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How Do You Know When A Thai Girl Really Likes You

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My GF is an ex BG. She shows me more love and dedication than any UK girl i have ever been with. She never asks for anything, and she's not bothered if when we eventually live together we live in the uk. I'm not rich, far from it in debt up to my eyeballs to be precise. (She knows all this). All she wants is for us to be together all of the time. Is this LOVE? :o

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Take your time..... dont do anything rash or hasty.

All relationships are great at the beginning...... but look at the things that really matter.......and will matter in the years to come.

Just beware cause there are so many who have been bitten badly but yes of course there are some great success stories..... (but unfortunately they are few and far between). Check out www.stickmanbangkok.com for the real insight....

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How much do you give her each month ?

all this about giving girls "said" amount per month.. What do u do? Give her say 10k on the 25th of every month? 2.5 a week, every sunday? Or just dish it out when required, until the thresh hold is reached and say no more till the end of tha month? Or do the more organised make some sort of giro book?

Im not taking the piss or anything, just interested to know.. Coz in my experiance if ya dont specify tha length of string most of em bar girl or not will try taking the hole roll off ya :o

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All she wants is for us to be together all of the time. Is this LOVE? :o

Only you can answer that question my friend. You can only guess if she loves you or at least have a good idea about it. As far as your concerned, only you can decide if you have true love for a person or not. Good luck

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Well, the lead charater in the story is in a somewhat similar situation as yourself. I don't want to spoil the ending but it makes interesting reading how all the characters react to the relationship between a bar girl and a farang. Both a Thai perspective is viewed in stark contrast to the farangs, and a lot of view / stories of bg / farang relationships are portrayed through the book. Might help to see the whole picture or at least a different angle. And its a fun read...

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For 100 pounds sterling, that's cheap for the comfort she's providing you. The knowledge she's there when you get back. Think of it as giving to a third-world disadvantaged person . If she's asking for more than that, give it some serious thought. :o

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Think of it as giving to a third-world disadvantaged person .
what total,pure and utter rubbish.

if you want to help a third world disadvantaged person then give some money to an aids orphanage, an upcountry school,a hospice, the burns victim begging on silom or one of the million other thai causes that need money. money that the brain dead thai politicians are sending to liverpool.

do not give your money to a bar girl.there is nothing third world about the neon glitz and computerized strobe lighting of a thai go-go bar, neither are the bar girls poor third world casualties. they are savvy street wise girls who know very well how to survive, thanks to the naivete and gullibility of so many visitors to this country.

if, however you wish to support someone to continue with a lazy,fun,irresponsible lifestyle whilst you slave away then carry on. prostitution is not a very healthy way to earn a living,physically,emotionally or psychologically and by sending her money you just trap her in a dependant relationship. why should she seek to get out of it whilst the money is rolling in from you and maybe a few other foriegners as well. what incentive is there for her to raise her self esteem. do you think that she really is happy in what she is doing.

if you want to help her and you feel love for her, then get her out of the bar. marry her. make an honest women out of her as the old saying goes.

The knowledge she's there when you get back.

thats right boon mee.... dumb and dumber still...

just keep them dependant and trapped. dumb, and a little nasty too. people like you are the worst kind of bar users, manipulative,underconfident,loud and know-it-all. you know absolutely nothing.

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You dont even know me or my full story so how can you label me?

When i left Los, she got sacked because she refused to go with men (her choice)

She had no Work for 1 week, ( she was living on the money i left her before i left)

A week later she started a job in a shop (Again her choice), after i told her this would be better for her.

The money was less so i helped her pay her rent (i helped)

She beacame lonely as her friends had gone on holidays or home,for several months, so i asked her why she did not go home, she said she would if she had a bit more money and maybe she would try to save some to go home.

I gave her some to go home (She NEVER asked)

Now i send her £100 a month until i return in september.(While she is at home) Then i am buying her a shop (My Choice).(By her family), and will stop sending her money, unless she really needs it. She knows all this and this is her choice.

So now am i still the one making life worse for her?

I have not trapped her, i have given the help for her to have something of her own. If it all goes wrong with us , she has a shop and no longer has to work in the bars.

She told me the way she felt about me before i mentioned money, shops or anything.

Am i still as you say " the worst kind of bar users, manipulative,underconfident,loud and know-it-all. you know absolutely nothing."

I am not a bar user i have been to thailand 3 times, (month each time) She is the 2nd bar girl i have been with.

I admit i dont know every thing, but then again, neither do you!

So before you accuse people, make sure you know the full story!! :o:D

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Read the book.

Not accusing you of anything, other than being a little bit too blue-eyed, perhaps. When you are not here, how do you know it is true what she tells you? Do you know her that well?

-shortly after you left, she got sacked because she didn't go with men? Thinking of you all the time, I guess? Naturally short of cash, but never asked.

-poor dear, her friends left, her all alone stranded in Bkk, not enough money to go home, but never asked.

-and so on..., is her mother in good health? I don't like to imaging the agony befalling her as she would not have enough money to pay the hospital and doc's fee. And she would never ask...

You say, you have only been in Thailand 3x. Do you know how much it is to rent a room in Bkk, is 100quid a month enough to help her pay the rent ? How much(or rather little) money do you think she realistically needs when staying with her parents?

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I did not meet her in BKK, she was sharing a room with her mate in pattaya, her room bill was 2500 per month, i saw it.

I know she worked in a shop as i called her at different times throughout the day and night (as we still do) and could tell she was never in any bars and was in her shop. Her parents are relatively young and in good health, and i have spoke to nearly every member of her family, (while she is at home).

The money i send her nearly half goes to her family, she told me, and this is ok with me. half gets her what she needs to get by.

As for never asking for money she knows she can ask at anytime and i will send more, she has known this for about 3 months, but she said its ok, and she doesnt need any, and the more i save the quicker i can see her.

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big spuds.

Am i still as you say " the worst kind of bar users, manipulative,underconfident,loud and know-it-all. you know absolutely nothing."

my reply was primarily a reply to boon mees posting, and a criticism of his attitude

to bar girls, and my views on people who send money to bar girls, it was not necessarily directed at you.

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