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Honesty is the best policy, its gone form nothing to 5,000 plus paying for her flat (10,000). If you did not matey I reckon a bloke or the Police would have you before you got to the Airport to re-install your brain.


Look Chaaman, i am not getting into a slagging match with someone who cant grow up. I was saying there is a difference. My Girlfriend wanted no money for 3 weeks. I offered to give her 5000b at the end of 3 weeks to pay for her room. She never asked. And what i am trying to say would a prostitue do that. Just admit you are wrong. :o:D:D:D

george...sorry about this...never expected things to get out of hand...

First time I see you start a thread, Tutsi.

And a good one.

The kind attracting our dear troller friends.

Why? Shit is a powerful word in their vocabulary, one of the few they know.

You should not have mentioned it.

You should have talked about love only.

They would not have understood and would have left your thread alone.

Well, too late,... :o


Tutsi, sorry for all that but it pisses me off when someone slags off bar girls, girls are all different no matter what they do for a living, in thailand or anywhere else in the world. So why do some idiots have to constantly put them down. Not everyone can be as perfect as the idiots who think the girls are lower than them. Im pleased to find out you married a bg and are happy. I hope my journey with my Girl goes the same way.

I hope my journey with my Girl goes the same way.

Don't worry it will, crap everyday until she gets the passport and divorce settlement.

Good luck you will need it,oh but of course yours is different isn't she?

Im pleased to find out you married a bg and are happy. I hope my journey with my Girl goes the same way.

Don't believe everything Tutsi write or anybody else on this forum for that matter,...

Good luck, anyway. :o


bluecat...I always post with the best of intentions...I hoped that the fecal reference would be viewed in context (as well as the bar girl reference) but to no avail.

Never was there a story of more woe, than this of tutsi the woebegone...

as the Prince said 'if you do not heed tutsiwarrior then all are punished...all are punished'...

I met my wife in the usual circumstances...a bar and etc. We had a good time together and I sized her up for what I wanted for a mate...intelligent, good looking and remarkably resourceful. She came out to join me in the UAE after I arranged her visa and we settled in. She then became violently ill with gastritis after a couple of weeks...I recognized the symptoms from descriptions of others. She couldn't hold any food or fluids down.

I needed to see if her bowel function was OK so she shat in my hands so I could check for blood. She remained seriously ill and I became aware that she might be dehydrating. I called the hospital and a doctor came around with an ambulance and confirmed my diagnosis...severe dehydration and a gastro-intestinal virus...

We went to the hospital and she was wheeled into a room under a sheet with one small claw extended. I sat next to her bed and wept...my responsibility to guarantee a good life with me and I failed to protect her.

So don't tell me nothing about falangs and whores...I've been happily married now for 4 years. As the old song goes...'I'm getting awfully mad...you better move on...'

surely holding a siv under her ass would have been easier and a lot less sticky :o

I hoped that the fecal reference would be viewed in context (as well as the bar girl reference) but to no avail.

Don't worry, Tutsi. They'll learn (at least some of them,... ) :o:D



chaaman & dutchy are you from the same trailer park as erco,duckypoos & polo etc.

bg or not, if a man marrys a girl here and their happy together. so what.

<deleted> are you to comment.

my wife worked in a restaurant then a pub, you can kiss my ass if you don't like that.

good luck to you and your wife tutsi.

bigspuds, don't listen to the little people with small minds.


married a b/g too,could not be happier!!nothing wrong with that!!!!better than any woman i dated in europ(maybe i always picked the wrong ones)thankfully i got mrs.right now

george...sorry about this...never expected things to get out of hand...

shut it down...3, 2, 1

Tutsi, I am not george, but I can shut it down for you.

To be honest, I thought at first you were trolling. I have never come acroos a post of yours that actually offers any personal info (that I can believe atleast :o ) but that it just you, this is why I thought it might have been a troll on your behalf.

Alas it appears it isn't. All the more power for you tutsi, BG's, Gogo girls, and virgin girls are all still girls, they all have the same assets even though they may vary. To have gone through what you did for the love of a woman makes you one heck of a man in my eyes, I was down with the same sickness whilst I was in S Korea, spent a lot of time in hospital connected to a drip to save my life. You have risen in my estimation of you mate. I was alone when I went through my troubles, and to be honest I am not sure I would have wanted anyone to see what I went through amoeobic dysentry is not fun and one heck of a beast to get rid of, to have suffered through as an observer your a better man than I had given you credit for.

More power to you...

As to closing this thread down, it seems to have picked up just for now, but I, and the other mods will be keeping an eye on it...

Cheers Tuts.


davethailand...where indeed do these <deleted> come from? I initiated this thread to indicate to the world that my wife used to work in a bar but that did not prevent me from becoming her loving husband available to check her shit for blood when she became ill. Then the <deleted> came out of the woodwork...people that I thought were OK like Dutchy and Guesthouse revealed themselves as class 'A' idiots. Chaaman and his ilk are dumb trollers that love the opportunity to trash falangs and their arrangements with local women.

Well, fukc them...I know who they are and the web is a free medium...free for me to say 'I fukced your mother last night and she wasn't worth a shit...' (happy now darling?)


tutsiwarrior, that is probably the best post that I have ever read - bar none.

Thank you.

This guy is willing to tell the truth about himself and lay it on the line for us to think about, not make up a bunch of phony bullshit like everyone else, and these "people" are so small, that they are going to attack him for it?

tutsiwarrior is acting like a man. What a bunch of pathetic losers you ######s are giving him sh1t. You have never proved it like this before.

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