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I have be'n reading that the Kingdom of Thailand not will aloud foregin pople with HIV to enter the Kingdom or will give any kind of Visa to thailand, that sound completly insane for many people, 85% of the population in Thailand are HIV positive, so what are the Thailand guverment thinking about when they make souch a stupid law ?

In the West hiv are not more dangerous than Diabetes if you don't take your medication when you have diabetes then you get sick and die, the same will happend if you are HIV positive if you don't take you medication then you get sick and die, here in the West we live 25- 35 years with HIV because we have the proper medication but in thailand people die.

So because peopel in Thailand don't have the money to buy medication then people in other countrys who have medication cannot enter or live in Thailand ?

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HIV tests are not required for any type of visa I know of, nor for residency, work permit or citizenship.

PS: personally, I'd be a little more conservative using the word "stupid" to describe something if I made as many spelling and grammar errors as you do.

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Not so. A person with HIV + is not permitted to enter Thailand.

One of my friends have be'n writing on this Forum to find out of more, and the messages to him was, Thailand don't want to give Visa or working permission to people with HIV ?

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As the Thais say, "you tink too mut".

For one thing, Customs never looks in your bags. In approximately 200 entries to Thailand over the years, they've only looked at mine twice -- and both times were when I had very large, suspicious looking cartons with me.

Secondly, the Customs inspectors have no idea what HIV meds look like or are called, nor do they care.

Third, if you're worried about it, take them out of the bottle they came in and put them in an empty vitamin bottle.

Worry and stress are not good for people with compromised immune systems. Try to relax.

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He could always leave his meds at home and buy new ones here, as he seems to think 85% of the population are +ve there will be lots of cheap meds available here wont there.

Maybe a holiday to Zaire or Congo would be better, Stats would be closer to the truth there


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Show us the source of your info please or else you are making it up cocker, I just checked out WHO and they don't show those figures.

Apart from this fact sheet:

Fact Sheet 2 The global HIV/AIDS epidemic

... In fact, 86% of people with HIV live in sub-Saharan Africa and the developing ... This

is also the case in Uganda, Thailand, and in some West African countries. ...

www.who.int/health-services-delivery/ hiv_aids/English/fact-sheet-2/ - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Which barely mentions Thailand

facts please


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Well cocker yourself, maybe you don't like the facts, but that is the way it is, many of my friends live also in thailand, and follow the news in other countries ad say the same what you can read here..

And if you contakt WHO then they will give you the same answer..i'm sorry but that is the way it is..

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Since you seem to have a math problem, the 1 in 100 people infected in Thailand equals 1%, not 86%.

My dear, that was in 2000, the pages i have is in Danish i can link you up to those but can you read it..?

Now we have year 2004.. the chinse people also dined they where having HIV and take a look at china now..pitty..

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Now we know that not only can whiteshadow not write, he can't read either. Nothing in any of the links he provides says anything about the rate of HIV infection in Thailand being more than a few percent of the adult population. Of the total population (including children), it's even less.

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Thailand Statistics (data at end 2001)25

Estimated total population : 63,584,000

Estimated number of adults and children currently living with HIV/AIDS : 670,000

Adults (15 - 49) : 650,000

Women (15 - 49) : 220,000

Children (0 - 15) : 21,000

Estimated adult prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS : 1.8%

Estimated number of AIDS deaths in 2001 : 55,000

Around 1%, your original post is flawed, drink more beer and stay in the house more mate


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Since you seem to have a math problem, the 1 in 100 people infected in Thailand equals 1%, not 86%.

My dear, that was in 2000, the pages i have is in Danish i can link you up to those but can you read it..?

Now we have year 2004.. the chinse people also dined they where having HIV and take a look at china now..pitty..

Hi whiteshadow :D

I would like to see that link to your stats in Danish. I read Danish....from Denmark, mate! :D

Maybe you refer to the stats amongst the drug addicted and sex workers?

But you are still far from the facts......appx. 50 to 60% of these are HIV positive.....

Or maybe you refer to the statistic saiyng that appx. 85% of the worlds HIV positive are living in Asian and African countries? :o

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Why should people not visit thailand, even if my figures was right ?

Because people have hiv it don't make them dangerous or anything else.. they are just like you and any body else..don't worry..but stay happy :D

You are right..... :D You are only dangerous when you wont admit your mistake!

1 to 2 % of the "normal" population in Thailand are HIV infected. :o

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