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More than 37,000 bombs destroyed by CMAC this year

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More than 37,000 unexploded landmines and explosive remnants of war have been found and destroyed so far this year, according to the Cambodian Mine Action Centre. CMAC director-general Heng Ratana said yesterday that officials had found several different types of explosives, including anti-personnel mines, anti-tank mines, cluster munitions and bombs throughout the country.



“Since January of this year, our experts found and destroyed 37,448 landmines and remnants of war which were buried underground across the kingdom,” he said. “Cluster munitions and other remnant of war were found in Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Kratie provinces, while other anti-personnel mines and anti-tank mines were found in Battambang, Pursat and Oddar Meanchey provinces.”



CMAC’s demining operations have cleared more than 8,600 hectares of minefields, he added. “About 8,636 hectares of minefields that were cleared by CMAC have now been converted to land for infrastructure, cultivation and residences,” he said.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5096823/37000-bombs-destroyed-cmac/


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Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Kratie provinces are from the Vietnam war. Battambang, Pursat and Oddar Meanchey provinces are from the    Pol Pot/Hue Sen killing fields.

7 hours ago, khwaibah said:

Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Kratie provinces are from the Vietnam war. Battambang, Pursat and Oddar Meanchey provinces are from the    Pol Pot/Hue Sen killing fields.


Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Kratie:  Also military operations against Vietnam after they fell out with Vietnam post 1975.


I think you will find that Battambang, Pursat and Oddar Meachey are post "killing fields" (the period when the Khmer Rouge were in government and able to carry out the genocide).


It would be from the time that the Khmer Rouge had been ousted from power (1979) and were fighting a war against the Vietnamese sponsored/supported government.


They had been pushed out of Cambodia and were fighting a campaign in those contested provinces, while operating from safe havens in Thailand with the support of Thailand and the US.




4 hours ago, Enoon said:


Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Kratie:  Also military operations against Vietnam after they fell out with Vietnam post 1975.


I think you will find that Battambang, Pursat and Oddar Meachey are post "killing fields" (the period when the Khmer Rouge were in government and able to carry out the genocide).


It would be from the time that the Khmer Rouge had been ousted from power (1979) and were fighting a war against the Vietnamese sponsored/supported government.


They had been pushed out of Cambodia and were fighting a campaign in those contested provinces, while operating from safe havens in Thailand with the support of Thailand and the US.




Who cares who put them there,,,someone is cleaning them up,,,

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