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Hard to describe my problem here, but really like help with it.


When I use Chrome on my Samsung S7  Edge, here in Thailand, I get this annoying Thai calendar (datestamp) on the bottom of each article when I do a search on the Chrome.

Sometimes I do not notice, so I read the article and suddenly find out the article is several years old.

If it had been a Gregorian calendar, I would have noticed the age of the article immediately.

I know I should be able to use the Thai calendar as well, but is there a way to make my phone use a Gregorian calendar online when using Chrome?




Until reading your post I didn't even notice this "problem".

But indeed it exists (assuming that you describe a Google search, as 9x.xx% of Chrome installations are configured for Google search).



So it is neither Chrome nor Samsung related.

Scroll down to the bottom of the search results.

On the second line from bottom you will you find "Settings" on the left.

(Google site settings)

Click on that, select "Search settings" (?).

In the settings you find something like "Region for search results" (?).

If this is set to "Actual region" (?) or "Thailand", then change it to whatever you prefer.

This should help. Fixed the "problem" for me.

Don't ask me what the exact influence this has on the search results.


(?): as my phone/language setting is German I can not exactly describe the terms.



problem is that when you delete history/cache it will come back as the setting is probably stored in a cookie.

What they should do is allow you to pick a specific region when you sign in to chrome and it defaults automatically.


Why these tech companies do this just to everyone, 

On 1/10/2018 at 4:01 PM, 2008bangkok said:

problem is that when you delete history/cache it will come back as the setting is probably stored in a cookie.

What they should do is allow you to pick a specific region when you sign in to chrome and it defaults automatically.


Why these tech companies do this just to everyone, 

Thank you for that one.


One more thing I didn't know.

And, one more thing I learned.




Although, if you know the current year is 2561, then you will know that an article dated 2555 is not current news?  It doesn't help if you want to know the exact age and don't feel like doing the math, but it'll clue you in that it didn't happen last week.

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