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Republicans seek to question FBI officials in Clinton probe - letter


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Republicans seek to question FBI officials in Clinton probe - letter



FILE PHOTO: Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testifies before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., U.S., June 7, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Republican lawmakers told the U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday that they want to question three senior FBI officials about an investigation of then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her handling of classified information while she was secretary of state.


The lawmakers, who are leading a joint probe into the Clinton investigation, said in a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, that they wanted to speak with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki and FBI counsel Lisa Page beginning on Thursday.


The FBI declined to comment on the letter and referred reporters to the Justice Department.


The request to meet the FBI officials for "transcribed interviews" was made after Republicans obtained more than 300 text messages sent last year between Page and FBI agent Peter Strzok critical of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.


The text messages called him an "idiot" and "a loathsome human," among other things, according to copies reviewed by Reuters.


Strzok later worked for Special Counsel Robert Mueller as part of the investigation into Russian efforts to interfere in the U.S. election and ties between Russian officials and the Trump campaign. Moscow denies U.S. allegations of election meddling and Trump denies any campaign collusion.


Strzok, who helped lead the investigation of Clinton's handling of classified material, was removed from Mueller's team after the special counsel became aware of the texts critical of Trump.


Republican lawmakers have attacked Mueller, expressing concern about potential bias among his investigators. But Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has testified to lawmakers that he was "not aware" of any impropriety by Mueller's team.


Representative Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Representative Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, are conducting a joint review of the FBI's handling of the Clinton investigation.


In their letter to Sessions and Rosenstein, they said they were looking into several decisions by the FBI during the Clinton investigation, including then-FBI Director James Comey's decision not refer Clinton's case for prosecution.


(Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; Writing by David Alexander and Grant McCool)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-12-20
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Strzok's letter referred to an 'insurance' in the event that Trump looked like getting elected that was discussed in "Andy's office' (this being Andy McCabe) and it is illegal to discuss politics on FBI property. Let us not forget that the Clinton campaign did conspire with CNN to produce phony poll results to show her winning the election....this was exposed.

There is a lot of mileage in this....these guys look guilty as hell and it has been reported that Mueller's team have donated overwhelmingly to Clinton in the election campaign (public records of this are available).

The question now is where is this going. There is no evidence at all of the primary charge that Trump conspired with Putin and Wikileaks during the campaign to change the result of the election. Now so much mud has been thrown at Russia it is impossible for Mueller to turn up with nothing.....hence the fishing expeditions into Manafort's lobbying in Ukraine in 2011 which is totally unrelated to any conspiracy to change an election result; also Flynn whose 'crime' was after the election and hence fell outside the scope of the investigation; what we have dragged up is a miniscule amount of money spent by 'Russian linked' accounts (whatever the hell that means) on Twitter and Face Book amounting less than 0.01% of the expenditure by the candidates....the 'Russian-linked' adverts were both for and against Clinton in equal measure.

It is pretty clear that there was minimal if any direct contact between agents of the Russian government and senior Trump campaign officials during the campaign.....this to such an extent that when Flynn did want to contact the Russians during the transition, he had no one to call but the local Ambassador.....if a major 'conspiracy' involving 1000's of people had occurred, you might have thought that Flynn would have many Russians on auto dial on his phone to communicate with. The other thing is that the NSA records all calls and emails going abroad (Flynn et al know this).....so where are all the details of all these conspiratorial electronic  contacts?

Let's have impartial special prosecutors and investigators....not the likes of Strzok who exonerated Clinton.

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"Strzok's text messages have received scrutiny from individuals on the right, who have argued they reveal an anti-Trump bias at the FBI. 

 He says“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office—that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40…” Strzok’s message, from August of 2016, reads".


This txt message is what inspired the Gop lawmakers on the committee hearing  with Rosenstien to want to interview the FBI.I guess the GOP are making a case that the FBI showed bias and conflict of interest during the HC investigation and the Russian collusion investigation. 

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5 hours ago, Jiggyfly said:

File this under "who cares."  Let's focus on productive things like infrastructure improvements, jobs and making the US great again.  Got no time for tripe!

You might not agree with this and call it "Tripe" but the President of the USA and the millions of  people who voted for change have been demonized for over a year about this "witch hunt" Russian Collusion investigation .Some key points to mention was the unsubstantiated Steele dossier,wire tapping Trump Towers, unmasking American identities during a FISA ,all of which some GOP lawmakers claim that the Intel agencies used to bring about this RCI .If disproved it would be considered one large step forward  for unifying  a divided America and legitimizing the election once and for all.

Edited by riclag
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5 hours ago, Jiggyfly said:

File this under "who cares."  Let's focus on productive things like infrastructure improvements, jobs and making the US great again.  Got no time for tripe!

Yes, like the trillion plus dollars it will take to rebuild infrastructure. That's at least what the tax bill is going to cost the government in lost revenues. Better to give it corporations and the super rich.

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47 minutes ago, riclag said:

You might not agree with this and call it "Tripe" but the President of the USA and the millions of  people who voted for change have been demonized for over a year about this "witch hunt" Russian Collusion investigation .Some key points to mention was the unsubstantiated Steele dossier,wire tapping Trump Towers, unmasking American identities during a FISA ,all of which some GOP lawmakers claim that the Intel agencies used to bring about this RCI .If disproved it would be considered one large step forward  for unifying  a divided America and legitimizing the election once and for all.

actually much of the steele dossier has been substantiated.  

Wire tapping Trump Towers?

The "unmasking' is a fake scandal.

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On ?12?/?20?/?2017 at 6:29 AM, riclag said:

You might not agree with this and call it "Tripe" but the President of the USA and the millions of  people who voted for change have been demonized for over a year about this "witch hunt" Russian Collusion investigation .Some key points to mention was the unsubstantiated Steele dossier,wire tapping Trump Towers, unmasking American identities during a FISA ,all of which some GOP lawmakers claim that the Intel agencies used to bring about this RCI .If disproved it would be considered one large step forward  for unifying  a divided America and legitimizing the election once and for all.

"the millions of people who voted for change have been demonized for over a year about this witch hunt"        555   millions demonized more like millions fooled


one large step forward for unifying a divided America   555 he thrives on dividing America,  white against Mexican, muslim or immigrants...it's never Americans fault...calling rascist hate groups good people...grabbing women by the...

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On 12/20/2017 at 7:29 AM, riclag said:

You might not agree with this and call it "Tripe" but the President of the USA and the millions of  people who voted for change have been demonized for over a year about this "witch hunt" Russian Collusion investigation .Some key points to mention was the unsubstantiated Steele dossier,wire tapping Trump Towers, unmasking American identities during a FISA ,all of which some GOP lawmakers claim that the Intel agencies used to bring about this RCI .If disproved it would be considered one large step forward  for unifying  a divided America and legitimizing the election once and for all.

The election is already legitimate. It's up to leftists to prove otherwise. While I commend them for how much feces they've thrown against the wall, big time leftist Van Jones is still correct. The Russia thing is a nothing burger- when it comes to Trump.


The timing of the money trail with regards to the flow of cash to the Clinton Crime Family, er, *charitable foundation*, Bill's $500,000 speech in Russia (I wonder how many of these speeches perhaps never even happened), and Hillary's State Department approving this deal is highly suspect. Receiving such huge *donations* to her *charitable foundation* while Secretary of State is at best highly suspicious. But given the incredible bias towards the Clintons mentioned in the OP, clearly a criminal investigation is in order.

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On 12/20/2017 at 8:16 AM, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, like the trillion plus dollars it will take to rebuild infrastructure. That's at least what the tax bill is going to cost the government in lost revenues. Better to give it corporations and the super rich.


There is a HUGE difference between giving someone something and letting them keep that which they already own. Tell you what, I'm going to let you keep your residence. Actually, that means I'm giving you a residence if we are to use your logic.

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On 12/20/2017 at 2:15 AM, Jiggyfly said:

File this under "who cares."  Let's focus on productive things like infrastructure improvements, jobs and making the US great again.  Got no time for tripe!

The US federal government is a huge entity with many departments. To think it's incapable of overseeing the construction of infrastructure while simultaneously conducting criminal investigations does not make logical sense at all.

Edited by MajarTheLion
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  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

This article was written by an obvious partisan but I'm wondering if anyone here can point to anything that is factually inaccurate about it. TIA




If Chuck Grassley can get his unredacted memos released, along with corroborating FBI files, he could really open a can of worms.

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