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Embarrassing Spots


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I have just arrived in Bangkok about 4 weeks ago. I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me into the very delicate subject of spotty bottoms.

I have recently noticed a few and its not from lack of cleansing.

I have tried medicated soaps, anti- histamine creams and exfoliation - alas no joy.

Anyone have an answer or cure. I have never suffered with these symptoms and was wondering if it was due to the uncomfortable, sticky, sweaty weather here in B.KK.

Thanks, anything to stop me going mad. Cant be attractive from a mans point of view.

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I know what you're talking about. Try an anti-fungal cream, like you'd use for athlete's foot. Once it's gone, the best way to prevent it returning is to make absolutely sure you're completely dry after your shower, and try to stay dry throughout the day. For the former, I'd recommend using a hair dryer on your body as well as your head. For the latter, a good dousing of baby powder -- learn from the Thais! -- will do the trick.

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I know what you're talking about. Try an anti-fungal cream, like you'd use for athlete's foot. Once it's gone, the best way to prevent it returning is to make absolutely sure you're completely dry after your shower, and try to stay dry throughout the day. For the former, I'd recommend using a hair dryer on your body as well as your head. For the latter, a good dousing of baby powder -- learn from the Thais! -- will do the trick.

Sounds very much like a common sweat rash, brought about by too much sitting on your rear end in a climate you are not used to.

PvtDick is quite correct in saying keep it dry, a must. Try to avoid long periods of sitting. I realise this is extremely difficult to do at a bar, but try :o

After showering, dry well, and you could try using Prickly Heat powder, the Thais always use it, great for rashes......

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I have tried medicated soaps, anti- histamine creams and exfoliation - alas no joy."

Keep it as dry as possible,stand at the bar and don't leave til your date is good and drunk and he won't notice.

Also I don't know what an EXFOLIATION is,but you might try a DEFOLIANT,like PERAQUAT,it might work.

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I was being serious, you can get Herpes on your arse, I would say more.... but just remember not to be wearing white trousers as the blood spots show....


Bronco... mmmm spotted dick and custard.... mmmmmm

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I believe that herpes can affect only the mucous membranes: i.e., mouth and genitalia (most common), eyes, etc. It could affect the anus, but not the buttocks, which is where I imagine our correspondent's problem is.

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