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Teen motorcyclist impaled on back of pick-up; friend breaks leg in serious condition


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7 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

To their defense; if the parents were responsible and told the kid not to ride the bike the kid probably couldnt go to school. Or a parent had to stop working in which case he could be brought there, but then they could not pay the tuition or the house they live in.


Its not all that simple.

They [the parents] have NO defense. I doubt if there's a village or family home in your region further than a one-minute walk from a school-bus pickup point. My village is wick with these buses, varying from converted pickups to full-size trucks, right from 7am to 8am. Do you know of a family that could not get its kids to school on one of these buses? I doubt it, Bob12345. The likely evil is simply that THE KIDS WANT A SCOOTER & THE FASTER IT IS THE BETTER . . . the fault lies totally with irresponsible parents, pandering to the demands of their peer-pressured kids.

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14 year old Thai male given access to over 100cc motorbike, no license, no helmet, no insurance or tax I bet too, no sense of what he's really doing, no experience of driving or the highway code (yeah...I know), thinks he's the sh%t, parents don't know or care, nothing but contempt for everyone because he's be told since he could hear words properly that he resides on some mystical cloud in society that affords him the honour of not being capable of being wrong or doing an honest day's work/learning , knows the cops won't do nothing to him basically whatever he does...and on and on and on. What could go wrong?

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1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

14 year old Thai male given access to over 100cc motorbike, no license, no helmet, no insurance or tax I bet too, no sense of what he's really doing, no experience of driving or the highway code (yeah...I know), thinks he's the sh%t, parents don't know or care, nothing but contempt for everyone because he's be told since he could hear words properly that he resides on some mystical cloud in society that affords him the honour of not being capable of being wrong or doing an honest day's work/learning , knows the cops won't do nothing to him basically whatever he does...and on and on and on. What could go wrong?

Nothing now he is dead. 

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Lot of venting here guys, I don't see a clamour for a ban on farangs riding motorcycles in Thailand everytime one ends up wrapped around a lamp post!!

Unfortunate accident, Sad for the child and family, but he could have been knocked down crossing the road for the school bus...what then guys ban school buses? You do also realise that often school vans are the very same as the commuter vans many of you guys insist on avoiding!!

However there does need to be a concerted effort to enforce the helmet law, especially when children are riding motorcycles to school every day. Times change, there are many more UTEs and trucks on the roads.

Just one other thing, my daughter often stays after school at the request of the teachers to do additional work, sometimes goes to a friends house to do homework. Much better for her to have her own transport. Yes she wears a good helmet, but of course there is risk, although I see her ride carefully and competently.

Edited by 473geo
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1 minute ago, 473geo said:

Lot of venting here guys, I don't see a clamour for a ban on farangs riding motorcycles in Thailand everytime one ends up wrapped around a lamp post!!

Unfortunate accident, Sad for the child and family, but he could have been knocked down crossing the road for the school bus...what then guys ban school buses? You do also realise that often school vans are the very same as the commuter vans many of you guys insist on avoiding!!

However there does need to be a concerted effort to enforce the helmet law, especially when children are riding motorcycles to school every day. Times change, there are many more UTEs and trucks on the roads.

Just one other thing my daughter often stays after school at the request of the teachers to do additional work, sometimes goes to a friends house to do homework. Much better for her to have her own transport. Yes she wears a good helmet, but of course there is risk, although I see her ride carefully and competently.

....and how old is she??????

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12 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

No, but I got the impression they don't like their children, (:sad:)when they driving on a bike with 5 persons of whom are 3 kids without helmets though the adults got it. Or they let the described boy go by bike to buy Mama. Are they thinking to be young enough to produce new ones?

Yeah that what gets me also You get 4 on a bike Mum and Dad and 2 kids Mum and Dad have helmets on but the kids dont I just dont get it What they dont care there kids may get hurt because they have no helmets?

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5 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Yeah that what gets me also You get 4 on a bike Mum and Dad and 2 kids Mum and Dad have helmets on but the kids dont I just dont get it What they dont care there kids may get hurt because they have no helmets?

I kind of think the habit transfers from the rural areas, where a trip to the village shop or noodle shop a couple of klms down the road carries little or no danger. I suspect the helmets for the adults are to avoid a fine, not because they acknowledge potential danger.

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4 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I kind of think the habit transfers from the rural areas, where a trip to the village shop or noodle shop a couple of klms down the road carries little or no danger. I suspect the helmets for the adults are to avoid a fine, not because they acknowledge potential danger.

Ok while u are here Mr ego you are the one who has  a daughter who is 15 and rides a bike I was in same situation when i first came to Thailand My step daughter was 15 and riding a bike with no helmet and no license going to school I was not aware of the situation until she was getting these fines of 200 Baht commonly known as Tea money So i asked 2 questions  1/ Why are you not wearing a helmet and pointed out the dangers by not wearing one 2/ Why are you riding a bike with no license So i explained to  her the risks she was taking by not having a license apart from the 200 Baht fine  1 Its against the law to ride a bike with no license 2 She is underage to be in charge of a moving vehicle Kinda like having a drink when you are 15 in bar when the rules state you be 18  3/ If you have an  accident the insurance will not pay 4/ If you kill somebody by riding that bike you have no 3rd party cover and are liable for huge expenses Now i am  not sure but i think you can get a motorbike license under so many cc when you are 16 Is that correct Anyway she has her license now and i am much happier  But stat your views i always willing to listen Always 2 sides to every story

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3 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Ok while u are here Mr ego you are the one who has  a daughter who is 15 and rides a bike I was in same situation when i first came to Thailand My step daughter was 15 and riding a bike with no helmet and no license going to school I was not aware of the situation until she was getting these fines of 200 Baht commonly known as Tea money So i asked 2 questions  1/ Why are you not wearing a helmet and pointed out the dangers by not wearing one 2/ Why are you riding a bike with no license So i explained to  her the risks she was taking by not having a license apart from the 200 Baht fine  1 Its against the law to ride a bike with no license 2 She is underage to be in charge of a moving vehicle Kinda like having a drink when you are 15 in bar when the rules state you be 18  3/ If you have an  accident the insurance will not pay 4/ If you kill somebody by riding that bike you have no 3rd party cover and are liable for huge expenses Now i am  not sure but i think you can get a motorbike license under so many cc when you are 16 Is that correct Anyway she has her license now and i am much happier  But stat your views i always willing to listen Always 2 sides to every story

Well my daughter was travelling to school on the back of a motorcycle driven by a male cousin, who I considered to drive a little fast.

When she voiced the need for a motorcycle of her own, well I gave the matter my consideration. I am aware that the journey to school crosses but one busy road, and that, just outside the school. Discussed with her mother who understood the need. We insisted she could have the motorcycle, provided always wear a helmet. Not difficult, as she was smart enough to wear the one we bought for her already, for riding on the back of her cousin.

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2 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Well my daughter was travelling to school on the back of a motorcycle driven by a male cousin, who I considered to drive a little fast.

When she voiced the need for a motorcycle of her own, well I gave the matter my consideration. I am aware that the journey to school crosses but one busy road, and that, just outside the school. Discussed with her mother who understood the need. We insisted she could have the motorcycle, provided always wear a helmet. Not difficult, as she was smart enough to wear the one we bought for her already, for riding on the back of her cousin.

So no need for license then I dont know what country you come from and i dont want to know but in my country where i come from the law clearly states you must be 17 and have a license to ride a bike  Have you considered the risks you are taking on your action eg insurance, Liabilty case  Kids ask this that Do you always say yes when she wants something  But you are the adult and you have the power to say no It dont matter how safe the journey is accidents happen I know a guy from my home town who use to live across the road from a service station  500 metres not far One day he walked across the road  to go to the service station and he got run over Can you see my point? If your daughter said to you " Dad can i go to the pub and get a beer" What would your answer be?  Of coarse you would say no because you would explain to her like good fathers should that it is against the law to enter a bar and order a drink when you are underage Laws are put in place to protect people and to set a standard It is just a pity the cops here are so corrupt and weak therefore  the standards and morals that people should abide to are not important

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But she would complain my 11 year old son enjoys the occasional beer!!

I understand your concern for rules and regulations, and your adherence is commendable, and well done for keeping your children informed

My wife and I make joint decisions, but you may or may not understand that when I am the expert she allows me to lead, in return she is Thai and in Thailand she leads, due to her understanding of the way things work here. Seems to get us through ok up to now. I'm a flexible guy, and not a hypocrite, I was driving tractors on the farm at 11 years old :smile:

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3 hours ago, 473geo said:

But she would complain my 11 year old son enjoys the occasional beer!!

I understand your concern for rules and regulations, and your adherence is commendable, and well done for keeping your children informed

My wife and I make joint decisions, but you may or may not understand that when I am the expert she allows me to lead, in return she is Thai and in Thailand she leads, due to her understanding of the way things work here. Seems to get us through ok up to now. I'm a flexible guy, and not a hypocrite, I was driving tractors on the farm at 11 years old :smile:

Lol you are a farm boy  then  But as you can see  where i come from you have to get  a license and sit for a test both practical and written to show  that you know how to operate the vehicle in a safe way They do this not because they like making it hard for you  but because if the rider or driver dont know the rules and just think hey this is what i will do and cause an accident people lives are at stake  Having a license is one way of showing that you know the rules and are very aware on how to ride or drive that vehicle in a safe way But as you said  This is Thailand and it is not the same here That is why so many die on the roads  Me and you cant fix it only the RTP and gov can by enforcing the rules that are in place  I am afraid that wont happen for a long time Think i go and have a beer I am over 18 so it is legal

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On 1/6/2018 at 9:44 AM, Bob12345 said:

To their defense; if the parents were responsible and told the kid not to ride the bike the kid probably couldnt go to school. Or a parent had to stop working in which case he could be brought there, but then they could not pay the tuition or the house they live in.


Its not all that simple.

Unless it's a 100km school run, I think you're exaggerating just a tad. :saai: I see many kids getting dropped at 6.30am (this allows their parents to go to work on time)

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On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 8:29 PM, Ahab said:

Same story occurs daily in Thailand. Young kids driving small motorcycles recklessly. Not enough people seem to care about this issue to do anything to fix it.


Sad but true, Has anyone seen anything the Transportation/ police/ PM, having contributed to a safety campaign for these young teens>  Sit them in a class and show them a day full of road carnage at about age 12 and make the parents attend to. That might make a lasting impression.  Life is so cheap here and nobody seems to care how many are killed in accidents like this.

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 8:36 AM, Get Real said:

If he had responsible parents, he would not have been driving the motorbike at 14 years of age.

Can't blame the parents for their child's stupidity.

You may not have noticed, but Thai kids start riding on m'bikes even before old enough to walk, and are probably far better riders than us westerners that don't start till we are old enough to get a licence.

Riding ability is not the same as the stupidity of riding extremely fast and killing oneself by not being able to avoid a very large object in front. I have seen many a soon to die young Thai boy flying down the road on a m'bike, but I doubt they have much in the way of common sense.

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2 hours ago, SABloke said:

Unless it's a 100km school run, I think you're exaggerating just a tad. :saai: I see many kids getting dropped at 6.30am (this allows their parents to go to work on time)


My MIL looked after my 2 nephews in law and she couldn't take them to school, so they went on their motorbikes. No school bus for the village.

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2 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Lol you are a farm boy  then  But as you can see  where i come from you have to get  a license and sit for a test both practical and written to show  that you know how to operate the vehicle in a safe way They do this not because they like making it hard for you  but because if the rider or driver dont know the rules and just think hey this is what i will do and cause an accident people lives are at stake  Having a license is one way of showing that you know the rules and are very aware on how to ride or drive that vehicle in a safe way But as you said  This is Thailand and it is not the same here That is why so many die on the roads  Me and you cant fix it only the RTP and gov can by enforcing the rules that are in place  I am afraid that wont happen for a long time Think i go and have a beer I am over 18 so it is legal

Me and you cant fix it

100% correct and something that apparently about 90% of TVF posters on any Thai traffic thread don't understand.

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 9:29 AM, Ahab said:

Same story occurs daily in Thailand. Young kids driving small motorcycles recklessly. Not enough people seem to care about this issue to do anything to fix it.


Not enough THAI people care enough to do anything.

TVF is full of posters that apparently want LOS to be just like wherever they came from.

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40 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Can't blame the parents for their child's stupidity.

You may not have noticed, but Thai kids start riding on m'bikes even before old enough to walk, and are probably far better riders than us westerners that don't start till we are old enough to get a licence.

Riding ability is not the same as the stupidity of riding extremely fast and killing oneself by not being able to avoid a very large object in front. I have seen many a soon to die young Thai boy flying down the road on a m'bike, but I doubt they have much in the way of common sense.

Are you serious? Reconsider? You are aware of that parents are guardians until a child reached the age to be considered as an adult?

That means it is the parents responsibility to create an understanding in relation to the law and rules. If you don´t have a licence, then you are simply not allowed to drive. You can´t get a license before the age of 16 in Thailand. That is the information all parents need to keep in mind, to be responsible in front of their children and to be seen responsible in front of the rest of the world.

That must be something you clearly missed, right? As you are probably well aware of, rules and laws must be upheld to ever be able to have a normal version of democracy in this country. What do you say? Can´t we just start with creating responsible parents. My opinion is that only a thing like that would go a long way. Are you with me?

BTW: And YES! I have noticed that they drive motorbikes far to young in this country. That´s why I can have an opinoin here. It also doesn´t meand that I must like it, right?

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On 1/6/2018 at 9:29 AM, Ahab said:

Same story occurs daily in Thailand. Young kids driving small motorcycles recklessly. Not enough people seem to care about this issue to do anything to fix it.


Aaaaaaah, the "missing" traffic cops.....5150.gif.fcdceb8989d97baf17122dbe3c53d7d8.gif

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1 minute ago, Get Real said:

Are you serious? Reconsider? You are aware of that parents are guardians until a child reached the age to be considered as an adult?

That means it is the parents responsibility to create an understanding in relation to the law and rules. If you don´t have a licence, then you are simply not allowed to drive. You can´t get a license before the age of 16 in Thailand. That is the information all parents need to keep in mind, to be responsible in front of their children and to be seen responsible in front of the rest of the world.

That must be something you clearly missed, right? As you are probably well aware of, rules and laws must be upheld to ever be able to have a normal version of democracy in this country. What do you say? Can´t we just start with creating responsible parents. My opinion is that only a thing like that would go a long way. Are you with me?

BTW: And YES! I have noticed that they drive motorbikes far to young in this country. That´s why I can have an opinoin here. It also doesn´t meand that I must like it, right?


That means it is the parents responsibility to create an understanding in relation to the law and rules.

Seriously? You think Thailand is populated by "responsible" people that think the "rules" are important? 

I love LOS but I know better than that. It's probably one of the reasons that I love Thailand, because they don't ( in general and not specifically to road rules ). If they suddenly lost their sanuk and became just another nation of sheeple it wouldn't be LOS anymore. It'd be like the humour devoid, over policed state I came from.


If you don´t have a licence, then you are simply not allowed to drive.


Do tell.

Not only do they drive without, they drive without number plates, registration, insurance, safety checks, helmets or anything else they consider unimportant.

I've seen people doing illegal U turns IN FRONT OF COPS, and nothing done.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:


That means it is the parents responsibility to create an understanding in relation to the law and rules.

Seriously? You think Thailand is populated by "responsible" people that think the "rules" are important? 

I love LOS but I know better than that. It's probably one of the reasons that I love Thailand, because they don't ( in general and not specifically to road rules ). If they suddenly lost their sanuk and became just another nation of sheeple it wouldn't be LOS anymore. It'd be like the humour devoid, over policed state I came from.


If you don´t have a licence, then you are simply not allowed to drive.


Do tell.

Not only do they drive without, they drive without number plates, registration, insurance, safety checks, helmets or anything else they consider unimportant.

I've seen people doing illegal U turns IN FRONT OF COPS, and nothing done.

Because nobody here cares about anything...That is a fact...

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


That means it is the parents responsibility to create an understanding in relation to the law and rules.

Seriously? You think Thailand is populated by "responsible" people that think the "rules" are important? 

I love LOS but I know better than that. It's probably one of the reasons that I love Thailand, because they don't ( in general and not specifically to road rules ). If they suddenly lost their sanuk and became just another nation of sheeple it wouldn't be LOS anymore. It'd be like the humour devoid, over policed state I came from.


If you don´t have a licence, then you are simply not allowed to drive.


Do tell.

Not only do they drive without, they drive without number plates, registration, insurance, safety checks, helmets or anything else they consider unimportant.

I've seen people doing illegal U turns IN FRONT OF COPS, and nothing done.

What a useless conversation you make. Laughing and telling the same like all do all the time. No, do not not think that they follow rules or think that they are important. I´ve been long enough here to be well aware of the situation.

What I am doing is comming with a sensible opinion about what has to be done and change for beeing able to be called a responsible person in this case.
What you are doing is laughing and making fun out of everything as usual. No meaning at all to continue this conversation. To you a country have to be irresponsible and lawless for you to like it. You basically just stated that. So, up to you!

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Actually guys I observe at times the children coming from school, on their motorcycles, the fastest, and to my mind the highest risk group of drivers are the older children who are of age to  hold a licence.  The most likely cause of accidents are the speeding UTEs, cars, and trucks.

You can sustain serious injury falling off a horse, or bicycle, is there an age barrier? Age didn't appear to assist the experienced 72 year old recently highlighted for her astonishing somersault when hit by a truck!

So what you are all getting your knickers in a twist about, is, there is a 'rule' being ignored - and on occasion this results in consequence.

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