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Britain, EU clinch Brexit 'breakthrough' with move to trade talks


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18 hours ago, nontabury said:
20 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Who, in your opinion, are the people who won the election?


As UKIP won a grand total of zero seats, it certainly wasn't them!

Stop playing with words,you know fine well that the people voted for Brexit in the referendum,plus at this years G.E. 85% of the electorate voted for parties that support Brexit

Actually, 89% of those who voted in the general election voted Conservative, Labour or LibDem.


The leaders of all three at the time, May, Corbyn and Farron, as well as many members, from MPs down to constituency level, supported Remain in the referendum.


But being democrats, they accept the referendum result and now want the best possible post Brexit deal for the UK. Although Farron resigned as LibDem leader after the election, he says this decision had nothing to do with Brexit..


Of course, your opinion on what constitutes a good deal obviously differs from theirs; especially May's.


18 hours ago, nontabury said:

Regarding UKIP, perhaps there’s something amiss with the U.K. electoral system.

That is how the first past the post system works. UKIP failed in every constituency in which they fielded a candidate. But as they only received 1.8% of the votes passed, on any PR system they wouldn't have got many seats, if any at all!


Do you remember Farage's reaction the morning after the referendum when he thought that Remain had won by 52% to 48%? I do. I remember him on TV and the radio ranting that such a small margin was too close to call and demanding another referendum.


Later that day, after someone had pointed out to him that he had the figures the wrong way round, he started to claim a magnificent victory!


18 hours ago, nontabury said:

You asked a question in your post No 9, so now you’ve received one answer. Perhaps now is the time that you recognise that T.M has truely shafxed the British people. Or are you happy to live in a colony of the E.U

I've received the opinions of two people on what they would and would not accept in any agreement; opinions expressed two days before this agreement.


Neither you, nor anyone else here, has said why you believe with this agreement may has shafted the British people. 


You know my position on the EU; that whilst it has it's faults we are better in than out. Not as a colony, we never were that and never would have been; but as an equal partner. A partner who could either veto certain things we didn't like, for example new members, or opt out of certain areas, as we did with the Euro and the Schengen area.

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For those who can't be bothered to read the actual agreement, or to be more accurate, progress report, the three main areas covered are:-


1) The rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU. 


Basically, those EU citizens who are resident in the UK on the specified date and those UK citizens who are resident in the EU on that same date and their qualifying family members will retain the rights they currently have.


The specified date being the actual date the UK finally leaves the EU.


2) The land border between Northern Ireland and the RoI will remain an open one.


Essentially this means that all the agreements of the 1998 peace process will remain in place. What has yet to be agreed is how this will work in practice.


I fail to see how anyone can call either of the above a sell out!


3) The financial settlement.


This is, obviously, the contentious issue; not so much on the methodology, but the amount to be paid in total. 


Like anything to do with finance, this is complicated; but my understanding of what is said in the report is that the UK will honour any and all financial commitments it already has. What has to be calculated and agreed is the final amount of those commitments. Although the figure of 40 billion Euros has been put forward; a considerable drop from the 70 to 80 billion first mentioned by some in the EU!


Of course, there are those who will say that we owe the EU nothing and should pay nothing.


But we have made commitments, and as an honourable nation should honour those commitments. If only because if we don't, we can wave goodbye to any sort of final agreement at all and end up with the so called hard Brexit.


There are those who say that a hard Brexit is a good thing; but I have to wonder if they fully realise what it could mean. Not just to trade but to them personally. I wonder if they'll still be saying that if they have to get a visa for their holiday in Ibiza! They'll probably blame May for 'selling us out' and not securing a deal which they like!

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