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Chairman of the US Chiefs of Staffs confirms strong military ties to PM Prayut


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Chairman of the US Chiefs of Staffs confirms strong military ties to the PM



File photo: Gen Joseph Dunford (2015). Source: Wikipedia


BANGKOK, 8th February 2018 (NNT) – The Thai and US armies have reaffirmed their strong ties and shared goals of regional peace and stability. 

Chairman of the United States’ Chiefs of Staff Gen Joseph Dunford has met with Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-ocha as a guest of the Royal Thai Army, confirming the long standing relationship between the US and Thai militaries. He is the highest ranking US military representative to have visited Thailand so far and took up the visit as an affirmation of the strong ties between the two nations. 

Gen Prayut remarked to Gen Dunford that he was pleased to see the US continuing to devote attention to its strategic partnership with Thailand last year and that the two countries were able to elevate their military and defense relations effectively and in all areas. He pointed to the annual Cobra Gold joint training session as an indication the two countries continue to share the same aspirations for the region. 

The PM informed Gen Dunford of Thailand’s development road map and on how organic laws are being deliberated to allow for a general election and for democracy to strengthen in Thailand. 

The chairman of the Chiefs of Staff later engaged in talks with Minister of Defense Gen Prawit Wongsuwan on security in the Asia-Pacific, military ties between Thailand and the US and on furthering the 70 years plus relationship.

-- nnt 2018-02-08


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1 hour ago, webfact said:

The PM informed Gen Dunford of Thailand’s development road map and on how organic laws are being deliberated to allow for a general election and for democracy to strengthen in Thailand. 

Likely dialogue:

GD  "Roadmap? . . . get away! Is that so you can let the folks know how things are progressing?"

PM  "Yes, it's an idea I came up with, before meeting your big boss at the White House. . . . wanting to show him that there were brains inside that big smile of mine. I gave him some shit about our legendary organic laws, too; being deliberated to allow for a general election and for democracy to strengthen in Thailand ."

GD  "You don't say! Excuse me a minute, will you . . . something's just come up."

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The PM informed Gen Dunford of Thailand’s development road map and on how organic laws are being deliberated to allow for a general election and for democracy to strengthen in Thailand. 


Did not Prayut say to Trump laast year that elections will be called in November 2017 stating a date or am I suffering from Thai dementia  like Prayut?


Is organic laws like organic food?


In summary what a load of political information which is not information!


Sounds like the US wants to nuke Nth Korea and that's their best attempt to say to Thailand dig a big bomb shelter!

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US needs this area strategically, and Thailand needs the US to always stay away from being invaded as Thailand plays the Communist countries and the Democratic countries pendulum's both ways. Believe me, it is nothing to do with him, so again no self back patting that can be done. Scooby Doo could be PM or Top Brass General and have the same result. 

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Thailand doesn't need the USA.

USA needs Thailand as a strategic base against China.  I recall reading somewhere that the USA wanting to open a military base in Udonthani and a navy base near Bangkok (same as in Vietnam war days) and Thaksin was up for it.

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3 hours ago, wavemanwww said:

The PM informed Gen Dunford of Thailand’s development road map and on how organic laws are being deliberated to allow for a general election and for democracy to strengthen in Thailand. 


Did not Prayut say to Trump laast year that elections will be called in November 2017 stating a date or am I suffering from Thai dementia  like Prayut?


I think you meant to say,  in November 2018, not 2017 ?




One can only hope that a military-leader of PM Prayuth's experience doesn't let anything delay his promised-election, no excuses and no further delays. :whistling:

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10 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

the meeting

Gen Prayut: I visit Donald Trump last year. I like his hair. And eyebrows. Do you do fitness? You look fit. I can Muay Thai, you know, kick boxing. I am a kick boxer! I have a article I can use anytime I want, it's really strong, I call it 44, it's a code but I forgot for what. My brother from another mother has many watches, if you want to know the time I can ask him. My wife's handbag is made in Thailand. Do you have a wife? What brand handbag she has?I can speak to frogs.

Gen Dunford:...?!

You forgot picking lottery numbers from pigs

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The annoying truth of the Thai/US relationship is that, at least for one participant, it's an anachronism from a previous time.

The US doesn't 'need' Thailand, as much as Thailand likes to think.

Economically, Thailand is a third tier partner. Militarily it was only ever useful in the Vietnam War days as a bulwark to Communist expansionism.

In the military sphere, Thailand has only ever demonstrated it's military prowess as an 'internal' force, it's track record outside of internal repression is shall we say, 'patchy'

It's ironic that the US military now see's Vietnam, with a military proven as a credible force to counter China expansion as a more reliable partner than Thailand, who seem more willing to kowtow to Beijing's requirements to extract 'troublesome' folks than to actually stand up for principles and fight.

The US will in public at least, continue to make soothing statements of ongoing friendship, while strategically sidelining Thailand in fvor of countries willing to actually make a stand.

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