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we now have a magnificent terrace spanning the rear of our three shophouses with a magnificent view; tutsi strides along, lord and master of all he sees. Unfortunately the local cats have discovered the terrace and have turned it into a feline bordello after dark, the result being a load of cat shit to clean up every morning. It is undignified to have the lord and master cleaning up cat shit.

I have read in the home and garden pages of Sunday UK papers that there is a way to keep the cats out...cats like to intrude on gardens and shit everywhere it seems. Other than install ultrasonic devices is there a plant or sumpin' that would make the magnificent terrace unpleasant to cats? I suppose we could get the poodle dog and her offspring to patrol but the kids like to sleep widdem and they would howl and whimper anyway.

Into any wonderful event a little rain must fall but I shall not have cat shit on my magnificent new terrace.

Please help.

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Chili powder in the garden helps. Also, if you have somewhere nearby with a zoo of somekind, see if they sell fox/lion/other large predator urine. Keeps cats away for sure :o

Chili powder in the garden helps. Also, if you have somewhere nearby with a zoo of somekind, see if they sell fox/lion/other large predator urine. Keeps cats away for sure :o

thanks, darlin'...I'll try the chili powder as it is plentiful and cheap...maybe if I got the dogs to piss in strategic places that may help?


Sympathy to you Tutsi, I am a bit confused about the urine advice. Surely it is POO that is needed. After all, who is going to volunteer to collect the pee in a saucepan from a lion :o


Poo might work but animals do not mark their territory with poo, they mark it with urine. Hence, tiger urine would most definitely scare off your neighborhood moggy :o


cheers, leisurely, but POO is what we want to avoid...utilize POO to prevent POO?...it don't shape up somehow...

an idea!...I'm gonna put up some pickled eggs today and the brine, being mostly vinegar (like urine but with mustard, onions, cloves), might do the trick sprinkled liberally in the cat shit infested areas...

please have the suggestions comin' in...

oh,...home, home on de range...where the catshit on de terrace reigns...


tutsi, you could try "marking" your own territory. I don't believe it works with cats (does with deer apparently). But worth a try :o

tutsi, you could try "marking" your own territory. I don't believe it works with cats (does with deer apparently). But worth a try :o

nah...I drink vodka an' my urine is highly distilled and unscented...

I was out the front today to find cat turds on the front porch...this is serious as I believe that the ghost ob my beloved cat, Delphi that died 25 years ago has finally tracked me down to Thailand to say 'you were my owner, I coulda been a contender...not sum cat run down in the road like a bum while you were in bed wid that slut Cynthia who I never liked...'

I have installed a table an' a chair in the cat shit area to hopefully inhibit further defecation...but I will wee upon the arrangement to see if there can be an alternate solution...

thanks, folks...


I've used chilli powder with success in areas that cats liked to sleep. It works because they lay in it and then lick themselves clean. I don't know if it will work if they are just coming in for a crap though.


looks like I'm gonna haveta go to the ammonia...mixed up sum chili power with sum water and dribbled it about last night and this morning a cat turd right in the middle...oh well, an excuse to go to tescos and stock up on the vodka...


I just got back from an inspection...since we put up the magnificent new terrace cracks have started to appear to the front ob de houses...I say yeah, the houses are re-alighnin' with the new terrace load...just so long as they don't get too big...

when on return to the in front I was presented with fresh cat turds!!!...a daylight attack!!!...all over our entry mat...there is a pregnant female that has approached me and who I think is the reincarnation of my beloved cat Delphi who wants to punish me.

other than taking up a position with a pellet gun I now don't know what to do...I tried to be a good cat owner in the past but my beloved Delphi will not let me go...'whoremonger, slutmonger...thou shall never rest in peace...you were supposed to look after me, etc...'


That is really bizarre. I've had cats and dogs here, and neither will do their business anywhere in my yard, terrace or house, unless they were sick or poisoned or at toddler stage. What did you put in the concrete, Tutsi? Catnip?

I always keet a spray bottle of vinegar and use it wherever the local toms come to spray their scent. Seems to work. Is there no dirt/jungle areas near your place or is it all concrete? Or mebbe you could build a sand litter box in a far corner for your visitors. Put out some Chang and chicken to entice em. :o


like I said, I'm gonna haveta go to the ammonia...the spray boddle is a good idea...relentless catshit over the past few days...

and, no...there is no garden, just the concrete terrace...shophouses ain't got no gardens...I've had to station a scoop widda broom outside the back door to clean up the shit every morning...don't want the kids steppin' innit and getting that wormy catshit borne disease...



Have you tried jeyes fluid. Not sure if it is available here though. I had an old cat Julie, who in her old age, took to pooing on the kitchen floor in the same place every night (despite a litter tray being situated about 2 metres away). The way round it was jeyes fluid. I just rubbed it in without diluting it. I have to say it smelled a bit, but as your problem's outside that shouldn't be a problem.

Now I am sad thinking about poor old Julie :o


Have you tried jeyes fluid. Not sure if it is available here though. I had an old cat Julie, who in her old age, took to pooing on the kitchen floor in the same place every night (despite a litter tray being situated about 2 metres away). The way round it was jeyes fluid. I just rubbed it in without diluting it. I have to say it smelled a bit, but as your problem's outside that shouldn't be a problem.

Now I am sad thinking about poor old Julie :o

I hear ya babe (big hug)...I think of my poor old Delphi alla time...

I'll haveta check out the jeyes fluid...maybe they got it in the back at tescos by the other pest toxins...the chili powder mixture made a mess ob de new concrete...


tutsi..... i had same problem years ago outside my house. first used black pepper powder actually.....just sprinkle on dry (not add to any mixture), also occasionally did the same with red chilli powder.

these days, the new talk in town is that to line the area with plastic water bottles, filled with water to shoo them away (dont think it really works, but a few houses in my soi has done it..the logic is they see their own reflection and think some other dog/cat is there and will not pee there :D)

also I found some powder stuff with lemon grass concentrate added to it, meant to repel these annoying mess. maybe it works?

good luck :o

tutsi..... i had same problem years ago outside my house. first used black pepper powder actually.....just sprinkle on dry (not add to any mixture), also occasionally did the same with red chilli powder.

these days, the new talk in town is that to line the area with plastic water bottles, filled with water to shoo them away (dont think it really works, but a few houses in my soi has done it..the logic is they see their own reflection and think some other dog/cat is there and will not pee there :D)

also I found some powder stuff with lemon grass concentrate added to it, meant to repel these annoying mess. maybe it works?

good luck :D

the red pepper didn't work so I'll try the black pepper...I got plenty of whole peppercorns an' a heavy duty grinder that I bought in Bahrain...

now I got sum cat pissin' outside the front door...an' I thought that cats identified me as their friend...

I went to tescos to find ammonia an' couldn't find none???!!!...what's wrong wid dis country when you can't find canned beans, tomato sauce or ammonia??? :o





"Surprise" Devices http://www.hsus.org/pets/pet_care/our_pets...aming_cats.html

To teach a cat to avoid a specific area, you must make that area unattractive to him. The best method is to surprise the cat "in the act" but without the cat knowing that you are the one administering the surprise. Simple devices can be used to effectively "booby-trap" the area that a cat has found attractive.

* Sound and Movement: Scatter dry beans, macaroni, or birdseed on a metal tray; disposable pie pans or cookie sheets work well and are inexpensive. Balance several trays along the fence, porch or deck railing, the windowsill, or around the edge of any vehicle where the cat jumps onto the surface. Birds can still land safely if the trays are balanced properly, but the weight of a cat leaping onto the surface will upset the tray. The cat will be startled by the noise and by the unsteady, collapsing perch. As a variation on this "falling tray" method, set shallow plastic lids filled with water on each end of the tray to add a shower to the noise and movement of the falling tray.

* Texture: To keep a cat from jumping onto flat surfaces (railings, vehicles, or decks), criss-cross double-sided tape onto a piece of sturdy plastic—either a heavy, plastic drop cloth or a vinyl tablecloth would work well. Drape the plastic over the surface, and secure it with cord, or at least one weighted object, to keep it in position. The sticky tape is annoying to the cat (without causing pain or panic), and the slick plastic not only rattles but also offers no foothold. An alternative to sticky tape would be to use a plastic carpet protector with the knobby side up.

* Water: This method works especially well for those areas where birds feed on the ground or where cats are using a garden area as a litter box. When the temperature permits, turn on a water sprinkler during the usual time of disturbance (which may be dawn or dusk if the cat is on your property to hunt). A timing device for the sprinkler, set to a staggered schedule, will help discourage those intelligent cats who would otherwise simply avoid the area at "regularly wet" times of day.

Get Rid of Cat urine odors


Baking Soda

White Vinegar

Dishwashing Detergent

3 % Hydrogen Peroxide


1. If the carpet is newly soiled, first absorb as much of the cat urine as possible using paper towels or an old towel. Place towels over the cat urine patch and tread on them so as to absorb as much wetness as possible. Repeat with dry towels until no more moisture can be absorbed.

If the cat urine has dried and you are not sure where the soiled area is you can use a black light (pictured above) to detect it. In a darkened room the black light will pick up cat urine and other stains. Hand held black lights can be purchased for between $15 to $25

2. Next, wet the area with a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water. Make sure you use enough of the solution to penetrate the fibres deep down. Allow it to dry. You can assist drying by blotting with paper towels as described above. A fan can also be used to assist drying. The acidity of the vinegar will neutralize the ammonia in the cat urine.

3. When it's dry, apply a liberal amount of baking soda over the affected area and drizzle it with a quarter of a cup of hydrogen peroxide mixed with a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent. Work it in with a scrubbing brush or your fingers (be sure to wear rubber gloves) to dissolve the baking soda and work it down into the carpet. Allow it to dry. Then vacuum. Please Read the caution below regarding hydrogen peroxide

The vinegar will neutralize the ammonia and the baking powder will remove the odor of the cat urine.

Important. Never use ammonia or ammonia-based products on the carpet. The smell may attract the cat to that area and will encourage cats to urinate there.

You may have to repeat the above process a few times for heavily soiled areas.




u could gas them out in a surprise attack...........

but tutsi

do stop using ammonia based cleaning agents cause u are just inviting all cats to use your area as a public toilet....

or try charging them .....

i could mail u the hummous beans and the tehina and u could make it yourself


I got a quart jar ob tahina that I brought back from Bahrain an' finally found sum eggplant to make baba ganoush...the hoummous will haveta wait until I find the garbanzos...must be sum somewhere in Thailand... :o...I bought a rice cooker to cook chili beans, should work OK wid dried garbanzos...

  • 3 weeks later...

to follow up on de hoummous saga a beneficent fellow poster on TV sent me some garbanzos...mashed dem up wid de tahina an' lime juice...threw the mash in the creaky old blender (almost burned out de motor, had to add a significant quantity of water) et voila...the first hoummous that I've had in nearly a year, and it is soooo good :o:D:D

no arabic bread, eat wid toast or saltine crackers...


Two words - WHITE VINEGAR !

If that fails, get a dog that "loves" cats. When we first moved to where we live now, we had a lot of feline visitors who thought they were in heaven when they saw the dog bowls with food in them. We don't have a problem anymore :o


tiger urine would most definitely scare off your neighborhood moggy

but might it not attract the bigger beasts :o ?!

Reading all the tips with interest; am also on the warpath.


I wonder if mopping the area with distillate (diesel fuel) would help?

It might be a bit strong on the nose for a while, but the hydrocarbon smell may help keep them away until they find a new "scat patch".

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


there hasn't been any cat shit on de terrace for a week now...I think it had to do wid mom-in-law puttin' out little fishes an' tiny river shrimp to dry in de sun out de back. She hasn't done that now for a few days. De pregnant female that useta come around has dropped her litter sumwhere an' still stalks around lookin' fer food but she wasn't the problem...it was de fcukin' tomcats that were bold enuf to shit on tutsi's magnificent new terrace...

should there be a resurgence ob de tomcat insurgency tutsi shall hide inna box wid de sawed off pump action an' let them have it... 'BAM, BAM...YEW THINK YO' BAD NIGGAH??? CUM HEAH TO SHIT ON MY TERRACE YUH FCUKIN' PIECE OB SHIT???...'

tutsi's wrath an' vengeance... :o


Hey tutsi, saw this and thought of you, the ultimate solution :-


Do NOT even dream of asking what I was searching for when I came across this gem :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Hey tutsi, saw this and thought of you, the ultimate solution :-


Do NOT even dream of asking what I was searching for when I came across this gem :D

:D:o You are truly blessed with insight, Crossy. I can see Tutsi putting in a flusher and seat as soon as he sees your post. Thanks for sharing. :D

So, um, come on, tell us, what were you searching for when you found this GEM?


well,...we was gonna put de plumbing in fer a new clothes washer on de magnificent new terrace...I suppose we could 'T' off the water supply line an'...etc...would haveta put de arrangement inna box...would haveta be a cat pay toilet or no dice...den dere would be cat vandalism as well as cat shit...feline neighborhood gang grafitti: 'GATOS LOCOS TESSEBAN - 13'...don't need it...

sheesh, life is complicated in small town rural Suphanburi... :o it's time to go down to Nan's fer a beer...

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