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does anyone have details of the Arsenal matches in Singapore against Stoke and Everton?

Ere they being televised here or will it just be on Arsenal Player

Dunno - I have True and CTH, neither of which have populated their online TV programming schedules yet for the usual suspect sport channels on the evening of Saturday 18th July.

I'll look again mid next week if I remember and post details (I'm not going to be paranoid about missing such training/exhibition matches but I'd certainly check the games out if I was around).

Chicog may be along with better info.

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Team captain, Arteta's contract has been extended by one year. Can't say I'm wildly excited by that. Hope that Arsene doesn't feel obliged to play the team captain too much.

At least that paves the way to say goodbye to Mathieu Flamini who did a good short term job when our defence was in crisis a couple of years or so ago but is past his sell by date now.

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Sterling to Man City and Schneiderlin/Sweinsteiger to Man Utd.

Not saying that I particularly would want any of these at Arsenal (Schneiderlin yes, if there is a good explanation to why he was not evident in the back third of last season - ie injury properly recovered from?), but it does make this Gunner a bit twitchy about the boss's notoriously long (and hopefully careful) look at the Summer transfer window.

Makes me get nervous when one goalkeeper and an extension to Arteta's contract is all we can show for uprating the defence.

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Sterling to Man City and Schneiderlin/Sweinsteiger to Man Utd.

Not saying that I particularly would want any of these at Arsenal (Schneiderlin yes, if there is a good explanation to why he was not evident in the back third of last season - ie injury properly recovered from?), but it does make this Gunner a bit twitchy about the boss's notoriously long (and hopefully careful) look at the Summer transfer window.

Makes me get nervous when one goalkeeper and an extension to Arteta's contract is all we can show for uprating the defence.

Has Flamini left yet ? Hold that train !smile.png

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Sterling to Man City and Schneiderlin/Sweinsteiger to Man Utd.

Not saying that I particularly would want any of these at Arsenal (Schneiderlin yes, if there is a good explanation to why he was not evident in the back third of last season - ie injury properly recovered from?), but it does make this Gunner a bit twitchy about the boss's notoriously long (and hopefully careful) look at the Summer transfer window.

Makes me get nervous when one goalkeeper and an extension to Arteta's contract is all we can show for uprating the defence.

Has Flamini left yet ? Hold that train !smile.png

Don't go there !!

Rumoured to be signing for a Ligue 2 team I think, but still on the squad per the web-site. Could not find his mug, on shots of the plane to Singapore, thank god! But maybe he was sneaked into the hold - two back to back games (2 hour break) potentially to be played in a 3-way Stoke/Everton pony show on Saturday, so he would have had a useful last makeweight role.

[He was of course a useful panic buy for half a season]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arsene reportedly considering punting on Dzeko. Were it to be true and borne out of absence of other better options, I think I'd rather work with existing resources and sign up a blockbuster next year.

The sardonic side of me would say that having bought half a striker from one side of Manchester last year it doesn't make it right to buy the other half striker from the other side of Manchestertongue.png

What say you Chicog? Probably - "journos, summer yada yada"

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Arsene reportedly considering punting on Dzeko. Were it to be true and borne out of absence of other better options, I think I'd rather work with existing resources and sign up a blockbuster next year.

The sardonic side of me would say that having bought half a striker from one side of Manchester last year it doesn't make it right to buy the other half striker from the other side of Manchestertongue.png

What say you Chicog? Probably - "journos, summer yada yada"

Dzeko is an energetic striker with a great work ethic. I'm sure he will fit in well with your squad and provide endless highlights.whistling.gif

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Arsene reportedly considering punting on Dzeko. Were it to be true and borne out of absence of other better options, I think I'd rather work with existing resources and sign up a blockbuster next year.

The sardonic side of me would say that having bought half a striker from one side of Manchester last year it doesn't make it right to buy the other half striker from the other side of Manchestertongue.png

What say you Chicog? Probably - "journos, summer yada yada"

Dzeko is an energetic striker with a great work ethic. I'm sure he will fit in well with your squad and provide endless highlights.whistling.gif

You joker. The bloke is a skinny Bendtner :)

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Well a decent start to the Emirates Cup.

Lyon are a CL team and put out a full side, and it was obvious from some of the challenges coming in that they weren't taking it lightly, but in truth we played them off the lush Ashburton turf.

Ollie opened the scoring with a text book header from a cross in the 29th minute.

The Ox rampaging down the wing blasted across the keeper from the right in the 34th.

Iwobi's first time far post strike in the 35th left the keeper helpless (he's Jay Jay Okocha's nephew and Wenger rates him very highly by all accounts).

Ozil slid in a peach of a pass for Ramsey to nip in and toepoke past the keeper on 38.

4-0 at half time and expected a less energetic second half, which also featured appearances from Akpom, Hairteta, Santi, Theo, Hayden and Reine Adelaide.

But Ozil got on the score sheet on the hour with a great shot across the keeper from the left.

And Santi flummoxed the Lyon wall by shaping to curl a free kick over them, instead of which he paused slightly and smashed a daisycutter into the bottom corner instead, after they nicely jumped out of the way of the ball.

A pleasing performance, the side look settled and the replacements slotted in seamlessly.

Lyon had a few half chances, but when they did Martinez was up to the job.

I think Cech might play tomorrow, since Chezza appears to be off to Italy, where apparently no-one has told that Chezza is easier to say than his real name.

Looks like another year finishing above the pub team up the road.


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Well a decent start to the Emirates Cup.

Lyon are a CL team and put out a full side, and it was obvious from some of the challenges coming in that they weren't taking it lightly, but in truth we played them off the lush Ashburton turf.

Ollie opened the scoring with a text book header from a cross in the 29th minute.

The Ox rampaging down the wing blasted across the keeper from the right in the 34th.

Iwobi's first time far post strike in the 35th left the keeper helpless (he's Jay Jay Okocha's nephew and Wenger rates him very highly by all accounts).

Ozil slid in a peach of a pass for Ramsey to nip in and toepoke past the keeper on 38.

4-0 at half time and expected a less energetic second half, which also featured appearances from Akpom, Hairteta, Santi, Theo, Hayden and Reine Adelaide.

But Ozil got on the score sheet on the hour with a great shot across the keeper from the left.

And Santi flummoxed the Lyon wall by shaping to curl a free kick over them, instead of which he paused slightly and smashed a daisycutter into the bottom corner instead, after they nicely jumped out of the way of the ball.

A pleasing performance, the side look settled and the replacements slotted in seamlessly.

Lyon had a few half chances, but when they did Martinez was up to the job.

I think Cech might play tomorrow, since Chezza appears to be off to Italy, where apparently no-one has told that Chezza is easier to say than his real name.

Looks like another year finishing above the pub team up the road.


Posting on here is a bit like talking to yourself chics biggrin.png

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Well a decent start to the Emirates Cup.

Lyon are a CL team and put out a full side, and it was obvious from some of the challenges coming in that they weren't taking it lightly, but in truth we played them off the lush Ashburton turf.

Ollie opened the scoring with a text book header from a cross in the 29th minute.

The Ox rampaging down the wing blasted across the keeper from the right in the 34th.

Iwobi's first time far post strike in the 35th left the keeper helpless (he's Jay Jay Okocha's nephew and Wenger rates him very highly by all accounts).

Ozil slid in a peach of a pass for Ramsey to nip in and toepoke past the keeper on 38.

4-0 at half time and expected a less energetic second half, which also featured appearances from Akpom, Hairteta, Santi, Theo, Hayden and Reine Adelaide.

But Ozil got on the score sheet on the hour with a great shot across the keeper from the left.

And Santi flummoxed the Lyon wall by shaping to curl a free kick over them, instead of which he paused slightly and smashed a daisycutter into the bottom corner instead, after they nicely jumped out of the way of the ball.

A pleasing performance, the side look settled and the replacements slotted in seamlessly.

Lyon had a few half chances, but when they did Martinez was up to the job.

I think Cech might play tomorrow, since Chezza appears to be off to Italy, where apparently no-one has told that Chezza is easier to say than his real name.

Looks like another year finishing above the pub team up the road.


Guess you are watching these on Astro or streaming Chicog? I keep scanning True and CTH in case replays of the competition come up (the Singapore games did actually turn up on CTH a week later but those to$4ers at CTH are so lousy at scheduling anything that I only got to catch one of the Arsenal games. [stoke v Everton was extremely tedious I can tell you that - no effort expanded whatsoever - must have been there for the booze and the birds!]

So while you were watching Arsenal's latest exploits I was taking a peek at an 10 month old U-21 game Villa v us that I just happened upon on CTH Stadium 1. Quite interesting to watch and a reminder that for all the money purchases of recent years, both Bellerin and Coquelain came up from the junior ranks to full effect last year. It also reminded me that it was such a shame to finally have to let loose the African Patient. Diaby's class in that game was clear to see.

Wonder if we will see anyone come through this year. I doubt it will be 2, but judging from the very mature bossing performance up front by Chupa Akpom there must be a fair chance his breakthrough is only a month or two or year or two away.

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It's on BeIn Sport here in the Sandpit and BT Sport, so you should be able to get a stream somewhere.

I think at least three of the kids that got on yesterday will feature in the early rounds of the League or FA Cups, with their contribution depending on who we draw.

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That was a better test of the defence than we've had so far, and they held firm.

Walcott scored the winner but to be honest he was handed so many chances that Stevie Wonder would have knocked one of them in. Central striker he ain't.

It was a different side and lacking in midfield somewhat, but that young Reine-Adelaide looks like the business already and he's only 17.

Will certainly get starts in the cup teams and maybe even on the bench in some Prem games.

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Good old Moronho and his attempts at mind games re other clubs spending being more than Chelski's.....

Methinks he's turned up to this battle of wits unarmed.



2013/14: Andre Schurrle £18m, Marco van Ginkel £8m, Cristian Cuevas £1.7m, Willian £32m, Isaiah Brown £209,000*, Christian Atsu £3.5m, Nemanja Matic £21m, Mohamed Salah £11m, Kurt Zouma £12.5m.

2014/15: Cesc Fabregas £30m, Diego Costa £32m, Mario Pasalic £3m*, Felipe Luis £15.8m, Loic Remy £8.5m, Juan Cuadrado £23.3m.

2015/16: Asmir Begovic £8m, Nathan £4.5m*, Danilo Pantic £1.25m*.

Total: £234.259m.


2013/14: Mesut Ozil £42.5m, Matt Macey £100,000*.

2014/15: Alexis Sanchez £35m, Mathieu Debuchy £12m, David Ospina £3m, Calum Chambers £16m, Danny Welbeck £16m, Krystian Bielik £2.4m, Gabriel Paulista £11.2m.

2015/16: Petr Cech £10m.

Total: £148.2m

*Reported fee

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