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Police appeal for public help to lower holiday road toll


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perhaps, just perhaps if the RTP got off their collective backsides and DID the job they were paid to do, ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS FAIRLY ( ZERO CORRUPTION ) PREVENTION ( Advising motorists on minor matters ) and EDUCATION ( REGARDING THE LAWS IN THAILAND )..

Tehn maybe it would work but only after 365 days of constant work . To my mind that would be better than coming OUT AFTER an incident and saying I told you so .


The last time I saw a Road check stop a Passenger carrying vehicle was .................ZERO in fifteen years.

The last time saw a Motorcyclist carrying on with no lights, no crash helmet  and probably none of the other documents being told TO WALK OR CATCH ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORT  etc, was ..........ZERO in 15 years.




Stay  safe out there people .


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It's a process. Asking for cooperation instead demanding cooperation is a good beginning. There has to be a collaboration between many organizations as well as public cooperation. Don't expect to see significant results for years. It took more than five years before mandatory helmets became a law for motorcyclist in California and then the first year it became a law there was much non-compliance. Now there are motorcyclists that have custom helmets that can cost as much as  a thousand dollars US.


In no way do I expect Thais to think or act like westerners. There has to be a conscious effort to educate children before they get behind the wheel of a car. Many western families have had cars in their life for generations so they have a core understanding of how to drive before they are old enough to have a drivers license. Some ASEAN countries have families who now own their first car and have no frame of reference for how dangerous driving can be or for that matter understand that driving is a skill. It is a Herculean task to change cultural values.


Unfortunately, drunk drivers will most likely continue to drink and drive until the consequence for doing it results in imprisonment. Sad to say that is the only thing that worked in the US. Yes, there are men and women in prison along  with murderers and bank robbers because of multiple drunk driving charges. We're not talking 30 days in some 'camp' I mean in some cases up to five years in full on prison.



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27 minutes ago, evadgib said:

There are several classics on liveleak from Thailand this week inc this one from Chiang Mai:



Sadly I noticed the grey saloon car that had it's roof crushed, not one person appeared to look to see if the occupants were injured.

Completely different attitudes to safety and concern for injured parties.


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2 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

I never understood why the manufacturers, Honda and such, haven't installed some sort of warning or fail safe system to alert or prevent the rider when a tail light goes out, it would be simple enough to do. Sure, riders at night should start their bikes and then walk around to make sure the lights are working but clearly nobody bothers to do that.

Never going to happen. We are talking about a culture where some morons remove the rear view mirrors on their bikes to make them look better.

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There are two ends to the scale: countries such as the UK where the tendency to be nanny state is strong and Thailand, where the tendency is non-existent and even a slight move towards proactive law enforcement would take a lot of time and training to implement - case in point, the helmet law which has improved matters considerably but has taken over ten years to reach this point and still has further to go, it's the way Thai's do these things.


So for the police to suddenly perform their role in the same way it's performed in the West, would be a massive culture shift that nobody is really prepared for. In the first instance, the police are not sufficiently well trained or knowledgeable enough to enforce the law, in the second instance the culture here is not ready to accept such a shift from a police force who are seen to be mostly corrupt and inefficient, that's what I mean when I refer to a nanny state in the context of Thailand.


If those things are not true, why do the police not simply go out and start enforcing the law at all levels, everywhere....they don't because they can't plus the people wouldn't allow such a large scale shift in policing, at one time in short timescales.

Totally disagree! The public in UK

in general,accept rules and laws (nanny state)whether they like them or not! 99% are there for a good legitimate reason! Only backward,undeveloped and “unless it happens to me” countries such as Thailand would tolerate such carnage on the roads !



Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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You know, I think that they will do it !!! The Thais, I think that they will address,  and have some success in reducing, their just now, totally rotten Road toll.  Like Thais DO have the ability to solve problems, as their practical street thinking, …  is Wise, and they are flexible enough, and then social disciplined enough, to accomplish things !!! … And Have !!! … Like why do you all come here ???


… Let the Moaners and Disgruntled old Men Blog on, (ThaiVisa, A Great outlet for theses “Other” Politically Displaced Lunatics … Yes, Like me also I suppose) … So, … Just Yes, …  Keep on Blogging Fellas.


... But I think that the Thais WILL, be able to do it, to get on top of the now totally Horrible road toll. … Like 73% of the dead, Motorcyclists !!! Like with such a Huge and so obvious starting point, …  how could you not have some success, ….  and well the tripling of Traffic, often with the Induction of new and way WAY less experienced Drivers, in the last 5 Years !!! Well, actually ??? What would you expect. ???


But I Do think that they will get on top of it so, … let’s see aye Fellas ???


Out on Asia Highway this morning taking the Children to school, … going slow today, …  Merry Christmas to you, and to All, and a Happy New year, … so I was passed by 5 Motorcyclists, all looking like they were going to work !!! .. And they were all going slowly, and safely, and Wearing Helmut’s ???


So I wonder how much of the 73% of killed Motor cyclists were run over from behind by Ten Wheeled Trucks, towing trailers, or semies, who did not see them ??? Or the Big Pickups of the Nuevo rich, or their cars ? … Like that is what I think every time I tepidly ride my Motor bike, down the side of the Asia Highway, being over taken by the Ten Wheelers and their trailers, … for as little distance as I can make it !!!


This happens everywhere you know, like in Australia out on the very Lonely Nullabore Plain, at Dawn one day, a Semi, driving all night and then in to the rising sun at dawn, on a totally straight run for hours, … I think that there is one straight section of Road out there, that takes more than 24 Hours to drive over it !!! Well, Maybe 9 Hrs ? …… But the Poor Truckie, probably having driven all night to get out there, …….. just ran straight over a Japanese Bicyclist riding around Australia !!!   …  Without even realizing that he was there. I do not even know if he stopped,  as I think that he had never even realized that he had hit him !!!


Like as an Australian, … I would never have been there where he had Put himself, Never !!! … but very sad,  and it happens.  …   So well I wonder how much of the 73% are totally, accidentally run over, by even sober and Good drivers from behind, …   as they just did not see them ???  Or were dodging someone else I guess ???


One of my Friends was hit badly from behind, and the driver used and it was accepted that his wheel came off ? I think ??? …


So well, to reduce the 73% Od Dead Motorcyclists and other Slow traffic !!! …

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1 hour ago, tinca tinca said:

there are suppose to be ONLY 240,000 coppers so how can such a small force enforce the laws.....

Better ask their UK equivalents. England and Wales are policed by just over 123,000 beat coppers.

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3 hours ago, connda said:

Actually, I'll agree, but to a point. Those actions do no reduce the number of accidents from what they already are!  Road blocks!
This is what that always do, which means that this is the status quo; this is the baseline; the bench mark.  If they stopped, then then the carnage would be exponential worse than in is now. But road block checks aren't doing a thing to reduce that accident level from what it already is. 
Their problem is that they are doing virtually nothing to deter the dangerous, aggressive, and utterly stupid driving behaviors that happen in between the check points.  You need cops in patrol cars pulling violators over and issuing citations which are significantly painful financially to be a deterrent, embrace a point system, and forward the vehicle's numbers to insurance companies. 


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IMO: If the police would do their job and enforce laws Thailand and traveling the roads would be much safer. Now it seems like total carnage b/c it's a "free for all." And the police do practically nothing to stop it. This country could be much different if it adopted rule of law.

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

Their problem is that they are doing virtually nothing to deter the dangerous, aggressive, and utterly stupid driving behaviors that happen in between the check points.  You need cops in patrol cars pulling violators over and issuing citations which are significantly painful financially to be a deterrent, embrace a point system,

Yes, I agree, it is the often Stupid Street level, could not give a <deleted>,  Reincarnation, and no tomorrow sort of Thai thinking that is the problem, and what does need to be changed on their roads. Well, for ONLY SOME Drivers I must point out, 99% ? Well let’s just say 95% of them where I drive, are quite OK, or even a lot better than in other places, re Brains, Cooperation and no Malice…. It is just that the bad 1 to 5% just do SOOO MUCH damage !!! (Just try driving in Sydney Australia for a couple of hours,  and see how you feel ???)


Well any way, the Check points will get the drunks, (Like they Shure have got me off the Road for the next 7 days, Har Har … (Though I have given up drinking for my Own survival also) … So let’s just start with Excessive speed !!!


… More Mobile Camera radars, they all know where they are just now on the Bridges !!! (I think ?) ...


Yes I get on with the Thais quite OK, but that is just because of where, and How I live I guess, where I can avoid this Basic Flaw, of the could not give a <deleted> Reincarnation, and no tomorrow thing, … So well I do not care about it in the wider society, ... But it quite obviously has to be changed out on the roads, … For every ones Safety.

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

THE Academic Centre for Road Safety said yesterday that drunk driving remained the issue of greatest concern regarding road safety, as people may celebrate for a longer time during the upcoming holidays compared to previous years.

Why is this . . . do the Thai people have more reason to celebrate, this NY, than previous years? . . . other than just being totally pissed-off at having no honourable head of government to feel answerable to. Maybe they think that 'cos the Police and nearly everything else is out of control, they might as well risk it, too.


Thailand . . . the Nation of no-one gives a shit anymore.

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Ps. JFYI, I have it from the best Local Authorities, …  of men that drive a lot, ... if you stay under 120km per Hour, you will not get a speeding ticket, ? ... like that is what they have their cameras set at !!! .... I Have Heard ???  … Though well, do not send me your tickets, if they start coming in under that !!! ...

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5 hours ago, markaoffy said:

Totally disagree! The public in UK

in general,accept rules and laws (nanny state)whether they like them or not! 99% are there for a good legitimate reason! Only backward,undeveloped and “unless it happens to me” countries such as Thailand would tolerate such carnage on the roads !



Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

"Only backward,undeveloped and “unless it happens to me” countries such as Thailand"  ... Well you know what the answer is here for you as regards this Opinion, Buddy !!! ...(With all due respect) ... as I, ..and the 70 million Thais do not have to, and well, thankfully are not going to change for you, or anyone else like you I hope.

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in my time in Thailand I have personally witnessed (now) 3 accidents as a pedestrian, in all 3 instances the drivers had their faces buried in their mobile phones (probably surfing through facebook), I have also observed around the place many drivers driving erratically and when I get along side they have their faces buried in their phone (an accident waiting to happen), I have also been on various forms of public transport and observed the drivers with their faces buried in their mobile phone, out and about I have seen many people riding motorbikes and guess what - their faces buried in their mobile phone, sometimes with young children on board. I have seen people walking into things and guess what - faces buried in their mobile phone.


You cannot be in full control of a vehicle with your face buried in a mobile phone, not saying that mobile use is the cause of all accidents in Thailand but based on my experience and what I have observed - it is a major contributor especially in Thailand when you add it to all the other lunacy.  



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4 hours ago, Mark mark said:

"Only backward,undeveloped and “unless it happens to me” countries such as Thailand"  ... Well you know what the answer is here for you as regards this Opinion, Buddy !!! ...(With all due respect) ... as I, ..and the 70 million Thais do not have to, and well, thankfully are not going to change for you, or anyone else like you I hope.

well that post is a real big step forward in solving the carnage on Thai roads, thank you for you input and putting us all on the straight and narrow, your contribution is outstanding  

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4 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Yes, I agree, it is the often Stupid Street level, could not give a F',  Reincarnation, and no tomorrow sort of Thai thinking that is the problem, and what does need to be changed on their roads. Well, for ONLY SOME Drivers I must point out, 99% ? Well let’s just say 95% of them where I drive, are quite OK, or even a lot better than in other places, re Brains, Cooperation and no Malice…. It is just that the bad 1 to 5% just do SOOO MUCH damage !!! (Just try driving in Sydney Australia for a couple of hours,  and see how you feel ???)


Well any way, the Check points will get the drunks, (Like they Shure have got me off the Road for the next 7 days, Har Har … (Though I have given up drinking for my Own survival also) … So let’s just start with Excessive speed !!!


… More Mobile Camera radars, they all know where they are just now on the Bridges !!! (I think ?) ...


Yes I get on with the Thais quite OK, but that is just because of where, and How I live I guess, where I can avoid this Basic Flaw, of the could not give a F' Reincarnation, and no tomorrow thing, … So well I do not care about it in the wider society, ... But it quite obviously has to be changed out on the roads, … For every ones Safety.

another good post especially the last line


but I do wish you would make your mind up lol

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I got one message for the RTP Get off your <deleted> and start looking at the traffic and start to book them You have the power to enforce the law not us. Saw a cop on a motorbike this morning stop at red light The pickup in front of him went straight through a red light He just sat there on bike did nothing Until that kind of bullshit stops i am afraid nothing will change

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

in my time in Thailand I have personally witnessed (now) 3 accidents as a pedestrian, in all 3 instances the drivers had their faces buried in their mobile phones (probably surfing through facebook), I have also observed around the place many drivers driving erratically and when I get along side they have their faces buried in their phone (an accident waiting to happen), I have also been on various forms of public transport and observed the drivers with their faces buried in their mobile phone, out and about I have seen many people riding motorbikes and guess what - their faces buried in their mobile phone, sometimes with young children on board. I have seen people walking into things and guess what - faces buried in their mobile phone.


You cannot be in full control of a vehicle with your face buried in a mobile phone, not saying that mobile use is the cause of all accidents in Thailand but based on my experience and what I have observed - it is a major contributor especially in Thailand when you add it to all the other lunacy.  



Yes Right On Brother !!! ...


Several Nice Young Thai ladies, have Neely been "Taken out by me", ... when they ride their bikes in front of my car, with one hand, while they have their Phone tightly pressed against their ear with the other hand !!! ... and I have only just been able to slow down in time !!! or dodge them …


I am not doing a bit of English Teaching (Basically just English spoken entertainment) at a Local Primary school, and well 5 to 11 year old !!! GREAT !!! .. And they had a cage for Putting the Kids that tried to use their Phones while at school, in !!! .... I think it was sent over by the Powers above, as I saw no Children in it, …  and it was slowly shifted out of the way, ... and then eventually dismantled ... Thai Style, right, ...


But well, 8 hrs. those kids go with out there Phones (They also do not want to have them stolen, right ...) ... But well, what a Pleasure it is to be there !!!!! .... 


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6 hours ago, mercman24 said:

Beach Road  JOMTIEN last night 12-30 am, scooters roaring up and down the road with no front light, no rear lights , no helmets, and 5 cops sat in a <deleted> awning, oh i forgot the law only applies to Bangkok

Koh Samui No lights on M bikes and cars is the latests fashion . i counted 48 bikes no rear lights on a 11k journey and that's just one way. i did ask the police about the helmet laws... .quote.. is ok after 6pm as we cant  see you . i'm not joking   

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

well that post is a real big step forward in solving the carnage on Thai roads, thank you for you input and putting us all on the straight and narrow, your contribution is outstanding  

It’s a Blog Mate, not a safety Meeting, still your stuff is OK, … It is just the other guys usual, … "All Thais are stupid (But I Like living here as it gives me My Freedom)" Shit Lines … that I just happened to see ....


Time to sign out of TIT, Thai Visa I think. … Maybe see you in the new year …

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

well that post is a real big step forward in solving the carnage on Thai roads, thank you for you input and putting us all on the straight and narrow, your contribution is outstanding  

The Road toll, can only be addressed as another Smart man on here seems to imply, if a Consensus is arrived at, Like everything else in Thailand, Like it or not.


And well, at the end of my next Post, … it is quite Clear !!!! … Let the Thais be Thai at Home, and walking down the streets, at school ETC.  … But out Killing other people, on the roads, let’s not accept it. … lets work towards a consensus Opinion, …. which they ARE doing, despite what all the Great Wisdom on Thai Visa night think.

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

another good post especially the last line


but I do wish you would make your mind up lol

Well,  … it is quite Clear !!!! … Let the Thais be Thai at Home, and walking down the streets, at school ETC.  … But out Killing other people, on the roads, let’s not accept it. … lets work towards a consensus Opinion, …. which they ARE doing, despite what all the Great Wisdom on Thai Visa night think.

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It’s just stupid. Drunk driving, ok big problem, but how about playing with ur phone while driving?

Not in a million years will anything change. Everybody is too selfish and too immature to realize how road safety works.

its not even worth complaining anymore. Let the carnage begin 

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