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BBC reported an English fan over bid Thaksin's £65m bid with a £73m one. Thaksin announced he will not revise his offer. He was heard saying in Thai the bid's success is 50/50 at the moment.

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Mr T is was all over the Daily Mirror today (well the back pages anyway), and with it, a very derogatory cartoon which I would find very insulting if I was Thai.

I don't have a home PC or I would have scanned it and sent it to George or Dr PP for all to see but I can't.

Basically it had a headline of 'BETWEEN A WOK AND A HARD PLACE' and had a cartoon of what was supposedly Thai businessmen but looked more like your avarage school cartoon of goofy chinesemen with a caption saying, "do you want your football team owned by a country that is unpredictable, volatile and has a questionable reputation?" - among other things.

Oh but of course, my country (England) is so perfect and has nothing to criticise.

Sorry - it's been one of those days.

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BBC reported an English fan over bid Thaksin's £65m bid with a £73m one. Thaksin announced he will not revise his offer. He was heard saying in Thai the bid's success is 50/50 at the moment.

well let me think...

A bids £65m

B bids £73m

Does that make A's chances 50%? I would suggest 0% would be a more accurate figure. Unless Liverpool's managment is paid some 'motivation money' under the table on overseas bank accounts..


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The man can do no wrong....GEEZ helping his footballers. TOXIC STAY AWAY from the NFL... BUT OF course, there..Even your BOOTY, would not even get in the bathroom to the owner's room.

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Guest chingy

i have no idea what this guy is thinking, but his country need the money more.

one other thing i find very not right, when the member of the FB team came to Thailand to make the deal, tell me that thaksin is using office hour, government office, on government expense= tax payer, to treat those old gezer, to do his personal business.

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I suppose the capability of actually producing the amount would figure into it. Some guy offers you fifty bucks for something and another guy walks up and says hey, I'll give you seventy five. Now all things being equal, seventy five takes it. But if you don't think the guy actually can produce seventy five, or say he'll give you twenty five now and fifty down the road, then you might just take the fifty bucks and go on.


Maybe Steinbrenner will sell the Yankees. That would get Thailand some attention.

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