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Is your CL qualifier on CTH? I've cleared my schedule to watch this. Think of the ramifications of not qualifying!!

It's on True Visions.

Haha yes we are all looking forward to that one! clap2.gif

And the reception you will get when we meet the following week....biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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First game of the season. Fans start leaving the stadium with 10 minutes to goblink.png

Fans singing "You Dont Know What You're Doing"giggle.gif

Its the Arsenal fans who are the joke here. I didnt realise until yesterday what fairweather supporters they really are.bah.gif

I dunno what it is on these threads with this flat-cap macho true grit whippet under the arm lamb pie and a cup of hot bovril share a freezing windy stadium with 30,000 like minded souls who were born round the corner, neo romanticist $hit view on football supporting.

Football is a mega world-wide business now if you have not noticed J&D. There's many forms of supporting a team and just cos you can have a bitch now and then and want to change the management 'aint no reason to condemn the new type of paying punter.

Get over it, or wait for the catastrophic strike that afflicts all dinosaursbiggrin.png

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First game of the season. Fans start leaving the stadium with 10 minutes to goblink.png

Fans singing "You Dont Know What You're Doing"giggle.gif

Its the Arsenal fans who are the joke here. I didnt realise until yesterday what fairweather supporters they really are.bah.gif

I dunno what it is on these threads with this flat-cap macho true grit whippet under the arm lamb pie and a cup of hot bovril share a freezing windy stadium with 30,000 like minded souls who were born round the corner, neo romanticist $hit view on football supporting.

Football is a mega world-wide business now if you have not noticed J&D. There's many forms of supporting a team and just cos you can have a bitch now and then and want to change the management 'aint no reason to condemn the new type of paying punter.

Get over it, or wait for the catastrophic strike that afflicts all dinosaursbiggrin.png

I never enjoyed being pissed on by the upper stands either. rolleyes.gif

You better get used to it this season Santi. biggrin.png

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First game of the season. Fans start leaving the stadium with 10 minutes to goblink.png

Fans singing "You Dont Know What You're Doing"giggle.gif

Its the Arsenal fans who are the joke here. I didnt realise until yesterday what fairweather supporters they really are.bah.gif

how exactly are they fair weather supporters ?

they have been pointing out and trying to send a message to the board and Wenger for years now, that they are not happy with the way the club is being run. whilst being fobbed off with the same old excuses all the time.

it was the club that decided to move from Highbury to the Emirates with the explanation for relocating being to be able to compete with the so called big boys in the premier league and CL respectively.

they have excepted it for so long now that it does not wash anymore. the powers that be won't let the Russian take control and also one important thing to remember is that season tickets are'nt cheap considering now the club says it has the money now to go forward after paying off the stadium debt.

just how would you feel then Jack ?

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First game of the season. Fans start leaving the stadium with 10 minutes to goblink.png

Fans singing "You Dont Know What You're Doing"giggle.gif

Its the Arsenal fans who are the joke here. I didnt realise until yesterday what fairweather supporters they really are.bah.gif

how exactly are they fair weather supporters ?

they have been pointing out and trying to send a message to the board and Wenger for years now, that they are not happy with the way the club is being run. whilst being fobbed off with the same old excuses all the time.

it was the club that decided to move from Highbury to the Emirates with the explanation for relocating being to be able to compete with the so called big boys in the premier league and CL respectively.

they have excepted it for so long now that it does not wash anymore. the powers that be won't let the Russian take control and also one important thing to remember is that season tickets are'nt cheap considering now the club says it has the money now to go forward after paying off the stadium debt.

just how would you feel then Jack ?

I hate to see any club being bled dry tigerfish...but I will make an exception in this case. tongue.png

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First game of the season. Fans start leaving the stadium with 10 minutes to goblink.png

Fans singing "You Dont Know What You're Doing"giggle.gif

Its the Arsenal fans who are the joke here. I didnt realise until yesterday what fairweather supporters they really are.bah.gif

how exactly are they fair weather supporters ?

they have been pointing out and trying to send a message to the board and Wenger for years now, that they are not happy with the way the club is being run. whilst being fobbed off with the same old excuses all the time.

it was the club that decided to move from Highbury to the Emirates with the explanation for relocating being to be able to compete with the so called big boys in the premier league and CL respectively.

they have excepted it for so long now that it does not wash anymore. the powers that be won't let the Russian take control and also one important thing to remember is that season tickets are'nt cheap considering now the club says it has the money now to go forward after paying off the stadium debt.

just how would you feel then Jack ?

Well if it was as bad as all that, and I was as seriously as p!ssed off as what you are suggesting, then I most certainly would NOT be paying the highest season ticket price in the premiership, or the highest stand price ticket in the premiership, just so I can b!tch and moan and leave the game earlyblink.pngcheesy.gif

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I read somewhere that Wenger employed a rugby coach lol.

Arsenal,again,were outfought,by a bit of muscle and they dont like it up em.

Villa were far rougher than Stoke are,Wenger hardly coplained,and the ref was abysmal in all fairness,but to be honest,Arsenal showed no heart,grit,guts,strenght,they did show tippy tappy again

Dirt dirty Arsenal hehehehehe

Edited by somtampet
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Wouldn't it be funny if Benteke scored a hat-trick at the Emirates on Saturday. Don't get me wrong I hate Villa with a vengeance, but to see them win on Saturday will be so so sweet.

More twittering sparrow than proud cock!

Lol..... Twittering sparrow here, hoping to be a big proud cockerel in a few hours. Devastating afternoon for you gooners, I feel so ver sorry for you guys. On the Liverpool and Man Yoo dispays it is abundantly clear now that you'll be fortunate to make 7th spot. ARSEne to resign or get pushed before January. Just wondering who would be a better manager..... Micky Mouse is available I think.

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Extract from arsenal.com

on who picked up injuries during the game…
Oxlade-Chamberlain, Gibbs, Sagna. Gibbs has a deep cut. Sagna and Rosicky have problems. Wilshere - I don't know how he will respond after the full 90 minutes. Ramsey has a problem after a kick at his ankle. On that front, we have done quite well.

on why money hasn't been spent…
I can return your question. Could we have won the game with the players that were on the pitch today? That's for me the real question. And I say yes. After that, if we do not spend the money, it's because we do not find the players. I'm not the only one to work on that. We are a team who work on that. We are ready to buy the players if we find that the players are good enough for us. That's all we can tell you.

Injuries extremely worrying for Wednesday.

Delusional comments from Arsene about whether or not that team could have beaten Villa - point is that this team will go nowhere this season without reinforcement; not good enough to imply that players available to buy 'may not be good enough for us'. Smacks of Gerald Ratner -type corporate resignation speechfacepalm.gif . Arsene has two weeks to salvage a brilliant career. Fat chance sellers can already smell the fear/blood!

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First game of the season. Fans start leaving the stadium with 10 minutes to goblink.png

Fans singing "You Dont Know What You're Doing"giggle.gif

Its the Arsenal fans who are the joke here. I didnt realise until yesterday what fairweather supporters they really are.bah.gif

how exactly are they fair weather supporters ?

they have been pointing out and trying to send a message to the board and Wenger for years now, that they are not happy with the way the club is being run. whilst being fobbed off with the same old excuses all the time.

it was the club that decided to move from Highbury to the Emirates with the explanation for relocating being to be able to compete with the so called big boys in the premier league and CL respectively.

they have excepted it for so long now that it does not wash anymore. the powers that be won't let the Russian take control and also one important thing to remember is that season tickets are'nt cheap considering now the club says it has the money now to go forward after paying off the stadium debt.

just how would you feel then Jack ?

Well if it was as bad as all that, and I was as seriously as p!ssed off as what you are suggesting, then I most certainly would NOT be paying the highest season ticket price in the premiership, or the highest stand price ticket in the premiership, just so I can b!tch and moan and leave the game earlyblink.pngcheesy.gif

still better than supporting a club where it's owners us it as a shield to deflect attentions away from what really goes on in Abu Dhabi. wink.png

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Those salivating at the prospect of an Arsenal exit from the Champions League should be careful of what they wish for. In the medium and long term it's looking like the best thing that could happen to the club at this juncture to promote the changes that are necessary!

I still of course find it impossible to hope that this happens and indeed football is littered with examples of management/ownership structures that have clung on for far too long and driven their clubs deeper into the dirt.

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Apparently we've bid 10m for Cabaye. Since Gazidis is the one handling transfers, I think he is the one who should be ridiculed for taking the piss.

Newcastle, naturally, have laughed it out of the front door.

If he thinks he's being clever trying to get bargains, he'll now find he's shot himself in the foot and the prices are going to go through the ceiling.

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interesting to hear today that honorary vice president lady Nina Bracewell - Smith now regrets having sold her 15.9 % shares in the club to Kroenke after pressure from the board came when David Dein sold his shares to Usmanov.

her reasons being that she feels Usmanov is more of a fan of the Arsenal and has the best interests of the club at heart. where as Kroenke just wants to run it as a business and couldn't care less about football.

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interesting to hear today that honorary vice president lady Nina Bracewell - Smith now regrets having sold her 15.9 % shares in the club to Kroenke after pressure from the board came when David Dein sold his shares to Usmanov.

her reasons being that she feels Usmanov is more of a fan of the Arsenal and has the best interests of the club at heart. where as Kroenke just wants to run it as a business and couldn't care less about football.

Too late now lol....I reckon he will milk it for a while yet....biggrin.png

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Another transfer target for the Arse. Maybe not so fanciful as Lopez kept his place in goal with Casillas on the bench. Lopez is certainly an excellent keeper but many thought it was more Mourinho's dislike that was keeping the Spanish keeper on the bench. Now it looks like he may be in for an extended spell as 2nd choice with Ancellotti as well.


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interesting to hear today that honorary vice president lady Nina Bracewell - Smith now regrets having sold her 15.9 % shares in the club to Kroenke after pressure from the board came when David Dein sold his shares to Usmanov.

her reasons being that she feels Usmanov is more of a fan of the Arsenal and has the best interests of the club at heart. where as Kroenke just wants to run it as a business and couldn't care less about football.

I'm not a big fan, she's like a bargirl who inherited her old farang husband's wealth and now thinks she's landed gentry.

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I am absolutely loving this.... Come on you gooners get yer <deleted> across to Turkey and support your team. I reckon a tidy 3-0 home win should warm your Board up a bit.....lol

Isn't there a FIFA/court ruling still to be made regards Fenerbace.

Sadly they might well get a ban and Arsenal a pass. What a waste of a CL place that would be.

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Football is a mega world-wide business now if you have not noticed J&D.

And if that's the case, ours is being run quite badly at the moment. They are turning a silk purse into a sow's ear.

You have to watch the video.......priceless. Get that man a beer!
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I think the Gooners are overreacting a bit. Arsenal should definitely have brought in some new talent, but otherwise are the same club that placed fourth. Wilshere and Ramsey are healthy. They could use a defensive stopper and another forward. They still have some on the wounded list, but you can't predict those. Monreal back soon.

They didn't respond as well as liked to the rugby pressure of Villa, but that won't happen every game, and they won't be down to 10 men every game either.

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I am absolutely loving this.... Come on you gooners get yer <deleted> across to Turkey and support your team. I reckon a tidy 3-0 home win should warm your Board up a bit.....lol

Isn't there a FIFA/court ruling still to be made regards Fenerbace.

Sadly they might well get a ban and Arsenal a pass. What a waste of a CL place that would be.

If it comes to it you would think CL would promote into the competition the best performing team from the qualifiers. Could be on points and goals? Just a thought.

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Football is a mega world-wide business now if you have not noticed J&D.

And if that's the case, ours is being run quite badly at the moment. They are turning a silk purse into a sow's ear.


You have to watch the video.......priceless. Get that man a beer!

Could the mods have this pinned.

I don't know why the big baby getting so wound up. I mean, its not as if they were ever going to win anything anyway.

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