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U.S. citizens moving to Thailand

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Well the elite visa would certainly solve the "home base" I think as it's the conduit you would have live here and not be concerned about visa runs or whatever. 


Working here is always a topic topic for discussion. Online work, although recently addressed by the government is a bit of a grey area when it cones to expats working in Thailand.  Good luck

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Really  for your first Year you should get the METV in the States can make it last 9 months or so with 2 border  runs after 90 days or a quick flight out. I don't think getting one 60 day tourist visa after that is difficult at all  in a nearby country then extend that in Thailand to make 90 more days or a full year out of the USA. YOU could then get another METV when home or you may have different plans after leaving. Many nearby countries like Malaysia give you 90 days no visa as well. 

Edited by alex8912
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8 hours ago, ashleybrewer83 said:

Thank you. Yes, we are aware of the much easier options in other countries. We happen to just really enjoy and prefer Thailand, plus we have friends that currently live there (they are Belgian and have work visas.)

I understand - it's why I live here in Thailand - much prefer it to the other options - though I find many options much better in terms of value-for-cost-of-living than the USA.  I mention nearby-country's options primarily to demonstrate the out-of-market pricing of the so-called "Elite" Visa - only worth it if you have that much money to literally burn.  Hopefully, Thai authorities will someday realize how much foreign-currency they are throwing to their neighbors, and open up sane-priced options for under-50s. 


In any case, you should be fine using successive METV visas, since you return to the USA 2x per year, anyway.

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Check your personal messages, the envelope at top of page. I think the Multi Entry Tourist Visa =METV  would be the easiest for you and would allow a stay of almost 9 months as each 60 day section can be extended at immigration for 30 days for 1900 baht. Each time you return to USA get another.

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Why did you pick Thailand?


As noted - tell no one what kind of work you do - not even the place you will be living.


A Thai Elite visa - as noted covers all bases - that said - it is lot of $$ unless $$ are of no issue for you. A 5 year TE visa x2 - 1 million Baht sure will buy a lot of plane tickets and rent a lot of condo/house/apartments.


You are also aware that Thailand is very restrictive about property ownership??



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9 hours ago, imjmn said:

Why did you pick Thailand?


As noted - tell no one what kind of work you do - not even the place you will be living.


A Thai Elite visa - as noted covers all bases - that said - it is lot of $$ unless $$ are of no issue for you. A 5 year TE visa x2 - 1 million Baht sure will buy a lot of plane tickets and rent a lot of condo/house/apartments.


You are also aware that Thailand is very restrictive about property ownership??



@imjmn Hi MJ - We picked Thailand after spending close to two years traveling around SE Asia. It was the country that seemed to "check all of our boxes" as far as environment, food, people, culture, etc. Plus we met some great friends there (not that great people aren't everywhere!)


The Thai Elite visa seems like something we might consider in a year or two after we've spent even more time in Thailand to solidify our decision. We certainly aren't rich by any means, however, money is available. We'd prefer not to spend that much, however, if in the future it seems like it makes sense, it could be a viable option.


And yes, we're aware of Thailand property ownership restrictions. We weren't thinking about that at this time. 


Thank you again for your input. 



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With regards to working. I think it is important to note the spirit of the law and consider the nature of your work.


Is the source of income exclusively outside of Thailand?


Is the work accomplished without the use of any Thai resources? (exception for normal home internet and electricity. Not excessive like bit coin mining)


Can the work be equally accomplished if done in any other country without the need to move Thai located resources? (I.e. You are not taking advantage of large office space or equipment that is difficult to move)


If yes to all the above you can argue you are not doing anything illegal or wrong. How hard the government pursue you depends if you made enemies.


Other ways to help your case:


Are you paying taxes in US? ( as an American I expect you will be)


Are you spending less than six months a year in Thailand?



Yes to the above really push you into the realm of holidayer who keeps working for foreign company.


Finally, if you have a Thailand Elite they are much less inclined to group you in the 'Bad Guys' category as you have shown them you have lots of money and are not here to steal jobs.



All the little things on their own add up to make a strong case in your favor.

Edited by JayBird
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