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teen in hospital, how to help


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A 16 year old from our village was involved in a motorcycle accident and broke his arm and leg and will be in a public hospital for a month or two. Previously he often worked for me on various home improvements and I was happy to see he made it to technical school and was getting good grades and hoped he could reach his potential. He is now going to sit out the rest of the term and I fear for his future that he may not continue school as can be the case in these circumstances. As a friend of the family, I was wondering what I could do for him to ease his stay in the hospital or otherwise keep his mind stimulated and on track.



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Do they have "How to" DIY books in Thai  ?


Motorcycle repair , AirCo repair , Home wiring ,  if you can find books in Thai


At least get him a few notebooks and pens / pencils so he can draw stuff.....


Hopefully he did not break his writing arm !

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