at 1290 will automatically be billed at 590 they wouldnt / couldnt give a me a straight answer.. Hardy worth saving a couple of thousand baht to get 2x monthly bills for ever.

Just go to CAT and deal with one place would be my advice.

I would, just couldn't figure out where they have an office yet, on their website the address is in Thai even on the English site.

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