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I said and I said and I said... don't sell RvP - come January whoever is second of Man Utd or City will still buy him for the title push. And if not he'll be important in keeping us in the hunt for third/fourth (acceptance of our highest likely finish!!)...

With the history of crazy January transfer amounts did Wenger really think he'd miss out on a sum for Persie from Chelsea or the Manchester clubs! No UECL but City have bombed out of that anyway and Chelsea look likely to - big bag of cash in January no problemo, hell he might even have stayed with Carzola et al feeding him.

Every time Wenger capitulates in final seasons he makes a rod for his back - first sign of these blackmail tactics he should get rid or stand strong not this wait until the final season because the player dictates so...

34 years I've supported this club and to see the disrespect from this new brand of player, pisses me right off!

You appear to be contradicting yourself. What's your point? Van Persie indicated he would be staying and then changed his mind after his agent had conducted discussions with other clubs. Once he said he wasn't staying, he was sold.

I can't see what else Wenger could do other than give in to his demands. And I'm glad he didn't.

My point was, it should never get down to the final season for a player you want to keep...

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I said and I said and I said... don't sell RvP - come January whoever is second of Man Utd or City will still buy him for the title push. And if not he'll be important in keeping us in the hunt for third/fourth (acceptance of our highest likely finish!!)...

With the history of crazy January transfer amounts did Wenger really think he'd miss out on a sum for Persie from Chelsea or the Manchester clubs! No UECL but City have bombed out of that anyway and Chelsea look likely to - big bag of cash in January no problemo, hell he might even have stayed with Carzola et al feeding him.

Every time Wenger capitulates in final seasons he makes a rod for his back - first sign of these blackmail tactics he should get rid or stand strong not this wait until the final season because the player dictates so...

34 years I've supported this club and to see the disrespect from this new brand of player, pisses me right off!

You appear to be contradicting yourself. What's your point? Van Persie indicated he would be staying and then changed his mind after his agent had conducted discussions with other clubs. Once he said he wasn't staying, he was sold.

I can't see what else Wenger could do other than give in to his demands. And I'm glad he didn't.

My point was, it should never get down to the final season for a player you want to keep...

Contracts are a two way thing. It takes both parties to agree a move.

You might remember a vile scumbag called Sol Campbell that refused a lucrative transfer only to let his contract run its course and deny his boyhood club a fee in the region of 17m at the time.

It might also remind you that Nasri, Fabregas and Van Persie all allowed Arsenal to have their payday on leaving the club and saw right by Arsenal. I wouldn't complain too much. You could have had a no good mercenary wrong 'un undermine your teams moral see his contract out and leave for nothing. So just to reiterate..... He's a vile scumbag

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As I said at least 18 months ago on here ....

If a club is going somewhere - ie has the vision and a clear plan to put itself permanently in the top 5 of Europe, ground that Arseanl occupied until 8 years ago, all this shit dissipates. Do Man U, RM, Barca and Bayern have this problem - nah (dramatically less so anyway).

Arsenal have been too focussed on (unnecessarily) prudent financial management, reliance on the FFP saving their day and playing the very long game. Easy to be wise after the event but many Arsenal fans like me have been saying it for a couple of seasons. Yes that strategy will probably eventually work, but its gonna take another 3 or 4 seasons to correct the damage of a spineless management strategy. Even if we now suddenly have loads a money, Wenger is not the manager to take us into the new era. Many thought he would be kicked upstairs this time last season but he pulled off a stunning run post February. I cant see that happening twice, so I predict for the third season in a row that hell be replaced by the end of the season.

Lifelong supporters and Wenger acolytes - feel free to enter your hate mail below (yes he does have many good qualities but also some poor ones, yes the owner and CEO is equally at fault). I recognise, as some Spud alluded to above, that I am one of those hateful Johhny-come-lately prawn sandwich wallahs so I`m an easy targetbiggrin.png.

In Wenger I don`t trust.

And the answer to the obvious first response is that an executive team with vision and excellent finances looking forward should have the balls to target a manager like Guardiola, Mourinho or be looking to bed in one of the next generation mega managers like Martinez. Why should it be assumed that great managers will only go to where the money is right now

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You might remember a vile scumbag called Sol Campbell that refused a lucrative transfer only to let his contract run its course and deny his boyhood club a fee in the region of 17m at the time.

Of course I remember him. He had to join Arsenal to win the league at White Hart Lane.


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If Wenger exchanges Theo for Downing he might as well sign his own resignation letter at the same time. It would be further evidence of same old same old from Wenger. Press spouts all kinds of transfer rumours at this stage so I'll reserve my anger.

Still like the club and its overall ethos and tradition Smokes. You dont change your wife just because she's going through a bad patch --- oooh hang on I think I did that once! Yes I like Wigan but I had enough of following small clubs through my teens and twenties.

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Just heard from a gooner mate that Downings joining you in january, he's normally good with info.

Poppycock and balderdash. Wishful thinking from some spotty glory hunter that started supporting us in 1998 and wants Wenger out.

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Just heard from a gooner mate that Downings joining you in january, he's normally good with info.

Poppycock and balderdash. Wishful thinking from some spotty glory hunter that started supporting us in 1998 and wants Wenger out.

You sound worried already

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Just heard from a gooner mate that Downings joining you in january, he's normally good with info.

He will be lucky to get a job back at boro they way it is going.

The truth is that Rodgers has lost Liverpool loads of money already with his character assassination of any player that he doesn't like.....surely he has to wise up to the mistakes of publicly slating footballers even if they are <deleted> so as to reclaim something back to spend when the transfer market opens again.

Total spend 37 million........... redeemed 9 million since he took over including spending over 10 million on a player he has had before and isn't very good.

He might be lucky and get 5 million for Downing .....Carroll i don't know....Henderson and Cole another two who he doesn't(publicly)like!

And Liverpool fans think they will spend big money in the transfer window?? I think it depends on what they can get back first Rodgers is already into the club for a loss of 26 million..No wonder he came out with a grovelling thanks for the boards support this week.

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I will however go so far as to say I think Walcott will be on his toes.

I'm sure his agent has already negotiated a 5m signing on fee and 100k a week somewhere in the summer (the mickey mousers if they can afford it).

I would like Wenger to spend some of his new found winnings on young Zaha to replace him.

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Getting rid of Walcott and replacing him with the promising Zaha would be good business after all Walcott is always hot and cold never been a consistently top performer,he just thinks he is good.

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Apart from Walcotts one early hot moment another poor first half performance from us. No control of midfield (Wilshere non-existent) and Arteta looking slow at DM. Everton giving a polished energetic performance and allowing us no time on the ball. Mistakes abounding from Arsenal.

Arsenals best hope are an Everton energy fade, another couple of strokes of brilliance from Cazorla /Walcott or Everton down to 10 men, which is always a possibility with Evertons physicality. Osman could go double yellow. Fellainin lucky not to be in the same category.

Mid table beckons - need to step up to the plate big time lads!

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A welcome stolen point after a scrappy second half just about keeps the wolf from the door, but that was a mid table performance from us.

On paper an easier schedule in the Xmas run up. We need it to recoup some form of enthusiasm and teamwork

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As a fan, it was pretty frustrating to watch as we kept giving the ball away cheaply and didn't score a 2nd goal. Of course, AW says a draw was a "good result" in terms of the players showing good spirit icon22.gif

In my eyes, their performance wasn't good enough. I think we should have won. Everton isn't as good as their place in the table would suggest. Something i've noticed that's missing is the beautiful, flowing pass game we used to use to score goals from w/in the opposition's penalty box . . . Maybe that was lost when our best players kept leaving the team over the past couple years.

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As a fan, it was pretty frustrating to watch as we kept giving the ball away cheaply and didn't score a 2nd goal. Of course, AW says a draw was a "good result" in terms of the players showing good spirit icon22.gif

In my eyes, their performance wasn't good enough. I think we should have won. Everton isn't as good as their place in the table would suggest. Something i've noticed that's missing is the beautiful, flowing pass game we used to use to score goals from w/in the opposition's penalty box . . . Maybe that was lost when our best players kept leaving the team over the past couple years.

There was a time when I would have gleefully nicked your manager.

Not any more. coffee1.gif

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Dreadful. Outplayed and outclassed. This team is going downhill fast. No striker for much of the match and Podolski, Gervinho and Walcott lousy.

How they would love Michu, his goals were class.

Indeed, class goals from the EPL joint top-scorer in what is developing into a class side - especially considering that the two stars from the previous Wednesday, Pablo and Routledge, were out with injuries.. Will the Gooners be looking forward to a trip to the Liberty in the FA Cup? The Arsenal aren't as bad a side as some say and it will be close.

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Yes, I agree Citizen. At the mo we are worse than the sum of the parts whereas in many seasons past we have been better as a team than the collective skills of individual players.

I'm not giving up on top 4 yet, but it's clear Wenger has to break tradition at the January window and - at the very least - get a striker (a lead striker, like Hunterlaar), an experienced back-up left back and probably a lead DMF. Arteta is only papering over the cracks at that position (just about adequately, but he looks awkward there to me and always likely to give the ball away); he needs to be up with Cazorla to create more and strike some goals. Very likely a replacement for Walcott is needed too, since our management seem incapable of hanging onto anyone who fancies themselves in a 'big (spending) team'.

As many of Santos, Djouro, Chamakh, [Arshavin and Diaby?] as possible need to be offloaded to balance wages. Bendtner can stay at Juventus until May - I still have hopes he will be worth something one day!

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