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Democracy must have good governance, says Prayut


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27 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Thank God Thaksin didn't control the military. It's not the best of arrangements having the military only answerable to HM but it's the only thing that has stopped a civil war to date.

There's no need to worry about any elected leaders controlling the military. No one controls them. You are wrong - they are not answerable to anyone.

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Its nowhere near the same as the UK. Try talking the way you do about your Queen and repeat the same in Thailand? Its not allowed.


2010 riots and 90+ people killed. The mad monk and his boss gave the order to shoot?


Don't blinker yourself, and read about the political history of the country you are interested in. Go back to the 1920's/1930's.


What about transparency? In government contracts? Look at the military spending. You know who gave approval for the Airport scanning machines a few years ago?


You see the coup was to be about change. Can you honestly say the changes have been happening and of real benefit to all in the country? Not really. Bangkok is where the Bangkok elites want power to be. They get nervous when that power goes out of their control. How much capital has bee spent in Issan? Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai. What do the people of Thailand feel about the General. 


You have a lot to learn, Luke; said the Jedi Master.

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5 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

I think the major problem here is Prayut thinks and feels any other governing power than the military is democracy. His understanding of democracy is it is elected that is where it ends. So when he talks democracy do not think it is the democracy we all know.

  For those who say when Thailand gets back to democracy should take a  political history lesson. about thailand. It has never really been a democracy so cannot go back to some thing it never was.

Bangkok Elite pulls his string. As long as they make money who cares.

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11 minutes ago, tropo said:

Have you been hiding under a rock? There are dozens of threads covering all kinds of hoops - I won't discuss specifics here.

Please share just three or four of the hoops.  Not too much to ask is it?

There have been very little to no changes that I can think of for the long term expat to be concerned about.

The visa gamers certainly...and that's not a bad thing in my opinion.


Your post is nonsense and just a weak attempt at a Thai Bash 2/10  is the best I can give you. I would have given you  1/10 but you spelt your name correctly...I think.

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49 minutes ago, baboon said:

No it isn't. The place has not been anywhere near civil war in donkey's years if ever.

A million people and a million litres of gasoline with the call to burn Bangkok to the ground. Sounds pretty close to the start of a civil war to me.

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14 minutes ago, baboon said:

You said common. This means a frequent occurrence. Keep going... 

Edit: I see nothing online about this chap rejoining the police in the same position either. Could you perhaps point me in the right direction? 

Where did I say common or allude to, in your words, a common occurrence?


Not that I particularly care either way.

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10 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

A million people and a million litres of gasoline with the call to burn Bangkok to the ground. Sounds pretty close to the start of a civil war to me.

Not to me it doesn't. Close to a civil war is the power off, the shops closed, desperate internal refugees fleeing for the border or Red Cross centres, UN appeals for calm... Did you see any of that? No. Sure there were isolated pockets of violence, but that was it.

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1 hour ago, tryasimight said:

Thank God Thaksin didn't control the military. It's not the best of arrangements having the military only answerable to HM but it's the only thing that has stopped a civil war to date.


Quite to the contrary. The one thing most likely to result in something approaching civil war is the military consistently staging a coup and installing a junta government because the constitutional process underway (a general election) was likely to result in a government which they did not like. They have done this twice in succession now, three times if you count their involvement in the political shenanigans which resulted in the Abhisit government.

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10 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

What no bloodshed? 


Tens of hundreds killed in the South since the military took over.

are you for real?.........you forget the bodies in the trucks courtesy of Mr T that inflamed the situation.


Piss poor attempt to blame Mr P for something that has been going on for a long time. By the way I am no great supporter of the junta but will call bullshit on posters when I see it.

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10 minutes ago, JAG said:


Quite to the contrary. The one thing most likely to result in something approaching civil war is the military consistently staging a coup and installing a junta government because the constitutional process underway (a general election) was likely to result in a government which they did not like. They have done this twice in succession now, three times if you count their involvement in the political shenanigans which resulted in the Abhisit government.

As I said thank god Thaksin did not control the military. We would have a president for life by now.

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3 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

As I said thank god Thaksin did not control the military. We would have a president for life by now.

You haven't considered whether the present regime sees itself as a permanent fixture, retaining control; indefinitely?


Or is it simply the case that you regard a green shirt as preferential to a red shirt?

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15 minutes ago, baboon said:

Not to me it doesn't. Close to a civil war is the power off, the shops closed, desperate internal refugees fleeing for the border or Red Cross centres, UN appeals for calm... Did you see any of that? No. Sure there were isolated pockets of violence, but that was it.

I love the use of the sanitised 'isolated pockets of violence" where kids and adults were getting murdered in cold blood on a daily and nightly basis  


The Reds and Yellows shooting and bombing each other, setting fire to hospitals.  No that wasn't even close to a civil war....just a few hot heads letting of steam.

Thank god the military stepped in and stopped that crap.


Is it safe to assume you would have liked to see the violence continue and possibly escalate into a full on civil war?

Perhaps Cambodia may be more to your liking as the shit will hit the fan there in the not too distant future.


Power off and shops closed...dear me. 

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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

You haven't considered whether the present regime sees itself as a permanent fixture, retaining control; indefinitely?


Or is it simply the case that you regard a green shirt as preferential to a red shirt?

I prefer any shirt that doesn't have bullet holes in it - especially if I'm wearing it.

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2 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

I love the use of the sanitised 'isolated pockets of violence" where kids and adults were getting murdered in cold blood on a daily and nightly basis  


The Reds and Yellows shooting and bombing each other, setting fire to hospitals.  No that wasn't even close to a civil war....just a few hot heads letting of steam.

Thank god the military stepped in and stopped that crap.


Is it safe to assume you would have liked to see the violence continue and possibly escalate into a full on civil war?

Perhaps Cambodia may be more to your liking as the shit will hit the fan there in the not too distant future.


Power off and shops closed...dear me. 

Yes, that's what happens in a pre civil war situation. What happened here was just 'a few hot heads letting off steam' by comparison.

The violence was not escalating, it was decreasing.

How are you getting on with that list, by the way?

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22 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Yes he is heavy handed. But how well is the rest of the world doing with their hugs and soft touchy feeling doing?

   Some times to get your point across you need to hit hard and unforgiving.

  Thailand is not a democracy for sure but it appears to be on its way to creating a better life for most. More money is going to the old and poor..  

  If you were Thai and had a choice between Prayut or Merkel (German chancellor)who would you chose.

Jesus wept!

More money going to the poor and old?

I've lived here for 14 years and I've never known it this bad.

You need to cut back on your medication. Seriously...


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2 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Please share just three or four of the hoops.  Not too much to ask is it?

There have been very little to no changes that I can think of for the long term expat to be concerned about.

The visa gamers certainly...and that's not a bad thing in my opinion.


Your post is nonsense and just a weak attempt at a Thai Bash 2/10  is the best I can give you. I would have given you  1/10 but you spelt your name correctly...I think.

I am not going to turn this into a discussion about Thai immigration as there are more appropriate forums for that. In the meanwhile, may I suggest you take your head out of the sand, because...


you'd surely take the first or second prize in a nonsense-post contest as there are a couple of other good contenders. Well done!

Edited by tropo
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4 hours ago, tryasimight said:

are you for real?.........you forget the bodies in the trucks courtesy of Mr T that inflamed the situation.


Piss poor attempt to blame Mr P for something that has been going on for a long time. By the way I am no great supporter of the junta but will call bullshit on posters when I see it.

Are you for real? Are you so disconnected from reality that you actually believe Thaksin had any say over the military when he was PM???

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How naïve some TV posters are. This one is better than that one, and that one is better than that. Nothing what so ever to do with the political climate happening at the moment in Thailand. China is moving in to buy Thailand via the expensive scheme's the General's are agreeing too. 


Look at countries in Africa and South America. China has gone in lent money, ran the project, used Chinese nationals as the labour force leaving a stated project with incredible high debt. I am no financial wise monkey, but what rates will be offered? 9% + and then there are the penalties. China has the money and is taking over countries via a debt burden. Better than a coup and all legal.


No, the rice scheme will be insignificant when compared latter to what the General's will do to this sleepy hamlet. Watch this space.

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