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Campsite in wildlife sanctuary scoured for evidence


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Campsite in wildlife sanctuary scoured for evidence

By The Nation




Police were on Wednesday seeking evidence of alleged poaching at a campsite in Kanchanaburi’s Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary in the case involving Premchai Karnasuta, president of Italian-Thai Development Plc.


Forest rangers accompanied investigating officers to the site in the sanctuary, where hunting and camping are banned.


Pol Colonel Sommai Chotikanavin said he’d prepared DNA testing kits and had a metal detector to look for spent rifle shells.


A forensics team was to examine a vehicle found at the campsite.


Premchai and three others suspects were arrested early Monday and charged with hunting in an off-limits area. They were released on bail of Bt150,000 each.


Thanya Netithammakul, director general of the National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Department, was also scheduled to visit the site with police.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30338187

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-02-07
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Very good sign so far. Can you just imagine how gigantic the final bribe offered to the forestry people who busted him must have been to keep quiet? I am guessing enough to make them all rich for life and they said no!? And then PM Prayut comes out immediately and slams him saying no one is above the law speaking specifically about this case. Now they are gathering thorough DNA evidence at the scene!? When is the last time that happened? So far, excellent work and no one is letting up which will make it much tougher to beat this rap. I would imagine some sort of face saving plea bargain will be tried down the line and hope it fails and all four of these people get the maximum sentence and rot and set an example to dissuade others. Like them or hate them, this government seems to being doing a little more to protect the forests than previous governments and that should be commended by everyone.


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3 hours ago, canopy said:

Very good sign so far. Can you just imagine how gigantic the final bribe offered to the forestry people who busted him must have been to keep quiet? I am guessing enough to make them all rich for life and they said no!? And then PM Prayut comes out immediately and slams him saying no one is above the law speaking specifically about this case. Now they are gathering thorough DNA evidence at the scene!? When is the last time that happened? So far, excellent work and no one is letting up which will make it much tougher to beat this rap. I would imagine some sort of face saving plea bargain will be tried down the line and hope it fails and all four of these people get the maximum sentence and rot and set an example to dissuade others. Like them or hate them, this government seems to being doing a little more to protect the forests than previous governments and that should be commended by everyone.


On the contrary, everyone wants a piece of this story for their own motivations....political and monetary.


The outcome is very predictable and everyone will get what they need. :jap:

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5 minutes ago, canopy said:


Thanks for the good laugh. 555. What a hilarious remark.




Try reality. Where was the sanctimomious PM, on the outset of his anti corruption day pledge, when days after his former superior gets pulled up on NACC investigations? 


A: Defense mode/ mind your own business


Where was he when big boss red bull heir flees?


A: Nowhere/ will never care


Where was he when Suthep is brought up on PDRC related offences during 2014?


A: It's a judicial matter.


Where is he on former police chief involvement in human trafficking?


A: Nowhere


Where is he on household debt?


A: Preaching an existing respected sufficiency economy theory and other various loan pledging/ promising schemes 


Where is he on the ban of political activity?


A: On the campaign trail and talking to various poultry/ frogs (and giving out free caps paid for by taxpayers)


Where is he on the fishing industry?


A: Mind your language, take him out of my sight


Where is he on Humanitarian Rights?


A: 555, shhhhhhhh


Where is he on economic development?


A: Paying overseas giants for infrastructure models and expertise.


Where is he on environmental issues?


A: About to pay a massive compensation lawsuit for mine closure and observing control during a time when Thailand's marine wildlife is being destroyed by the second.....but nevermind we like the Chinese and they are more than welcome to come and abuse our landscape


Where is he on Military spending?


A: Handing out weapons to Muslims in the South and buying heavy hardware from overseas ( for what?).


Where is he on counterfeiting and piracy? 


A: Taking some vendors off the streets and cleaning up the windowfront of Tourism (some would remember it as one of the charms of Thailand)


I could go on and on, but the apparent change is such eyewash I will forgive you and others for believing things are truly improving for the better, and I'll bet my bottom dollar this case gets wrapped up very easily with a scooby doo style culprit and everyone goes home a winner.

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You are talking about ineffectiveness and I can't argue with that. It should have been clear I was replying to the part "everyone wants a piece of this story for their own motivations". I can't agree with this. This is a hot potato everyone would prefer didn't happen. Apparently now they have executed a search warrant on his house and found tusks among other things. And a clip has emerged of attempted bribing that took place. More police charges are expected. More good signs they are serious about this case and the noose is tightening. No one is wavering. No one appears bought off (yet). The powerful seem to always get off, but i hold a glimmer of hope on this one. Early days though. The best news would be if Ital Thai gives him the boot. It's the right thing to do. He has wrecked their reputation and is a total scum bag. A man with elephant tusks in his house out killing critically endangered black panthers is their new company image. Dump him.


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