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Police appeal for public help to lower holiday road toll


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8 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Obviously you have never been involved in any form of purchasing, contract negotiations or supply/acquisition procedures. Highly unlikely 4000 of anything sitting on the shelf. They will need to be manufactured then supplied.


Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!

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20 hours ago, markaoffy said:

Oh dear “nanny state “ excuse again! Hundreds of thousands dead every year and imposing and enforcing regs to prevent is “nanny state” pathetic argument

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Do those who spout "nanny state" understand what a society is? Or maybe they just embrace anarchy. 

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20 hours ago, shaurene said:

If they would frghten them with servier penalties like loss of license, confisca their vehicals and big fines and plaster it on the TV and in the papers it would help. But they do not really care. Like in the western countries. If I go out in my car at night for a drink with the wife or friends I have no more than 1 drink and them I will have water. In New Zealand it is minimum fine of around $2,000 and 3-6 months driving ban.

Years ago I got a "giant fine" (if I remember correctly a/b 1 week's salary) for speeding (on the PA turnpike) .... slowed me down. Oh and then I got points on my license and then my insurance co. raised my rate. lol Don't think I've driven at excessive speed since. Consequences are great teaching tools. Ah but then teaching is a challenge in Thailand. 

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9 hours ago, tryasimight said:

And a good argument for putting the figures into perspective...driving a car in Thailand is not really high risk as far as I am concerned.

In fact I see more courteous driving here than I do in Australia - someone wants to pull out into traffic and the traffic generally stops to let them in.

All you'd get in Oz is the finger. 

That's not to say there aren't crazy speedsters on the motorway..there are...but they are the exception rather than the rule.

And those who get the finger are those who start to change lanes and then indicate or those who indicate and change lanes regardless of the traffic around them (think they have the right of way) thus deserving the 'finger'! I was always taught that if you want to change lanes, use your indicator first and wait for any nearby traffic to let you in - it is not a demand by the lane changer (it is an advisory, unless otherwise mandated by law).


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16 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

And those who get the finger are those who start to change lanes and then indicate or those who indicate and change lanes regardless of the traffic around them (think they have the right of way) thus deserving the 'finger'! I was always taught that if you want to change lanes, use your indicator first and wait for any nearby traffic to let you in - it is not a demand by the lane changer (it is an advisory, unless otherwise mandated by law).


Wasn't talking about changing lanes.  I like the way I can sneak out onto Sukhumvit from a side soi and the traffic will stop and let me in.... I find that very courteous. You could be there for a very long time trying to do the same thing in Oz.

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4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

So a police state, a military junta, cannot impose its will, interesting concept that!

Nanny state keeps us in order with lots of laws ,rules and regulations for our own good

Police state does  the same with a big stick for their own good

As I have already said CHALK and CHEESE

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16 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Nanny state keeps us in order with lots of laws ,rules and regulations for our own good

Police state does  the same with a big stick for their own good

As I have already said CHALK and CHEESE

Indeed they are, which is why I used the two examples as being at the opposite ends of the spectrum, duh!

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2 hours ago, PatOngo said:


Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!

Are we talking about Driving or Stock Control? You can't beat the JiT rule = Just in Time. Needs regular attention, though, so no good here, where NCPO holds good:-


Nil Creativity for Pisspoor Outcome


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1 hour ago, Ossy said:

Are we talking about Driving or Stock Control? You can't beat the JiT rule = Just in Time. Needs regular attention, though, so no good here, where NCPO holds good:-


Nil Creativity for Pisspoor Outcome


May I suggest, that the 'Kingdom's controllers' can be VERY creative at getting Pisspoor Performance? :whistling:  :smile:


Just a little voice in my mind reminding me of the Kingdom's problems with road trauma and corruption. 


And I do like your explanation for the "acronym".

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I find this so amusing the police asking for assistance in getting the road toll down What a bloody joke that is Yesterday stopped at red lights A copper on a motorbike pulled up beside me  In front of us this  kid and i mean a kid about ten years was riding a motor bike no helmet and went straight through red light and done a U turn when the sign said NO U turns So how many traffic rules did this kid break 1/ No Helmet 2/ No licence Kids 10 year old cannot get a license in Thailand but who knows Rafferty Rules here 3/ Went through a red light 4/Did a U turn when sign said No U turn 4 bloody rules this kid broke and the copper just sat on his bike and did nothing If that copper did his job and went and  got that kid and took his bike off him and went to see his parents and fine them for letting him ride that bike then maybe 1 more life can be saved That is the problem cops dont do there job For them to appeal to the public to get the road toll is just a face saving measure

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15 hours ago, welovethailand said:

Education starts in the schools


wrong my dear friend but education starts at home by your parents. It is your parents that teach you the right from the wrong and politeness, manners, respect, honesty, and courtesy. It is lazy parents that do not teach their children these things and expect the schools to do it for them, schools are for you 3R's education

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One of the big problems in Thailand is in their driver licensing system. There is no formal driver training to be able to get a drivers license. There is also no law enforcement of the road laws because of lazy corrupt police officers and I am not talking about just the police officer that mans the road blocks, the laziness and corruption is also above them.

I believe that there are some on here that could help with the ideas to help try and save lives but would the Thai Government and the Thai Minister listen to farangs.

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5 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Wasn't talking about changing lanes.  I like the way I can sneak out onto Sukhumvit from a side soi and the traffic will stop and let me in.... I find that very courteous. You could be there for a very long time trying to do the same thing in Oz.

From what I can understand by your post is that you are sneaking your way out into the traffic thereby forcing the traffic to stop for you or there would be a collision, so what that means is that you are breaking the law by failing to give way, and the other drivers are taking a defensive role and allowing you to push your way in because he does not want to have his vehicle damaged. It is no different to in Oz. You are breaking the law. You will get drivers in Oz that will let you enter without you forcing your way in. That is called courteous.

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1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

From what I can understand by your post is that you are sneaking your way out into the traffic thereby forcing the traffic to stop for you or there would be a collision, so what that means is that you are breaking the law by failing to give way, and the other drivers are taking a defensive role and allowing you to push your way in because he does not want to have his vehicle damaged. It is no different to in Oz. You are breaking the law. You will get drivers in Oz that will let you enter without you forcing your way in. That is called courteous.

Oh dear....try driving in Bangkok matey. 

If you want to sit and give way for 16 hours...well whatever floats your boat - just make sure you are well prepared (possibly armed) for the consequences arising from the anger of the drivers behind you.


Breaking the law, collision, defensive role....blah blah,blah.......save that for Oz. Nobody is 'forcing' anything.


Understand and use  the local 'rules' , not necessarily the law. Drive as the locals do and you won't have too many problems, at least that has been my experience. I let people in in the same circumstances.

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8 hours ago, oldlakey said:

Nanny state keeps us in order with lots of laws ,rules and regulations for our own good

Police state does  the same with a big stick for their own good

As I have already said CHALK and CHEESE

Laws, rules and regulations for our own good. Were you ever consulted? I wasn't. Who decides what our own good means?

And then YOU pay for those decisions by punitive taxes whether you like it or not.


Give me Thailand any day of the week.

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Just a PS. I lost my Visa card on Christmas Eve, ... (Dam !!!) ... left it, Lost it, do not know, it probably is on the ground in the car park, ... and I cannot blame the Thais for that !!! .... Too much time by myself, spent Magging on, on Thai Visa and not enough time Looking after my Credit cards, and Life !!!


Luckily it has not been used so it could even be somewhere here in my House, … though we have turned it over, very VERY WELL !!!  .....


… So just after a very Strong Chirp on here yesterday, considering the Road toll, ... and well the lack of enforcement of the law's contribution to it ..... I was forced to hit the road and head to Ayuttahya Park, and Lotus, and Look for it, ….  And then report it Lost, at the bank there ...


…  And Holey Moses, Holey of the Holey, !!!  Within 2 k I saw a Policeman on Motor cycle who had pulled over a Hot Looking red Sedan, and was giving him a Ticket !!! …. 


Like yes, I never saw that before, only heaving trucks for money, but NOW, … Well it is not solved yet, ... but well, they ARE Moving in the right direction I think, …  as I HAVE seen several Motor cycle Police Pulling people over for the first time in the last week !!!


Like I bet though they will not solve it totally, 14 people killed in Australia over the Holidays there, and just sooo much air time spent on that !!! On Auz TV !!! …. Though I think with the Environment, the People and the now huge volume of traffic here !!! I think that they will not solve it totally, …. But they could very well reduce it markedly.


…  Like Motorcycles, … slow Motorcycles, not big ones keeping ahead of the Traffic, ….(Like I used to) …  Slow one’s going slowly on the left, … just waiting to be Hit by the More Frantic as usual, Traffic !!! … And In Particular, Trucks.


73% of the Road toll being Motorcycles or three wheelers, ..Slow Traffic !!! … A REALLY obvious place to start ! But how to proceed on that … Slow Traffic, Mixed in with Fast Traffic !!! … And you could not just ban the slow traffic from the regional Highways I think ???


Yes More Policing of Bad Driving, and excessive speed I think. As Most people here agree on. And well the Thais will take the Pill also I am sure, as they have taken many other necessary Bad medicines. If a bit slower this time, as well, speed and fast cars ARE just so addictive !!! Aren’t they !!!


Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to All !!!


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26 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Oh dear....try driving in Bangkok matey. 

If you want to sit and give way for 16 hours...well whatever floats your boat - just make sure you are well prepared (possibly armed) for the consequences arising from the anger of the drivers behind you.


Breaking the law, collision, defensive role....blah blah,blah.......save that for Oz. Nobody is 'forcing' anything.


Understand and use  the local 'rules' , not necessarily the law. Drive as the locals do and you won't have too many problems, at least that has been my experience. I let people in in the same circumstances.

I have driven in Bangkok without any problems and I have found that I have not had to sneak out until someone stops for me, I have found that many drivers are courteous and will stop and let you out, matey

I have never had to sit for more than 5 minutes either in Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand before someone slows down to let you in. So what ever floats your boat - and I have not had any problems with angry drivers behind me either, so maybe just maybe you are doing something wrong to annoy them.

I have not had any problems here in Thailand with my driving or anything else for that matter

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24 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I have driven in Bangkok without any problems and I have found that I have not had to sneak out until someone stops for me, I have found that many drivers are courteous and will stop and let you out, matey

I have never had to sit for more than 5 minutes either in Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand before someone slows down to let you in. So what ever floats your boat - and I have not had any problems with angry drivers behind me either, so maybe just maybe you are doing something wrong to annoy them.

I have not had any problems here in Thailand with my driving or anything else for that matter

Good for you.....I don't believe a word of it.

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On 12/26/2017 at 4:19 PM, tryasimight said:

Good for you.....I don't believe a word of it.

I DO !!! I agree with what this good man above your comment said, and I have experienced this myself, like I think that the Thai know that we all are stuck here TOGETHER in this total mental Traffic situation, and well 90% of then are VERY Courteous to me. Like you have to know their local rules though, but well if you do you can have an even better time on the Road yourself.


Like in other places like my Home Adelaide, things are a lot LOT easier, but the People a LOT less Courteous I think. ? ..I Lie driving here, well on the Asia highway, and around the Ayuttahya area any way .... (Not Bangkok ? … Though well, I am sure that it would probably be similar, only a lot LOT slower.)

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2 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Guess what.... I couldn't care less if you don't believe it because I don't answer to you

Yes I Believe you  R, Thais Are Generaly Courtious Driver, and it soulds liek you know how to drive around here also, and good on you !!! ... And How to Enjoy Life also, ... as I try to !!! ... (Too much to Drink on Christmas Day !!!) .... Thanks for the Good Coment.

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On 12/26/2017 at 4:29 PM, Mark mark said:

I DO !!! I agree with what this good man above your comment said, and I have experienced this myself, like I think that the Thai know that we all are stuck here TOGETHER in this total mental Traffic situation, and well 90% of then are VERY Courteous to me. Like you have to know their local rules though, but well if you do you can have an even better time on the Road yourself.


Like in other places like my Home Adelaide, things are a lot LOT easier, but the People a LOT less Courteous I think. ? ..I Lie driving here, well on the Asia highway, and around the Ayuttahya area any way .... (Not Bangkok ? … Though well, I am sure that it would probably be similar, only a lot LOT slower.)

Quite a confusing post.

I have said I find the thai drivers very courteous, in general, but there are some absolute nutters out there as well.

I've never had a problem in Bangkok or the regular Surin to BKK run either.. 

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14 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Indeed they are, which is why I used the two examples as being at the opposite ends of the spectrum, duh!

What you did was to lump the Nanny state and the Police states actions together without highlighting

the VAST differences, you dont seem to realise what a joke that is

They are totally different entities with totally different aspirations, who use totally different methods to achieve their goals

You lumped them together in an attempt to say Thailands suggested way forward this year to cut down on the road carnage will include seeking help from the road users, and that is better than forcing  them to obey the laws and act in a adult and responsible manner, as NANNY does, to great effect I will point out

I say good luck with that






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