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Video: Find driver who killed my dad, says son


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58 minutes ago, Norrad said:

I had the same thing happen at exactly the same spot (that's the road heading out of China town to cross the bridge to Thonburi). I was in that same lane and was sideswiped by a taxi making the turn without indicating. I suffered only minor injuries, but the taxi sped off only to get caught in traffic under the bridge. One of the delivery guys on an old Vespa caught up to the taxi and tried to make him stop, but he wouldn't and just pushed through into a side road and disappeared. The Vespa guy got a picture of the license plate and we went to the cops, but nothing came from it.

Gawd, cant the lazy barstards  do anything ( Police)

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6 hours ago, shady86 said:

After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

I see the motorbike driver was overtaking the car and same time the car drove to the right without care.

Car in the wrong!

Where you see that there is any indication on the road surface with arrows that one lane is reserved to turn right? 

I know only one thing for sure you are a 4 wheel driver and hate motobike drivers anyway -.  :sad:

Edited by ALFREDO
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1 hour ago, Classic Ray said:

How can you tell from the video that the motorcyclist was not intending to turn right? The car driver lurched across his path without using mirror or signal, 100% their fault.

The car is indicating to turn right, the 'turn signal' flashing is clearly visible in the video. As for not using the mirror how can you possibly deduce that from this video?


Regardless of who was in the right or wrong it doesn't excuse fleeing the accident site though.

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12 hours ago, shady86 said:

After seeing the video, I wouldn't blame the car driver. The bike rider is following fast and using the wrong lane as that lane is for cars who want to make right turn. As usual, most bike riders here think the roads are theirs and they can ride anywhere they like.

Take a look, its will better for understanding. There have 3 Lanes, all 3 lanes going straigt! Just on one, the right one, can drive straight and right away. The motorbike is on right Lane, the Car on middle Lane and then want pass the right Lane- Take a look and you will understand. Anyway, the Car have to Stop, dont care he make or not make the accident. Excuse my bad english please.

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My sympathies to the family on their loss, but it was his own foolish maneuver that caused it. It is clear from his actions that he was intent on overtaking the car with which he collided, not making a right turn as some have speculated. There was plenty of room for him to make a safe right turn, despite the badly (and probably illegally) parked pick up.


In making this attempt to pass, he broke one the cardinals safety rules when driving and, especially riding. "Do not overtake at, or near a road junction''.


Yes, the car driver's maneuver was not the best in the world and we've all seen it before but he was signalling a right turn, which the rider either didn't see or chose to ignore. A canny driver has to be alert to this kind of driving. It's what 'defensive driving' is all about. And a motorcyclist especially, should always be aware of the fact that all vehicles have 'blind spot' into which a following motorcycle can disappear from view.


This does not, of course. in any way condone the car driver for 'fleeing the scene' and I hope that the police find him. 




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Both at fault of driving without due care and attention. The motorcyclist tried to undertake the car in the wrong lane and the car driver decided to turn right from the centre lane without checking his mirrors.


The law says that if involved in a serious accident drivers are meant to stop, but an unwritten law here says; drive off and get away from the accident scene as fast as possible. Thailand`s roads, where it`s every man for himself.



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the car is at fault, all 3 lanes go straight ahead, the right lane is the one to be in to turn right as well, the car went past the exit then slowed and started turning before putting on their indicator, in fact the bike was virtually beside him when he did put it on. Leaving the scene after causing the accident was also over the top, these idiot drivers simply do as they please and rarely use their mirrors as they think they own the roads, yes the bike was going fast but the car had slowed and was in the wrong lane to begin with, the bike was in the correct lane to go straight ahead or turn. 

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18 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

... indicating to turn right, the 'turn signal' flashing is clearly visible in the video. As for not using the mirror how can you possibly deduce that from this video?.....

use the mirror, not use the mirror.....what would that matter?

right of way belongs to 1) more expensive vehicle 2) bigger

vehicle, most importantly...3) MY vehicle.


thai driver may have seen moto, thinks....my car is bigger, my

car is more expensive, i have iphone = i'm more importanter.

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Maybe you should read a bit more up on Thai law before posting your anti bike posts. Bikes have to stay on those lanes or get fined. I break this law often as it is dangerous.. but the motorbikes are in the right if they drive there because they have to drive there or get fined. 
Its the car driver here who is 100% to blame.. no indicator.. not checking his mirror and just going his way. Had the car been on the right lane before this would not have happened. 

Look again. I thought I saw at least one flash of an indicator. However, the car is clearly in the wrong - should have changed lanes much earlier. However, again, the bike rider was not looking out for his own safety (I commuted for many years on bikes) - approaching an intersection in the outside lane is risky so you slow down to the point where you can avoid errant cars because your experience tells you there are errant drivers . . . That motosy rider was going too fast and therefore contributed to his demise.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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22 hours ago, gunderhill said:

He  wasnt in the wrong  lane there are 3  lanes  look at both videos the 3rd  lane then develops  into a 4th, 3lanes in video 1 ,3 + the  right turn in video 2 ie then becomes 4  lanes

Yes, I do see what you are saying and the road marking isn't very helpful I must admit.


In the third picture there is a clear solid white line but not in the first.


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